Be Involved Blog


Bleadon Be Involved Blog is for anyone who would like to raise an issue about, affecting or concerning Bleadon Parish Area. Please send your information for a new blog item to us using the normal contact us page and we will add it as soon as possible then anyone can add comments to it. These comments can be made in your name or anonomously but we reserve the right to take down anything we consider inappropriate or likely to offend.


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Thousands of new houses planned for North Somerset - Bleadon was originally scheduled for 42 houses at the quarry - now potentially 191! From approx 15% village increase to 55% increase!! Who are these houses for as govt has demanded 8K more than NSC residents need? Will locals get a chance - what happen with 'Rural Exceptions' and local prioriy housing if the site is not considered in the Local Plan? What is 'affordable'? Will Bleadon residents be eliglble via any associated housing list? How accurate is NSC data? Has NSC challenged the govt on these extra 8.6K houses as they are not for N Somerset residents? Have they challenged MPs - Where is the publicly accessible information?




Local Plan Regulation 19 - Additional Sites Consultation

07 Feb 2521 Mar 25 at 5pm

"The housing requirement is 23,895 over the 15 year plan period. This is an additional 8,620 dwellings above the proposed housing supply target in our Regulation 19 plan of 15,275 dwellings." (PDF) Also related Short Guide and Local Plan July 2024 and Short Guide


Comments are invited on the proposed approach including:

o Any robust reason why the sites identified as ‘most suitable’ at the strategic locations should not be allocated.

o What potential additional sites and locations should be considered at the towns and larger villages to address the shortfall.

o Whether there are any convincing reasons why other sites in less sustainable locations should be considered.

Enlarge image and Iinteractive Mapping and Bleadon site Info and Site Allocation Summary


North Somerset Council State:

"Local Plan Regulation 19 - Additional Sites Consultation In December 2024 the government released the new National Planning Policy Framework which confirmed a significantly higher mandatory housing requirement for North Somerset.


The housing requirement is 23,895 over the 15 year plan period. This is an additional 8,620 dwellings above the proposed housing supply target in our Regulation 19 plan of 15,275 dwellings.


This consultation aims to identify where additional development is possible at sustainable locations across North Somerset, outside areas at risk of flooding or other significant constraints. This will need to take account of delivery and infrastructure issues, such as strategic transport improvements and the provision of other infrastructure.


Please respond to our online consultation, by clicking HERE where you can make comments for each of the sites as well as responding to specific questions covering issues such as Green Belt, scale of development and the methodology for site selection.


We will be holding consultation drop in events during the consultation period at the following locations:

  • Wednesday 26th February - Jubilee Pavillion, Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9DP: 3 – 6pm
  • Wednesday 5th March - Weston-super-Mare Library, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, W-s-M, BS23 1UJ: 3 – 6pm
  • Friday 7th March – Nailsea United Reform Church Hall, Stockway North Nailsea, BS48 1AQ: 3 – 6pm Monday 10 March – Backwell WI Hall, Station Road, Backwell, BS48 3QW: 3 – 6pm
  • [NB Bleadon Parish Council is holding a public meeting Monday 10th March 2025 at 7pm in the Coronation Halls]

If you cannot respond online then alternatively you can e-mail responses to: OR Send your response to Planning Policy Team, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ


After reviewing feedback, the council will amend the draft Local Plan to include the additional sites and any consequential changes to policies that may be needed and run a final round of consultation later in 2025, before submitting the plan for examination by an independent inspector."

Sites are categorised as being either:


Already Prososed - in Local Plan 2040 Reg 19

Most suitable – located at the sustainable growth locations and identified as having most potential for further consideration.

Other potential – sites at the towns and larger, more sustainable villages consistent with the spatial strategy.

Less sustainable – sites at smaller villages and rural areas.




SHLAA RefSite Name

Site Size




Additional Info
Other Potential Sites In Bleadon
HE2083Purn House Farm Industiral Estate4.860Site cated to the west of Bleadon and includes an existing development
HE2051Land north of Amesbury Drive2.545Site to the north of Bleadon with access from Amesbury Drive
HE20357West of Willow Drive0.932Existing wildlife site. Site to the eastern edge of Bleadon
Most Suitable - Already Decided for Bleadon - How accurate NSC mapping
19/P/0835/OUTBleadon Quarry Bridge Road 42 dwellings and office unitsSite map and blog
23/P/2305/FULLand off Purn Way 9 - NOT ON MAPPING?9no. 4 bed detached dwellings
23/P/1707/OUTThe Paddock East Of Rockville Bridge Road 3 - NOT ON MAPPING?Outline planning permission for the erection of 3no. detached dwellings
Bordering Bleadon in WSM - Other Potentail Strategic Locations
HE2035Land South of Bleadon Hill1.933Site previously dismissed on appeal including in relation to harm to the landscape Previous blog and related appeal
HE201030Leighton Crescent2.781Adjoining existing settlement boundary on the Bleadon Hill edge of Weston-super-Mare with existing residential development on three sides




