UPDATE See the current number of flights over your area, e.g. 17 Apr 20 during COVID-19 restrictions.
UPDATE 24 NOV 19 Objections to Airport Expansion Blog.
UPDATE 17 OCT 19: Weston mayor says opportunities created by airport expansion important to the town.
UPDATE 12 JUL 19: Just plane wrong: Bristol Airport’s expansion application
UPDATE 19 JUN 19: Extinction Rebellion protests against airport expansion plans
UPDATE 03 JUN 19: Students strike at WSM Town Hall to demand action on climate change
UPDATE 19 FEB 19: Deputy Leader of NSC Cllr Mike Bell tweets " Absolutely delighted that North Somerset Council has unanimously backed our call to target zero carbon by 2030 and declare a Climate Emergency" (Feb 19 COU101) (July 19 COU57).
See also Government Clean Growth Strategy paper (where is the mention of airports?)
Bleadon Parish Council has changed its decision on the Bristol Airport Expansion from no response, to NEUTRAL to OBJECT (May 19 Min 322.17)
"18/P/5118/OUT. Bristol Airport. Revised expansion plans to support an increase to 12 million passengers per year by the mid-2020s (currently 8 million). The council accepted the view that the Airport provides employment for many people in the area and provides local access to air transport. However, this is outweighed by concerns of climate change and pollution both local to Bleadon and globally. AGREED TO OBJECT."
Bristol Airport Plan Background
"In 2011, Bristol Airport Limited was granted outline planning permission by North Somerset Council to expand its capacity to handle 10 million passengers per annum.In 2017, Bristol Airport handled over 8.2 million passengers, making it the ninth busiest airport in the UK and the third largest regional airport in England. Passenger demand is forecast to reach 10 million passengers per year by 2021, beyond this passenger numbers are projected to rise further to 15 million passengers per year by the mid-2030s and 20 million passengers per year by the mid-2040s.
... As part of the approach set out in recent Master Plan documentation published in 2018, Bristol Airport Limited are seeking permission for an initial phase of growth beyond 10 million passengers per year to 12 million passengers per year. This would allow for growth in passenger numbers up to at least 2026."
Other information:
Bristol Youth 4 Climate Rally 24 May 2019
World Map of Pollution
"UK flights: Number of planes using British skies to reach all-time high. The number of flights using British skies on one day is set to reach an all-time high of 9,000 on Friday. More than than six per minute are expected, exceeding the previous record of 8,854 set on 25 May 2018."
Link to previous Airport Expansion blog
Se also BOB Environmental Information and Fracking page
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