BOB's Spring Daft-Ideals (Daffodils)

Posted on 5th March, 2014

What happened to the gate (part 2)?


Kissing Gate Divorced


The missing historic cast iron gate to South Hill from Bleadon Mill is not the only gate mystery in recent months. The wooden kissing gate on the path from Rectory Way to Purn Way has been seriously modified, hopefully at the landowner/occupiers request and expense (see PROW links). This would normally be very welcome but BOB hears that the 'stop post' has also been removed and it has now completely 'opened the way' to horse riders and motorbikes! I suppose you can't please everyone it seems and I am sure our PC are 'on the case'.


On a related topic, BOB has asked, but as yet to no avail, for a published programme of planned works on our footpaths by the Bleadon Rights of Way volunteer team. Which, if it materializes, might help recruit additional volunteers and also communicate the deep thinking behind any PROW changes and alleviate any concerns. For example, when the 2005 Questionnaire was produced a list of footpath wants & wishes was also provided for the Environmental Working Group. This list could be the basis for Bleadon Rights of Way development as well as the essential maintenance to keep us using them and improving Bleadons 'carbon footprint'. However, this all needs funding, so although the volunteers give their time freely, material resources will also need providing. Hopefully this cost burden will not all fall on our Parish Council budget (like the toilets) and that North Somerset PROW and Landowner/occupiers will continue to fund what is ultimately their legal responsibility to maintain.


The Playground 'Goal Posts' (continued)

Expensive 'Goal Posts'


The luxury 'Ball Wall' wooden posts have now been relocated in the playground (total cost circa £2,000 so far with fencing) and in order to deter children from climbing on them (let's wait and see) they have also been given a 'haircut' so that any children unfortunate to fall while attempting to climb them (as children do) will 'impale' themselves more easily! I'm not sure about the longevity of pressure treated wood preservative but cutting the ends off looks to have exposed the natural wood so I hope that doesn't shorten their life expectancy, especially given their huge cost which brings me on to......


ToadstoolsUn-loved Toadstools


Has anyone ever wondered about the Wooden 'toadstools' purchased for The Brownies at a huge cost (of hundreds but some say more) by the PC a few years ago, now languishing and unloved behind the Jubilee Hall.....At least the resident real fungi are liking them! But a timely reminder for our PC to be prudent as they set the budget for next year!


Hall Drainage work




Hall Committee


I am sure all hall users would also like to say thanks and give a quick mention to the volunteers (you know who you are :-) ) doing sterling work to try and improve the land drainage around the Halls perimeter. Contractors have been recently working on this at great expense to the Hall Committee (bizarrely BPC refused to contribute despite owning the poorly drained land on which the Halls are built).....


83 Bus


What is happening with the 83 bus service and schedule? It seems to have a life of it's own! Often not arriving on time and sometimes not at all (especially at school home time when the double decker (aka Celtic Way White Knuckle ride) turns into a pumpkin and disappears at 3pm!  I was surprised that the double decker bus the operator often uses actually complies with Bleadon Village weight & height restrictions especially as BOB has been told that several 'close misses' have been witnessed. Then...STOP PRESS... The double decker has not been seen quite so often, coincidently perhaps since an overhead power line/pole jumped out and hit a bus on Celtic Way disrupting power and closing Celtic Way, diverting traffic for the best part of a day!


So what can be done to improve the reliability? Bus service issues were mentioned regularly in the BVN some time ago and was something our PC chair once actively tried to resolve, so a BPC update would be most welcomed by those who depend on and regularly try to keep this essential service alive. Hopefully this isn't all a crude attempt by the bus operator to run the service down so no-one uses it then it can argue to stop the service completely? So please continue to persevere with using the service and keep a diary of any issues encountered so that information/evidence can be gathered & collated in due course to present to North Somerset and/or the bus operator for their resolution.


Another casualty of the recent gales was the well used (despite some thoughts to the contrary) bus shelter at the top of Celtic Way now unfortunately a pile of firewood. So, another item for BPC to consider replacement, hopefully under insurance cover and not from parish reserves.


A370 Pavement A370


There really are so many issues about this stretch of road through Bleadon to Weston-super-Mare that concern BOB and other residents, not the least the ludicrous speed limit that sometimes needs a leap of faith when trying to join it from Bridge Road (using Bleadon Road junction is nothing more than potential suicide) and this can only be exacerbated if Marshalls Development happens without traffic calming changes.


Moreover, for those trying to use the adjacent pavements to commute

Cross here(on foot or cycle) to/from WSM, the vegetation has almost taken over both sides of the stretch from Accomodation Road to Toll Road (it's supposed to be 1.5m+) and BOB has been asking North Somerset (since August 2013) when something is going to be done.


A similar question to Sedgemoor for the Bleadon to Lympsham path was dealt with promptly and access is now hugely improved, but nothing but silence from NS (although some shrub overgrowth has recently been cutback at Facum Lane junction). BOB even witnessed a lady riding a Mobility Scooter head on into traffic (to Bleadon) because the pavement could not be navigated due to the overgrowing nature! Crossing the A370 from Bleadon Village is bad enough in a car, but on foot with cycle and/or child is now really, really tricky and with bramble, nettle & shrub to contend with as well, it's an extreme sport! So much for North Somerset Go4Life!


Current Parish Council Considerations


BOB has recently asked BPC to clarify their document and email retention policies as currently emails are only held for 7 days, is this really also the case if they are relevant to ongoing debates, e.g. South HIll Footpath, Quarry Development, etc? This seems odd as other  documents they consider as 'important' are held for months and even years! All of this is in their Corporate Policy that also needs a review as little of the referred information can be found on the BPC website!


As part of a project to better publicise our Public Rights of Way BOB has asked BPC for information regarding planning, responsibilites and cost accountability for PROW maintenance including Health & Safety and risk management of BROW group volunteers.


Want more?


Spring DaffsHere is some other recent information that can be found on BOB (just Search BOB)

That's all for now, please keep sending BOB your items of interest and/or concerns


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