Full NSC site allocations indicate NSC need to find 1139 sites from the town and large villages (orange sites)(pg51) When did Bleadon become a 'large' village as opposed to an infill village with a small defined settlement boundary? In the Local Plan Bleadon was originally scheduled for 42 houses at the quarry (p253) now potentially 191! From approx 15% village increase to 55% increase!! (Approx 350 houses within the villlage settlement boundary, NSC already 'agreed' 42+9+3 now proposing an additional 137)


There are 4 towns and 35 parishes within North Somerset - only 10 parishes are indicated as 'large villages' as seen below. NSC are looking for an extra 1139 houses (23,895-22756=1139) from the 'Other Potential' sites such as those identified 'orange' in Bleadon. 





What will happen to Settlement Boundaries - Bleadon Village vs Parish Boundary?


What will happen to current 'Rural Exception' sites if they are now counted as part of the housing count above?



Where is the NSC Food Security Policy?



See aslo:



Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings


This consultation closes at 11:59pm on 19 December 2024


Consultation description:

  • This consultation seeks views on the detail and practical implications of allowing remote and hybrid attendance at local authority meetings.
  • It also tests views on the possible introduction of proxy voting for those occasions when an elected member, due to personal circumstances, may be unable to attend even remotely. For example, during maternity, paternity or adoption leave.
  • Email questions or technical problems to:



Govt Devolution White Paper

Posted on 17th December, 2024



What is in store for town and parish councils during and after devolution?


Summary of some devolution concerns


One AI interpretation of the Devolution White Paper


What is happening to true devolution (expansion of comments below)?

Yesterday - Govt English Devolution Statement made at 1pm on 16 December 2024

  • UK Govt Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements
  • English Devolution White Paper - 16DEC24
    • “... we must rewire England and end the hoarding in Whitehall by devolving power and money from central government to those with skin in the game.
    • "To have "skin in the game" is to have incurred risk (monetary or otherwise) by being involved in achieving a goal." However,
    • WECA appears to be a private sector LLP of 3 bodies that take the profit but not the risks or debts that may result from any poor decisions (these financial debts would end up on local authorities)?
    • WECA is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) – where “Each member pays tax on their share of the profits, as in an ‘ordinary’ business partnership, but they are not personally liable for any debts the business cannot pay.”
    • See Companies House for West of England Combined Authority membership.
    • The LGA states, “All CAs can be funded by their constituent councils through a levy… Elected mayors can raise additional resources through a precept (or additional charge) on local council tax bills… All CAs will have the power to borrow money… Many devolution deals include the retention of local business rate growth above an agreed threshold"

North Somerset Council calls for ‘priority’ devolution deal – 7 hours later, out of hours 7:53pm - 16 December 2024 - North Somerset Council calls for ‘priority’ devolution deal (16DEC24)


No response from Bleadon's two District Cllr Porter and Cllr Solomon re: food security, Local Plan and WECA - both members of NSC Planning and Regulatory Committee

  • Email 04 December 2023 regarding food security
  • A year later 03 December 2024 regarding food security & WECA (no acknowledgement despite request)

Email to resident 26 November in response to public address questions to NSC Exec 17 Sept and chasing a response via Weston Town Council 25 November from Cllr Mike Bell:

  • Extract, “North Somerset Council agreed to submit an expression of interest in joining the existing West of England Mayoral Combined Authority. At this stage, none of the information on powers, funding or alternatives are known as the government has not set out its intentions.
  • Once this has happened and we have a clearer understanding of the landscape and Ministerial intentions, North Somerset Council will consult the community and stakeholders on any options.
  • None of the existing combined authorities have been subject to a referendum and I do not anticipate a plebiscite being undertaken in North Somerset ahead of any decision. It is within the powers of the UK government to establish the pattern and remit of local government, including combined authorities and I expect them to do that in their forthcoming White Paper.”

BBC article Angela Rayner promises mayor for every region of England - BBC News (16DEC24)

  • Rayner promises mayor for every region of England

NSC against devolution in 2016 (08JUN16)

  • NSC vote against West 'Metro Mayor' plan during government £1bn devolution plan

Dept for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities Letter (05MAR24)

  • "Ministers are concerned as to the West of England Combined Authority’s capacity to comply with its Best Value Duty" and issued a Notice "... following inconsistent action against concerns highlighted". The concerns we’ve identified include: "

Wiltshire / BANES recent concerns


Also see:

5G Tower in Bleadon

Posted on 30th October, 2024



Proposed 5G installation in Bleadon to be part of a standalone national network, built on new (untested?), end-to-end 5G infrastructure - what will be the health consequences?


