UPDATE: 17 APR 18 - NSC Refuse the application.
The deadline for this application is 25 July 2017, you can submit an online comment to NSC via the BOB link here.
This application is outside the Settlement Boundary/Village Fence, and following their Parish Council meeting Monday 10 July (Min 297.8) they submitted their objection to NSC including the comment:
- "... Bleadon is an Infill village and this development is outside the Settlement Boundary."
Conversely, BPC has made 'no objection' to the green field development of 90 units at the Purn/Riverside Caravan Park, which is outside the Settlement Boundary, nor the development at Celtic Way also outside the Village Fence on a green field.
There have been mixed messages from BPC and NSC Councillors regarding the Settlement Boundary, their treatment of it and their view of the future of Bleadon. BOB has received a Settlement Boundary update/reply from North Somerset and the Department of Communities and Local Government, but we have not received a response from BPC to our Dec 16 query. See associated Settlement Boundary Information.
North Somerset make the decision on this development application. If you want your individual voice heard you need to comment directly to NSC.
See 16 Houses Planned on Land Off Purn Way for more information
70 Dwellings at Devil's Bridge Bleadon Hill on greenfield site near Parish Boundary
Application Number: 17/P/1351/O
Name: Bleadon Parish Council
Address: Coronation Hall Coronation Road Bleadon BS24 0PG
Tel: Email: parishclerk@bleadonparishcouncil.gov.uk
Date and time of comment left: 14-07-2017 11:35
Comment Type: Object to Proposal
Comment: Bleadon Parish Council objects to the planning application for the following reasons:
i. The number of proposed dwellings is too high a density.
ii. Current village infrastructure is not fit to support this size of housing development.
iii. Roads in the immediate vicinity are currently inadequate and this would result in an increase of traffic.
iv. Parking of vehicles is currently an issue on Purn Way for residents and visitors to the meeting rooms at the Post Office. The new dwellings will provide an increase in number of cars adding additional pressure on the roads.
v. Road junctions are currently at best hazardous and at worse dangerous at Devils Bridge Anchor Inn and Bridge Road with the A370 and additional traffic will add pressure on these roads and systems that is already broken.
iv. Sewage system is currently at capacity and additional dwellings will add additional pressure to the system.
v. Potential increase in flooding to the bottom of the village as the field has no proper drainage.
vi. Sustainability ?? to consider that there are no schools or doctors and only one Post Office store in Bleadon.
vii. There have been some Archaeology finds close by to this site and request an archaeological survey to be considered.
viii. Bleadon is an Infill village and this development is outside the Settlement Boundary.
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