Thousands of new houses planned for North Somerset - Bleadon was originally scheduled for 42 houses at the quarry - now potentially 191! From approx 15% village increase to 55% increase!! Who are these houses for as govt has demanded 8K more than NSC residents need? Will locals get a chance - what happen with 'Rural Exceptions' and local prioriy housing if the site is not considered in the Local Plan? What is 'affordable'? Will Bleadon residents be eliglble via any associated housing list? How accurate is NSC data? Has NSC challenged the govt on these extra 8.6K houses as they are not for N Somerset residents? Have they challenged MPs - Where is the publicly accessible information?
Consultation | Opens | Closes | Information | |
07 Feb 25 | 21 Mar 25 at 5pm | "The housing requirement is 23,895 over the 15 year plan period. This is an additional 8,620 dwellings above the proposed housing supply target in our Regulation 19 plan of 15,275 dwellings." (PDF) Also related Short Guide and Local Plan July 2024 and Short Guide |
Comments are invited on the proposed approach including:
o Any robust reason why the sites identified as ‘most suitable’ at the strategic locations should not be allocated.
o What potential additional sites and locations should be considered at the towns and larger villages to address the shortfall.
o Whether there are any convincing reasons why other sites in less sustainable locations should be considered.
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Enlarge image and Iinteractive Mapping and Bleadon site Info and Site Allocation Summary |
North Somerset Council State:
"Local Plan Regulation 19 - Additional Sites Consultation In December 2024 the government released the new National Planning Policy Framework which confirmed a significantly higher mandatory housing requirement for North Somerset.
The housing requirement is 23,895 over the 15 year plan period. This is an additional 8,620 dwellings above the proposed housing supply target in our Regulation 19 plan of 15,275 dwellings.
This consultation aims to identify where additional development is possible at sustainable locations across North Somerset, outside areas at risk of flooding or other significant constraints. This will need to take account of delivery and infrastructure issues, such as strategic transport improvements and the provision of other infrastructure.
Please respond to our online consultation, by clicking HERE where you can make comments for each of the sites as well as responding to specific questions covering issues such as Green Belt, scale of development and the methodology for site selection.
We will be holding consultation drop in events during the consultation period at the following locations:
- Wednesday 26th February - Jubilee Pavillion, Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9DP: 3 – 6pm
- Wednesday 5th March - Weston-super-Mare Library, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, W-s-M, BS23 1UJ: 3 – 6pm
- Friday 7th March – Nailsea United Reform Church Hall, Stockway North Nailsea, BS48 1AQ: 3 – 6pm Monday 10 March – Backwell WI Hall, Station Road, Backwell, BS48 3QW: 3 – 6pm
- [NB Bleadon Parish Council is holding a public meeting Monday 10th March 2025 at 7pm in the Coronation Halls]
If you cannot respond online then alternatively you can e-mail responses to: OR Send your response to Planning Policy Team, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ
After reviewing feedback, the council will amend the draft Local Plan to include the additional sites and any consequential changes to policies that may be needed and run a final round of consultation later in 2025, before submitting the plan for examination by an independent inspector."
Sites are categorised as being either:
Already Prososed - in Local Plan 2040 Reg 19 |
Most suitable – located at the sustainable growth locations and identified as having most potential for further consideration. |
Other potential – sites at the towns and larger, more sustainable villages consistent with the spatial strategy. |
Less sustainable – sites at smaller villages and rural areas. |
SHLAA Ref | Site Name | Site Size (ha) | Indicative Capacity | Additional Info |
Other Potential Sites In Bleadon | ||||
HE2083 | Purn House Farm Industiral Estate | 4.8 | 60 | Site cated to the west of Bleadon and includes an existing development |
HE2051 | Land north of Amesbury Drive | 2.5 | 45 | Site to the north of Bleadon with access from Amesbury Drive |
HE20357 | West of Willow Drive | 0.9 | 32 | Existing wildlife site. Site to the eastern edge of Bleadon |
Most Suitable - Already Decided for Bleadon - How accurate NSC mapping | ||||
19/P/0835/OUT | Bleadon Quarry Bridge Road | 42 dwellings and office units | Site map and blog | |
23/P/2305/FUL | Land off Purn Way | 9 - NOT ON MAPPING? | 9no. 4 bed detached dwellings | |
23/P/1707/OUT | The Paddock East Of Rockville Bridge Road | 3 - NOT ON MAPPING? | Outline planning permission for the erection of 3no. detached dwellings | |
Bordering Bleadon in WSM - Other Potentail Strategic Locations | ||||
HE2035 | Land South of Bleadon Hill | 1.9 | 33 | Site previously dismissed on appeal including in relation to harm to the landscape Previous blog and related appeal |
HE201030 | Leighton Crescent | 2.7 | 81 | Adjoining existing settlement boundary on the Bleadon Hill edge of Weston-super-Mare with existing residential development on three sides |
Full NSC site allocations indicate NSC need to find 1139 sites from the town and large villages (orange sites)(pg51) When did Bleadon become a 'large' village as opposed to an infill village with a small defined settlement boundary? In the Local Plan Bleadon was originally scheduled for 42 houses at the quarry (p253) now potentially 191! From approx 15% village increase to 55% increase!! (Approx 350 houses within the villlage settlement boundary, NSC already 'agreed' 42+9+3 now proposing an additional 137)
There are 4 towns and 35 parishes within North Somerset - only 10 parishes are indicated as 'large villages' as seen below. NSC are looking for an extra 1139 houses (23,895-22756=1139) from the 'Other Potential' sites such as those identified 'orange' in Bleadon.
What will happen to Settlement Boundaries - Bleadon Village vs Parish Boundary?
What will happen to current 'Rural Exception' sites if they are now counted as part of the housing count above?
- See National Housing Federation (15FEB24) Rural exception sites culd helpus build more affordable homes for rural communities.
- Also, Cambridgeshire ACRE Affordable housing and Rural Exception Sites FAQ (JUL21)
Where is the NSC Food Security Policy?
See aslo:
- NSC Local Plan Consultation 2039 on BOB blog
- Some Recent Applications
- Some previous major developments and appeals info
- Dec14 Liam Fox MP speak in parilament re: NSC increase of 14K to 21K houses