Appeal Lodged Appeal Reference:APP/D0121/W/25/3359734


Weston Mercury (29OCT24) states,

"More than a dozen new locations across the UK are to be added to EE’s standalone 5G network rollout by the end of the year... EE launched the upgraded 5G network in September in the four UK capitals and a number of other metropolitan areas. The mobile operator confirmed that the 16 new locations being added [included]... Weston Super Mare...[i.e. in Bleadon]"


"Standalone 5G is designed to boost mobile performance as it is built on new, end-to-end 5G infrastructure for the first time, while removing any reliance on older 4G infrastructure, and EE, which is part of the BT Group, has said the network also uses artificial intelligence to reduce power to parts of infrastructure when they were not in use and improve energy efficiency..." What will be the health consequences when they are in use?


"With these additional locations, the firm said its standalone 5G network will cover an area of more than 21 million people." A very strong signal to reach that many people? 

The current application consultation 24/P/2145/TEA comment deadline has moved from 13 Nov to 27 Novemember 2024.

BOB Comments 27NOV24


Current comments as at 14NOV24 along with 89 pages of Evidence. Has NSC considered the existing and proposed health risks, including any hot spots mapped to NHS health data over the last 20 years?


11NOV24 Bleadon Parish Council Object to 5G Tower in Bleadon Agenda Min 383.9

"Bleadon Parish Council objects to the application on the following grounds: The Parish Council does not consider that it was properly consulted as part of the pre-application process. The Parish Council further notes the view of the relevant District Councillors regarding lack of adequate consultation. The applicant has failed to provide sufficient detail regarding how the potential individual and cumulative negative health impacts (recognised by bodies such as the World Health Organisation) arising from the proposal might be mitigated. The process followed by the applicant fails to recognise that there is a private airfield within the locality. As such, the Parish Council is concerned that the views of the Civil Aviation Authority have not been sought and that this action should be undertaken prior to consideration of the application."




World Health Organistation (WHO) EHC 137 (ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (300 Hz to 300 GHz) 1993) states,

"An RF hot spot may be defined as a point or small area in which the local values of electric and/or magnetic field strengths are significantly elevated above the typical ambient field levels and often 188 EHC 137: Electromagnetic fields are confined near the surface of a conductive object...

There is increasing concern about the possibility that RF exposure may play a role in the causation or promotion of cancer, specifically of the blood forming organs or in the CNS. Similar uncertainties surround possible effects on reproduction, such as increased rates of spontaneous abortion and of congenital malformations" Has this priority research been undertaken in relation to 2G, 3G, 4G and now 5G before rollout? Where are the published results? Where are the longitudinal studies proving safety of use?

NB: 5G operates at 2.4GHz and 5GHz

Inaudible High-Frequency Sounds Affect Brain Activity: Hypersonic Effect (01JUN00)

"In conclusion, our findings that showed an increase in alpha EEG potentials, activation of deep-seated brain structures, a correlation between alpha-EEG and rCBF in the thalamus, and a subjective preference toward FRS, give strong evidence supporting the existence of a previously unrecognized response to high-frequency sound beyond the audible range that might be distinct from more usual auditory phenomena."


Wiki Hypersonic Effect "Criticism of Oohashi's studies has been directed primarily at the conclusions regarding listener's preferences the test material; there has been little criticism aimed at the physiological aspect of the studies. Studies cited as contrary evidence did not address the physiological brain response to high-frequency audio, only the subject's conscious response to it. Further investigation of the observed physiological response appears to show that the ear alone does not produce the extra brain waves, but when the body is exposed to high-frequency sound it gives some brain stimulus" (PDF)

World Health Organisation (WHO) Burden of disease from Environmental Noise (2011)

"The health impacts of environmental noise are a growing concern. At least one million healthy life years are lost every year from traffic-related noise in the western part of Europe.

This publication summarizes the evidence on the relationship between environmental noise and health effects, including cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbance, tinnitus, and annoyance... Data are still lacking for the rest of the WHO European Region. This publication provides policy-makers and their advisers with technical support in their quantitative risk assessment of environmental noise. International, national and local authorities can use the procedure for estimating burdens presented here to prioritize and plan environmental and public health policies" (PDF) Has further research been undertaken? What was the outcome? What are the effects of the noises we can't hear, i.e. at 2.4GHz and 5GHz?

RNID - How loud is too loud (PDF)

IARC Classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans (31MAY11)

IARC - The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

IARC Classifications image

Classification 2B "This category is used for agents for which there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. It may also be used when there is inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in humans but there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. In some instances, an agent for which there is inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals together with supporting evidence from mechanistic and other relevant data may be placed in this group. An agent may be classified in this category solely on the basis of strong evidence from mechanistic and other relevant data" What is the actual evidence?

