Please find below and attached a copy of the Bleadon 2016 May Day Fayre flyer including the planned schedule of events and request for items and donations.
Several things perhaps worth noting :
Flower Challenge in the Church.
Everyone is invited to make a floral display to exhibit in the Church over the May Day festival.
The display can be in any form you like but must not cost more than £5 in purchased components.
Entry is free. Contact Gill Williams on 01934 813255 for more information.
Plant donations wanted for Plant stall at the May Day Fayre
The Rev. Tim Erridge and friends will once again be running the plant stall at the May Fayre.
He welcomes any donations you may have of plants to sell on the day.
Bedding plants, vegetable and fruit plants, small shrubs - all are welcome.
Your spare plants are to be left at the Rectory in Coronation Road before 2nd May. Please call Tim on 815404.
Good quality and nearly new bric-a-brac wanted for the May Day Fayre
The Friends of Bleadon Church are appealing for your donations of good quality bric-a-brac and unwanted household items.
- We want good quality or nearly new - china, glassware, electrical in good working order, household, kitchen tools and equipment, small furniture items, gardening tools, collectables, jewellery, toys in clean working condition, DVDs and CDs.
- Thank you, but we don't want - anything incomplete or broken, clothes, bedding, books, soft furnishings, TVs and VCRs, video tapes, junk and jumble unfit for sale.
Please call Mary Hollis on 01934 811165 to arrange collection before 26 April. If you can deliver that's even better. Alternatively Email BOB and I will pass on your message asap
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