British Medical Journal (BMJ)

Stop global roll out of 5G networks until safety is confirmed, urges expert (18JAN21)

"Transmitter density means greater population exposure to high levels of radio frequency electromagnetic fields We should err on the side of caution and stop the global roll out of 5G (fifth generation) telecoms networks until we are certain this technology is completely safe, urges an expert in an opinion piece published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health...

Until we know more about what we are getting into, from a health and ecological point of view, those putative gains need to wait,” he concludes"

Health concerns, e.g. effect of mobile phones and electric vehicles on pacemakers: What is the accumulated effect of these devices e.g. 5G towers, mobile phones

Pacemaker info:  National Cardiac Audit Program (PDF)

Extract, "15% increase in the use of more ‘complex’ cardiac resynchronisation therapy pacemakers (CRT-P) to improve heart function since 2017/18" Our World in Data Pacemaker Implants Europe and Image


5G phones e.g. Samsung Galaxy A22 Instruction Manual (PDF)

Read at least first 20 pages, "Turn the terminal OFF near high-precision electronic control equipment or electronic equipment using low-power signals. Failure to do so may cause the equipment to fail or malfunction by radio wave. * Examples of electronic equipment to avoid Hearing aids, implanted pacemakers or defibrillators, other electronic medical equipment and other automatic control equipment. Users wearing implanted pacemakers or defibrillators or other electronic medical equipment should check with the manufacturer or sales outlet about the effect of radio wave on the equipment... Wearers of the electronic medical equipment such as implanted pacemakers or defibrillators must carry and use the terminal at least 15 cm away from the implanted device. The terminal's signals may affect the operation of the electronic medical equipment.... When you are in a crowd etc. and you have difficulties to keep a distance of 15 cm or more from others, turn the airplane mode on or power off the terminal not to transmit signals." Also note comments on wifi and bluetooth signals.

Electric vehicles and radiation from batteries


Effect on eyes and skin


Court Issues Unprecedented Ruling on 4G Tower After Ranchers Notice What Was Happening to the Cows

The court said that “it is appropriate to order the temporary cessation of the operation of this antenna for a period of two months, taking into account its general impact, with monitoring, by the judicial expert, of the behavior of the herd, and of the dairy cows in particular, during this period…The court noted there had been “a significant drop in the quality and quantity of milk produced, a serious disruption in the behavior of the herd and its voluntary denutrition and abnormally high deaths” What is the effect on our wildlife, especially as Bleadon is in a rural farmland area? (12JUN22)

Australian Parliament Inquiry into 5G

Report (MAR20)

"1.17 The Committee accepted a large number of submissions which solely addressed concerns over how the deployment of 5G may affect human health. As the Committee is not a health committee, it was limited in its ability to investigate this issue fully. The Committee sought to inform itself about this issue, and refers to it later in the report"

"2.111The NTP conducted two-year toxicology studies in rats and mice to help clarify potential health hazards, including cancer risk, from exposure to RFR [Radio Frequency Radiation] like that used in 2G and 3G cell phones. The NTP noted that the types of RFR used for Wi-Fi and 5G networks were not investigated in their studies"


Submission 517 (PDF)

Rising Incidence of Glioblastoma Multiforme in a Well-Defined Population (19MAY20)

Trends in Intracranial Glioma Incidence and Mortality in the United States, 1975-2018 (01NOV21)

About Glioblastoma (PDF)



See also:

  • WHO EHC 137 - Hot Spot 
    • "RF hot spots may be produced by an intersection of narrow beams of RF energy (directional antennas), by the reflection of fields from conductive surfaces (standing waves), or by induced currents flowing in conductive objects exposed to ambient RF fields (re-radiation). RF hot spots are characterized by very rapid spatial variation of the fields and, typically, result in partial body exposures of individuals near the hot spots. Uniform exposure of the body is essentially impossible because of the high spatial gradient of the fields associated with RF hot spots.

      A high priority should be placed on research that emphasizes causal relationships and dose-effect thresholds and coefficients"

  • Last July 2023 reference 23/P/1448/TEN (that's not under Related Cases?)

    "Notification under Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code for the replacement of 3no. existing antennas with 3no. new antennas, the installation of 1no. microwave dishes & RRU's on the existing monopole, the replacement/installation of equipment within the existing cabin, along with minor ancillary works. THIS IS NOT A PLANNING APPLICATION. | Land At Rear Of Purn House Farm Purn Farm Bridgwater Road Bleadon North Somerset"


    This 'application' was received by NSC on Wed 05 July  but there was no consultation deadline - The BPC meeting was on 10 July – so the application came in after the July agenda was published on the 04 July. The 'application' was decided by NSC on Tues 01 Aug, just less than four weeks later. The BPC meeting was on 14 August – so it was decided before the next BPC monthly meeting - Agenda item 368.19.v/vi "To note any planning decisions received since the last meeting...PN Regs (Tel) Noted (unconditional)"  Delegated Report states "There are no requirements for the Local Planning Authority to carry out consultations under these regulations" Decison Notice


NPPF Consultation

Posted on 19th September, 2024



National Planning Policy Framework Consultation


The government is “revising the National Planning Policy Framework in order to achieve sustainable growth in our planning system…. also seeking views on a series of wider policy proposals (NPPF) in relation to increasing planning fees, local plan intervention criteria and appropriate thresholds for certain Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects”


Respond to the NPPF Consultation here

before 11:45pm on 24 September 2024

Consultation Overview, Qs, Annotated Document, Outcome of Proposed Revised Method XLS

BOB Draft


How will this affect local decision making, North Somerset land and our related food security, especially in relation to any devolution to a regional mayor via WECA ?


How will this affect North Somerset Council and local decision making, land use and our related food security, especially in relation to any devolution to a regional mayor via WECA? What is sustainable growth in relation to a decreasing UK population? Who will benefit from this growth, North Somerset residents or the ever expanding cities, such as Bristol?


North Somerset Council has delayed its Local Plan to consider its response to the NPPF consultation stating, “The new standard method is 23,805 dwellings in North Somerset over the next 15 years – that’s nearly 9,000 dwellings more than our current Local Plan target. This figure also doesn’t take into account the needs of our neighbours” (31JUL24)


NSC has stated that around 85% of land in North Somerset is at risk of flooding. Also, that enclosed farmland makes up 68% of all land in North Somerset (Climate Emergency Action Plan pg49). If NSC doesn’t protect farmland what will happen to it? Will NSC permit building the 24K houses, solar panel farms, etc. on farmland?


Residents have approached NSC on a number of occasions asking NSC to protect local farming and food security, including asking for a Food Security Emergency to be called.


On 15 Dec 14 local MP Liam Fox spoke out in parliament (skip to 21:58 mins) on behalf of North Somerset and the high extra housing development imposed by central government coming from the Bristol University court challenge wanting to build on Green Belt land. NSC was subsequently asked to increase indentified sites from 14,000 to 21,000 houses. Liam Fox MP said, ".. it must be made clear that greenfield development should come only as a last resort after all brownfield sites are exhausted (See letter from DCLG relating to the Dec 2017 Brownfield Register). Finally, the infrastructure that is needed to support new development, including schools, GP surgeries and, where appropriate, roads must be provided by the developers; the cost must not fall disproportionately on local council tax payers. (See related Blog on Weston General Hospital A&E night-time closures starting 4 Jul 17). In North Somerset we are facing an expensive fiasco that is undemocratic and producing unsustainable outcomes. We have been very patient, and our very competent council has been extremely co-operative. Now we need answers.


Liam Fox MP also said, "We seem to be in a ridiculous position. The plan [NS Core Strategy] was put forward in 2011, agreed by the inspector and adopted in 2012, yet here we are at the end of 2014. If I am not mistaken, at the end of 2015we will begin the planning period in which we will look at housing allocation through to 2036. It would be the height of absurdity if we were one of only four councils in the sub-region to be asked not only to look at our 2026 housing allocation, but to start the process all over again at the end of next year and look at the 2036 allocation. Surely this is a complete waste of public resources, as well as being utterly contrary to what my hon. Friend the Minister says is the Government’s aim, which is to encourage greater localism." (current allocation of 20,985 is only up until 2026 so NSC will be looking for more sites). The Minister of State, DCLG representative Brandon Lewis replied "My right hon. Friend is absolutely right that we want to encourage localism. That is why we want the decisions to be made locally ... I am happy to discuss this issue with my right hon. and hon. Friends in greater detail at an appropriate point and to write to them to outline the detail behind their queries" (Link to Hansard Transcript and further information.)



See also:


Devolution and WECA Mayor

Posted on 15th September, 2024



NSC outlines the ambition to look towards the West of England as a devolution geography and explore the benefits of a mayoral deal under the existing model.


North Somerset Council state the government, "... advised that their devolution ambition is to devolve new powers over transport, skills, housing, planning and employment support with more regions to benefit from integrated settlements based on certain mayoral conditions" NSC appear to have pre-determined a preference for regional 'Mayoral' governance in its response in Appendix 1. How will a regional mayor affect local democracy? What powers will residents and NSC lose?


UPDATE 18SEP24: NSC Executive meeting outcome


Public Question (at 16mins) and NSC discussion (at 21mins)

Council Committee Financial Position/Budget Devolution Discussion (at 44mins-1hr26mins)

Links to NSC Food Security Correspondence


North Somerset Council, "... recognise the need to make the case for additional funding and powers for the whole of the West of England in order to underpin any expansion to include North Somerset" WECA region or North Somerset residents benefit first? "It is unclear what timelines will be forthcoming with the new devolution bill, but together with partners we would be mindful of planned electoral cycles"


Is North Somerset Council being pressured into this regional approach due to its £12million debt and government withdrawal of our public funds for local spending, including funds via WECA's Local Economic Partnership? [NB using a figure of £12million debt would leave NSC with no financial reserves!} Is it considering local democracy, governance and accountability? Will residents still be able to interact with key decision making or will this power be devolved to the metro mayor? How much rural land and food security will be sacrificed for continous urban 'growth' for the UK's continuing population 'decline'?


NB: According to Wiki there are currently only 11 Combined Authorities in the country see map. (PDF) So why are local authorities being pushed towards a mayoral model? Why can't fund flow directly to the unitary authority area? Listen to current NSC budget problems due to regional and national budget allocations. What will be the effect on parishes as NSC devolve services upwards to WECA and downwards to parishes? Will parished precept taxes rise and be added back to the council tax bill? (What are parish precepts?)


Homes England review recommends offloading...  building safety Greater Transparency is required -  Homes England is an officer to WECA - see Companies House officers below? - What will be the relationship between WECA  and North Somerset Council with regards local priorities, expenditure, home building, future responsibilities and liabilities? Examples

  • Grenfell Tower is in the Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (local decision makers) and also in the Greater London Authority (regional/mayoral decision makers), who was responsible for what aspects of this commissioning, payment, safety, signoff, etc.? (15SEP24)
  • Homes England is set to receive just 0.1 per cent of the £69m it is owed by Ilke Homes, after the firm’s administration process was hit by equipment theft and problems selling completed modules... There is always an inherent risk when investing in new technologies with new business models that look to do things differently, but we remain committed to encouraging greater use of MMC [Modern Methods of Construction], supporting its growth, and diversifying the housing market.” (24OCT23)

Item 6 on the NSC Exec meeting agenda states, "North Somerset Council's response to Government's invitation around devolution (Pages 17 - 22) "


Government's Response Template filled by NSC
Preferred geography (upper-tier local authorities in the area)West of England
Initial preference on mayoral / non-mayoral devolutionMayoral, subject to further detail regarding the Devolution Bill outlining the merits and opportunities a mayoral deal would bring over and above a non-mayoral deal


Report of Councillor Bell (Leader of NSC)

  • Para 10. "Options Considered We have the option to respond declining the government’s invitation for exploratory conversations, which is felt unviable given North Somerset’s financial context and ambition." How will its 'ambition' affect local taxes and decision making?
  • "Alternative geographies have been considered, however the West of England is North Somerset’s primary Functional Economic Area and is therefore being explored as our preferred option. We do not rule out alternative options in the event this becomes undeliverable."
  • "The benefits of a mayoral versus non mayoral model will be explored through dialogue with government." What about the dis-benefits of having a mayor? What powers will local people lose?
  • Para 2.1 "The Government have established a Council of Nations and Regions to bring together the Prime Minister, the leaders of the devolved administrations and metro Mayors to drive growth" How will governance and work with local democracy? How will decisions be made for NSC residents benefit, not only 'the greater good'? How will our land and food security be managed and protected?
  • The government “... will not force places to take on a metro Mayor" If NSC join WECA do residents have to have a mayor by default?
  • Para 2.1 "The council understands that Combined Authorities have been invited to share their ambitions for their places through a Growth Plan and that the West of England Combined Authority’s response will be published at their next committee meeting 20th September 2024".Surely this should say 'our' not 'their' places? What is North Somerset's need as opposed to Bristol, South Glos and BANES needs?

Things to consider:

  • Populations are different in the four regions
    • approx Bristol 483K (42%), South Glos 263K (23%), North Somerset 203K (18%) & 196K (17%) - will any vote/referendum, if offered, skew outcomes? especially if areas vote together. What will happen to NSC land and food security?
  • BBC 2016 NSC vote against West 'Metro Mayor' plan during government £1bn devolution plan.
    • " Mr Ashton also said any future "resources or powers" would be controlled autonomously by the proposed mayor leaving the local authorities "with no say in it whatsoever".
    • "We have worked hard with our fellow West of England partners to get the best available deal for the area, but too much remains that we are not prepared to support". He said the money offered would have to be borrowed, with around £400m spent on interest rates. (17JUN16)C
  • Current NSC Leader, Mike Bell, stated in the Draft Corporate Plan (pg7) (now removed from its final  consultation version)
    • "Weston-super-Mare – our largest town is set to become the second biggest settlement in the West of England over the next decade." At the 4 October public meeting Cllr Mike Bell, confirmed that this would be second to Bristol!  
  • The current NPPF Consultation Q19c states
    • "c. Maximising delivery in urban areas: the new formula increases targets by more than 30% across our Mayoral Combined Authorities, relative to the existing standard method. This better aligns with the ambition of our local leaders, and[footnote 5] will maximise agglomeration benefits by increasing the contribution new housing makes to economic growth. This approach will also make the most of our transport hu bs, support the objectives of brownfield-first and gently densifying urban areas, including building upwards where appropriate."
  • Weston Mercury (12SEP24)
    • "The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) was created in 2017. It takes charge of some large strategic areas such as transport and is run by an elected metro mayor , currently Dan Norris" (15SEP24)
    • Ms Rayner said: “While we will not force places to take on a metro mayor, we will not shy away from making the case for their huge advantages, with some powers continuing to be reserved for institutions with directly elected leaders, such as mayoral combined authorities.”
  • The Guardian England’s metro mayors make a farce of local democracy. They must be scrapped
    • "Towns and cities should have properly elected mayors, as is common in other democracies"
  • First steps towards global governance and control via C40 Cities?
    • "C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action... Is this 'action' in local residents benefit or global governance and controlled decsion making?
    • Our Leadership Standards set the minimum requirements for all member cities and safeguard the integrity of C40 as a network of climate leaders. Membership operates on performance-based requirements, not on fees, and every city in the C40 network is reviewed annually against our Leadership Standards."
    • NSC is a member of the UK100 Countryside Climate Network. This is directly linked to C40 City Mayors via 2020 report pg7&15). Where do NSC intend to build new housing - on farmland or brownfield sites )? How is NSC managing any woodland or tree projects in relation to agriculture and food security needs?
  • Wales
    • Wiki states, "Although Wales is included in the legislation, only one Welsh authority, Ceredigion, held a referendum on such a proposal, in May 2004. Over 70% of the voters voted against the proposal"
  • LGA states:
    • A combined authority (CA) is a legal body set up using national legislation that enables a group of two or more councils to collaborate and take collective decisions across council boundaries.”
    • “All CAs can be funded by their constituent councils through a levy… Elected mayors can raise additional resources through a precept (or additional charge) on local council tax bills… All CAs will have the power to borrow money… Many devolution deals include the retention of local business rate growth above an agreed threshold… In addition, elected mayors will be able to increase business rates by 2p in the pound if the relevant Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) agrees. Many devolution deals also include other devolved resources including an investment fund.”
  • House of Commons Library - Devolution to Local Government in England 08MAR24

Dept for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities Letter 05MAR24

  • "Ministers are concerned as to the West of England Combined Authority’s capacity to comply with its Best Value Duty" and issued a Notice "... following inconsistent action against concerns highlighted". The concerns we’ve identified include: " 
    • The poor state of professional relationships between the West of England Combined Authority Mayor and the representatives of the constituent members of the Authority which is impacting partnership working and potentially limiting the authority’s ability to optimise strategic opportunities.
    • The Authority’s constitution needs review and clarification to work in a more effective and agile way.
    • The function and purpose of the Authority has not been collectively understood and the roles, responsibilities and ‘powers’ of a combined authority are not fully grasped, resulting in confusion between strategic governance and day to day transactional activity.
    • The Authority lacks a clear, shared narrative regarding the West of England and how it will operate for the benefit of the wider region."
  • "Whilst the Authority may continue to receive and be awarded government funding whilst under this Notice, we would emphasise that receipt of funding does not indicate the Department’s broader view of the performance of the Authority, nor would it indicate any change in the status of this Notice, with individual funding programmes being managed and assured independently by their respective departments. This Notice will remain in place for 12 months, after which time, should the Department deem it necessary to continue to seek assurance through such a Notice, the Notice will be reissued"

What is the ownership and governance of WECA? What are the voting powers of residents in this process? Which individuals are accountable to the public in the decision making, expenditure and outcomes?


Companies House West of England Combined Authority?

  • One Appointment - 25MAR24 BRISTOL TEMPLE QUARTER LLP (OC451571) 70 Redcliff Street, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS1 6AL
  • Filing History
    • Incorporation on 25MAR24 three weeks after Ministers concerns and letter above:
      • change of Relevant Legal Entitiy from The Homes and Communities Agency (Trading as Homes England) to Bristol Temple Quarter LLP 21AUG24,
      • Member's details change from The Homes and Communities Agency (Trading as Homes England) to Bristol Temple Quarter LLP21AUG24
  • 3 People/Officers (15SEP24)
    • Bristol City Council
      • One Appointment 25MAR24 - The Lumen, 2nd Floor, St James Boulevard, Newcastle Helix, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE4 5BZ

WECA Structure, Ownership and Governance

  • Who They Are
    • "The Combined Authority was set up in 2017 to make decisions and investments that benefit people living and working in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Together, our aim is to deliver economic growth for the region and address some of our challenges, such as productivity and skills, housing and transport." Although NSC is involved?
  • Committee Structure (15SEP24)
    • "The Committee takes key decisions on matters affecting our region, including funding projects through the regional Investment Fund
    • ... chaired by the Metro Mayor, and is made up of the Leaders from our three constituent councils: Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council"
    • "The Chair of the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) also attends committee meetings in a non-voting capacity"
    • " Overview & Scrutiny Committee: ... made up of 11 councillors drawn from across our three constituent councils. Its role is to review and scrutinise the work of the Combined Authority; it can also make reports or recommendations to the decision-taking committees. Three councillors from North Somerset Council are observers at these meetings and able to comment on matters that affect North Somerset."

Help Keep Bleadon Footpaths Usable

Posted on 8th September, 2024



If you see a footpath or public right of way that needs attention - report it to North Somerset Council


Bleadon has over 20 public rights of ways as maintained by North Somerset Council (NSC) and the associated landowners. If you think any need some work please contact NSC here.


Future plans for PROW can be found in the NSC Improvement Plan. These are the government stated NSC and Landowner responsibilities (07DEC15 & 04JAN24).


Purn Hillimage 


South Hill  
Celtic Wayenlarged image 
Roman Road  
Shiplate Road  


Bleadon Laybys have also received some attention:


West Endimage 
East Endimageimage


Also the footpath entering the halls has been widened


Adjacent to village toiletsimageimage

Food Security Emergency Requested

Posted on 7th August, 2024



Resident asks North Somerset Council Executive to declare a Food Security Emergency. Show your support for local farmers by contacting your district councillors, NSC Planning Dept & MP.


On the 17 July 2024 a resident addressed North Somerset Council Executive asking them to call a Food Security Emergency. This was based on the fact that, if the council has called a Climate and Nature Emergency, and food depends on both the climate and nature, then it follows that there will be a food security issue.



(NSC Video at 13:55 mins)


Contact info:


Compare land protect for agrigulture Policy DP53 to

protection for open space and recreation DP52



BOB response to NSC Local Plan Regulation 19 - Additional Sites Consultation

Thousands of new houses planned for North Somerset - Bleadon was originally scheduled for 42 houses at the quarry - now potentially 191! From approx 15% village increase to 55% increase!! 


Response to Cllr Canniford following Regulation 19 - Additional Sites Consultation at the library


NSC Executive meeting re: Food Security, Rural Culture & WECA (NSC Minutes and response in Appendix 1 pg12 clearly indicating that N Somerset is not food secure, only Broadly!!) No clear answers to emailed questions?


NSC Executive meeting re: Food Security & WECA (NSC Minutes and response no published in minutes?)


NSC Health and Wellbeing Board - resident spoke re: dairy, farming and nutritition of alternative food (NSC Minutes and response not published in Oct mins?)


NSC Transport Climate and Communities Policy and Scrutiny Scrutiny Panel - request for update following 06DEC23 and 30NOV23 addresses to NSC


NSC Exec - resident requests a Food Security Emergency

19DEC23 &



Request for support for farming to all NSC Town & Parish Councils 



Presentation at NSC Executive Committee Regarding concerns over Farming, Food Production and Food Security

30NOV23 incl Farm Video


NSC Transport, Climate and Communities Policy and Scrutiny Panel



Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) SPD Consultation responsebio



Draft Rural Strategy Considerations (still unpublished by NSC, draft due end of Jan 24)



Previous BOB Local Plan presentation and April 2022 Consultation submissions


Related links:


CO2Coalition website and Quiz


Engaging Local Authorities Sustainable Food Places 2018 (PDF)

imageBridport Food Security Plan (PDF)
imageNew Sustainable Food & Farming Conference for the South West 22-23 November 2024 Bath & West Showground and Global Summit Version




See also:



Audit and Scrutiny AGAR Guide 2024

Posted on 15th July, 2024


Rural Strategy Consultation

Posted on 20th May, 2024



Your chance to support your rural community for generations to come




NSC Rural Strategy 2024-2028

10 April 202421 May 2024

"The Rural Strategy is intended to contribute to the work of the Corporate Plan by considering the unique needs of rural North Somerset and bringing together the actions we are taking to support those needs" (Rural Strategy PDF)



BOB's previous comments on a potential Rural Strategy (NIOV23)



See also: