Results of Bleadon Parish Plan Questionnaire 2005
and related Adopted Plan 2009 Information
Links to original 2008 questionnaire and resulting data. Also the Draft Parish Plan 2008 and 103 Improvements Leaflet produced and distributed to all residents in 2009.
The 105+ questions and results are grouped together below in topic headings and ordered as the questions were in the original questionnaire. Click here to jump to questionnaire topic headings.
As many Bleadon residents may remember, in 2004/5 the Parish Council, as part of its bid to seek Quality Council status, decided to undertake a questionnaire of every Bleadon household in order to develop a Parish Plan to see how our area saw itself developing over the 20 year period. Please note this was prior to the Parish Boundary Review change that now includes the Hillcote area within the new parish boundary.
Residents were invited by BPC to a public meeting in January 2005 where "Nearly 200 people packed the Coronation Hall on 15 January to hear about the parish plan. lt was standing room only for many villagers at this inaugural event". Following a presentation several working/action groups were established to look at the various aspects required of the questionnaire (see minutes). After many months of work a questionnaire was finally distributed to residents and businesses in the parish. 640 questionnaires (Vision ICT) were collected and returned to the Parish Council in September 2005 i.e. 265 households representing the views of "60% of residents" (draft Parish Plan 2008). These were analysed by their appointed contractor and first website developer/host (Vision ICT), with technical assistance by BOB, see detailed information and analysis below.
To BOB's knowledge these detailed full questionnaire results have never been shared fully with the public nor a final clearly related 20 year 'Parish/Village Plan' produced by BPC. A 2008 draft document was created by BPC, with an action plan (updated in 2009) and associated resources. A leaflet with a "summary of [103] key points from the Bleadon Action Plan 2009" was published in Feb 2009 and later distributed to residents at the time of re-accreditation for Quality Council status. The final plan was officially adopted in May 2009 (Min 213.27.4) and submitted to North Somerset in Jun 09 (Min 214.4.12). BPC resolved that there should be a Strategy, and "that a time line chart be prepared based on the Village Plan in order to assess and review the cost implications for each of the financial years of the plan" in Sept 2009 (216.4.8). We/BOB are yet to receive the adopted Parish Plan or key related documentation (2017).
So as original members of two of the working groups, and in case time should forget, we thought that we would share the information on BOB, especially as the original PC website and Parish Plan information has now been replaced, twice!.
BOB often hears through conversations within Bleadon and also published in the Parish Council Village News, of observations, comments, criticisms, complaints, etc. of life in Bleadon.... So here is some factual benchmark information/data to compare whether any of this dialogue (or gossip) is in fact valid! Also, if you ever wondered whether others were thinking similar to you, you can now see if you are part of a minority or majority!
BPC indicated in 2017 that "Parish Plans carry very little weight nowadays" and that they may resolve to dismiss it. That may or may not be so with regards to some planning issues, but what about all the other wide ranging topics of the more holistic plan? (Since the Localism Act 2011 Neighbourhood Plans are now used to determine where development is desired).
Although data was originally gathered in 2005, BOB believes these results still remain a valid and valuable source of the essence of views held by residents of Bleadon. It can be used today for an indicative measure of whether the Parish Council's 20 year strategy for Bleadon is still progressing the way the public said it wanted it to develop, and of course whether expenditure is priortised to the public's wishes. Aside from the fact that it was costly to produce and that it represents the views of 60% of residents, it still reflects some of the current local action groups and initiatives, ongoing issues, and items highlighted in BPC minutes. Just have a quick look at the leaflet associated with the Parish Plan, previously distributed to residents in 2009.
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) indicate that parish plans can "Influence how local services are delivered. Parish Plans are an important tool that can be fed into other plans and strategies such as Local Plans, where the needs of individual towns and villages and their surrounding countryside might not normally be adequately considered." Other Community Planning advice from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England)
ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS: Does Quality Council Status produce Quality Councils? (2006), A Guide to Becoming a Quality Council (2008), Does Quality Council Status produce Quality Councils? (2010)
UPDATE APRIL 2017 - BPC Apr APM Mins (Open Forum) states that "The Clerk confirmed once more that he could not find a copy of a [adopted] Parish Plan" and that the plan as "obsolete"? (Adopted May 2009 Min 213.27.4), submitted to NSC June 2009 Min 214.4.12)
UPDATE JULY 2017 - Good Councillor Guide 2017 for Parish Councils states "We consider the delivery
UPDATE SEPT 2017 BPC Agenda (Min 299.18) BPC to consider submitting the Neighbourhood Plan Application to North Somerset Council and set up a Management Working Group.
For further information and to put these results into some context the BPC public meeting minutes can be found on BOB along with 'A Parishioner's Lament' blog if you wish to add any comments. Public minutes and those of the various Parish Plan working/action groups used to be found on the Bleadon Parish Council website (url link to plan information broken Jan 2016 on BPC website relaunch). Also The Core Strategy document of North Somerset Unitary Authority and information on Parish Council Precepts. Other Parish Plan related information can be found here.
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Answers were analysed and produced for questions that refered to both individual and collective household response. If there was an invitation in the question to comment further in writing then these responses can also be seen by clicking where indicated. A separate section for Young Peoples views was also included at the back of the questionnaire, the results of this were analysed and displayed as a matrix table that is also available.
Please note that the interpretation of numbers and relative percentages produced and shown (often enclosed in brackets) must depend on the nature and design of the question asked and should be interpreted in the context of that specific question. Therefore percentages, as supplied to us, will only be relative to the volume of completed answers to that specific question and not to any other question, or to the volume of returned questionnaires.
Please also note that the questionnaire data displayed on this website is re-produced wholly and solely from the original questionnaire results that were collated, analysed and produced by Vision ICT Ltd. as commissioned on behalf of Bleadon Parish Council). If any discrepancy is subsequently found please contact me and we will endeavour to correct it.
Any grammatical or typographical errors displayed in the results are a result of the original data entry, any reference to individuals or specific households found has now hopefully been removed and/or edited to provide anonymity.
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END OF TOPIC GROUPS & QUESTIONS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bleadon Parish Plan Questionnaire Results The total number of questionnaires filled in were 640.
Born here = 8.125% (52) Work in area = 18.43% (118) Relatives live nearby = 14.68% (94) Love of village life = 29.06% (186) Availability of housing = 8.437% (54) Retired here = 12.81% (82) Setting up home = 11.71% (75) Came with family = 17.18% (110) Other = 9.843% (63)
Question: 10 (370) - Drop Down From home = 18.91% (70) In the parish = 2.162% (8) Within 5 mile radius = 39.72% (147) Within 25 mile radius = 27.56% (102) Within 50 mile radius = 6.756% (25) Further afield = 4.864% (18)
Question: 11 (606) - Drop Down Employed full-time = 25.90% (157) Employed part-time/job share = 7.755% (47) Self employed - working from home = 7.920% (48) Self employed - away from home = 4.620% (28) Retired = 35.31% (214) Partly retired/some paid work = 2.805% (17) Unemployed = 0.330% (2) Full time education/training = 10.06% (61) Pre-school/playschool = 1.980% (12) Unwaged housewife/househusband = 2.475% (15) Registered.165% (1) Long term sick/disabled = 0.660% (4) Carer (unpaid) = 0% (0) Other = 0% (0)
Lack of alternative care for adult dependent = 0.312% (2) Lack of child care locally = 0% (0) Cost of child care locally = 0% (0) Lack of access to transport = 0.781% (5) I don't have the right type of experience = 0.156% (1) I don't have the right type of qualifications/training = 0.625% (4) Disability or ill health of some kind = 0.156% (1) Lack of information/advice = 0.156% (1) None of these = 3.906% (25)
Agriculture/Horticulture = 5.050% (5) Retail = 10.10% (10) Construction = 27.27% (27) Finance/Professional Services = 22.22% (22) Manufacturing = 3.030% (3) Transport = 1.010% (1) Tourism e.g. hotels catering B&B = 16.16% (16) Other Service e.g. hairdressing = 15.15% (15)
Question: 14 - Tourism development/attractions (461) - Drop Down 1 = 8.242% (38) 2 = 13.88% (64) 3 = 14.09% (65) 4 = 26.24% (121) 5 = 37.52% (173) Question: 14 - Small business development (467) - Drop Down 1 = 12.84% (60) 2 = 27.62% (129) 3 = 18.84% (88) 4 = 17.98% (84) 5 = 22.69% (106) Question: 14 - Small scale industrial workshops (455) - Drop Down 1 = 7.032% (32) 2 = 21.09% (96) 3 = 14.28% (65) 4 = 25.93% (118) 5 = 31.64% (144)
Click here to view your text answers
Question: 20 (572) - Drop Down Car = 88.98% (509) Public transport - bus = 5.944% (34) Taxi = 2.447% (14) Public transport - train = 0.524% (3) School bus = 0.524% (3) Dial-a-Ride Mini bus = 0.174% (1) Bicycle = 0.524% (3) On foot = 0.349% (2) Other = 0.524% (3)
Walk = 57.81% (370) Cycle = 11.87% (76) Car = 57.03% (365)
Question: 22 - Work (427) - Drop Down 1 = 2.341% (10) 2 = 5.386% (23) 3 = 92.27% (394) 4 = 0% (0) 5 = 0% (0) Question: 22 - Shopping (473) - Drop Down 1 = 4.439% (21) 2 = 15.43% (73) 3 = 79.70% (377) 4 = 0% (0) 5 = 0.422% (2) Question: 22 - Social & Leisure (448) - Drop Down 1 = 2.901% (13) 2 = 13.61% (61) 3 = 83.48% (374) 4 = 0% (0) 5 = 0% (0)
Question: 23 - Route (377) - Drop Down 1 = 3.713% (14) 2 = 34.48% (130) 3 = 21.48% (81) 4 = 40.31% (152) Question: 23 - Timetable (359) - Drop Down 1 = 3.342% (12) 2 = 25.90% (93) 3 = 29.24% (105) 4 = 41.50% (149) Question: 23 - Cost (347) - Drop Down 1 = 4.034% (14) 2 = 37.17% (129) 3 = 13.25% (46) 4 = 45.53% (158) Question: 23 - Access for those with disabilities (297) - Drop Down 1 = 0.673% (2) 2 = 6.734% (20) 3 = 25.25% (75) 4 = 67.34% (200)
Question: 24 - Route (297) - Drop Down 1 = 20.87% (62) 2 = 13.46% (40) 3 = 8.080% (24) 4 = 5.723% (17) 5 = 9.427% (28) 6 = 42.42% (126) Question: 24 - Timetable (296) - Drop Down 1 = 30.06% (89) 2 = 13.17% (39) 3 = 5.067% (15) 4 = 6.756% (20) 5 = 2.702% (8) 6 = 42.22% (125) Question: 24 - Cost (289) - Drop Down 1 = 10.72% (31) 2 = 9.688% (28) 3 = 16.95% (49) 4 = 12.11% (35) 5 = 4.844% (14) 6 = 45.67% (132) Question: 24 - Access for those with disabilities (261) - Drop Down 1 = 18.39% (48) 2 = 6.130% (16) 3 = 9.578% (25) 4 = 8.429% (22) 5 = 1.915% (5) 6 = 55.55% (145)
Question: 26 - Shopping (345) - Drop Down 1 = 1.739% (6) 2 = 20.57% (71) 3 = 77.68% (268) Question: 26 - School (250) - Drop Down 1 = 16% (40) 2 = 8% (20) 3 = 76% (190) Question: 26 - Social or leisure (316) - Drop Down 1 = 7.594% (24) 2 = 30.37% (96) 3 = 62.02% (196) Question: 26 - Work (290) - Drop Down 1 = 7.586% (22) 2 = 12.75% (37) 3 = 79.65% (231) Question: 26 - I am already part of a scheme (103) - Drop Down 1 = 24.27% (25) 2 = 11.65% (12) 3 = 64.07% (66)
More pavements = 29.21% (187) Pedestrian crossings = 12.96% (83) Dropped kerbs = 7.968% (51) Roundabouts = 9.218% (59) None of the above = 37.96% (243)
Question: 37 - Do you know where the local paths are? (492) - Drop Down 1 = 87.19% (429) 2 = 9.756% (48) 3 = 3.048% (15) Question: 37 - Can you use them without difficulty? (442) - Drop Down 1 = 74.66% (330) 2 = 17.19% (76) 3 = 8.144% (36) Question: 37 - Are they well signposted? (454) - Drop Down 1 = 58.59% (266) 2 = 26.43% (120) 3 = 14.97% (68) Question: 37 - Would you be willing to maintain them? (407) - Drop Down 1 = 18.18% (74) 2 = 63.14% (257) 3 = 18.67% (76) Question: 37 - Would you be interested in organised walks (415) - Drop Down 1 = 22.16% (92) 2 = 66.74% (277) 3 = 11.08% (46) Question: 37 - Do you use footpaths? (462) - Drop Down 1 = 81.38% (376) 2 = 14.50% (67) 3 = 4.112% (19)
Farm animals = 11.40% (73) High stiles = 10.62% (68) Locked gates = 10.15% (65) Barbed wire = 5.312% (34) Mud/water = 11.87% (76) Crops across path = 2.968% (19) Other users = 0.468% (3) Bushes/nettles = 10.15% (65) No signposts = 9.062% (58) Other = 4.531% (29) No difficulty experienced = 25% (160)
No new housing = 50.15% (321) Housing for single people = 6.718% (43) Housing for young couples / small families = 21.71% (139) Large family housing = 4.062% (26) Housing for the elderly/disabled = 10.62% (68) Housing for low income families = 6.875% (44) Other = 0.625% (4)
Question: 40 (241) - Drop Down Buy = 72.61% (175) Shared Ownership = 15.76% (38) Rent = 11.61% (28)
Question: 42 (564) - Drop Down Agree = 5.673% (32) Disagree = 90.07% (508) Don't know = 4.255% (24)
Question: 44 (572) - Drop Down Very important = 87.06% (498) Important = 10.31% (59) Not important = 1.048% (6) No opinion = 1.573% (9)
Question: 45 - Protection of Listed Buildings (490) - Drop Down 1 = 63.46% (311) 2 = 31.83% (156) 3 = 4.693% (23) Question: 45 - Design, scale and 'fit' of new developments (461) - Drop Down 1 = 79.39% (366) 2 = 18.00% (83) 3 = 2.603% (12) Question: 45 - Impact of development on the visible landscape (476) - Drop Down 1 = 83.82% (399) 2 = 14.49% (69) 3 = 1.680% (8) Question: 45 - Control of roadside features and advertising signs (465) - DropDown 1 = 68.17% (317) 2 = 27.31% (127) 3 = 4.516% (21) Question: 45 - A place for fishing or shooting (450) - Drop Down 1 = 15.11% (68) 2 = 26.44% (119) 3 = 58.44% (263) Question: 45 - A place of scenery and the natural world (484) - Drop Down 1 = 80.37% (389) 2 = 17.76% (86) 3 = 1.859% (9)
Question: 46 - Conservation of the parish landscape character (514) - Drop Down 1 = 85.60% (440) 2 = 9.533% (49) 3 = 3.307% (17) 4 = 0.389% (2) 5 = 0% (0) 6 = 1.167% (6) Question: 46 - Woodland retention & replanting (502) - Drop Down 1 = 79.28% (398) 2 = 13.94% (70) 3 = 3.187% (16) 4 = 2.390% (12) 5 = 0% (0) 6 = 1.195% (6) Question: 46 - Preservation of hedges and trees (504) - Drop Down 1 = 80.95% (408) 2 = 12.10% (61) 3 = 4.563% (23) 4 = 1.190% (6) 5 = 0.595% (3) 6 = 0.595% (3) Question: 46 - Wildlife conservation (488) - Drop Down 1 = 84.63% (413) 2 = 9.221% (45) 3 = 2.868% (14) 4 = 1.434% (7) 5 = 1.229% (6) 6 = 0.614% (3)
Question: 47 (550) - Drop Down Very important = 87.81% (483) Important = 10.54% (58) Not very important = 0.909% (5) No opinion = 0.727% (4)
Tranquility = 77.18% (494) Openness = 67.5% (432) A place which provides my living = 10.93% (70) A place for walking or rambling = 55.46% (355) A place to ride or walk the dog = 39.68% (254) A place for fishing or shooting = 11.25% (72) A place of scenery and the natural world = 68.59% (439)
Question: 49 - Plant more trees (412) - Drop Down 1 = 26.21% (108) 2 = 47.57% (196) 3 = 22.33% (92) 4 = 3.883% (16) Question: 49 - Cut down some trees (367) - Drop Down 1 = 1.907% (7) 2 = 10.08% (37) 3 = 81.19% (298) 4 = 6.811% (25) Question: 49 - Look after woodlands (437) - Drop Down 1 = 55.14% (241) 2 = 41.87% (183) 3 = 0.228% (1) 4 = 2.745% (12) Question: 49 - Keep hedges short and tidy on footpaths (463) - Drop Down 1 = 48.38% (224) 2 = 39.95% (185) 3 = 9.935% (46) 4 = 1.727% (8) Question: 49 - Let hedges in fields grow naturally (394) - Drop Down 1 = 26.64% (105) 2 = 37.05% (146) 3 = 26.90% (106) 4 = 9.390% (37) Question: 49 - Develop the river for leisure activities (421) - Drop Down 1 = 7.363% (31) 2 = 42.99% (181) 3 = 41.80% (176) 4 = 7.838% (33) Question: 49 - Develop the river and Levels as a wildlife sanctuary (453) - DropDown 1 = 32.89% (149) 2 = 55.40% (251) 3 = 7.947% (36) 4 = 3.752% (17) Question: 49 - Develop the Coombe quarry as a wildlife sanctuary (465) - DropDown 1 = 21.07% (98) 2 = 57.20% (266) 3 = 14.62% (68) 4 = 7.096% (33)
Traffic noise = 31.25% (200) Farm animals in gardens/on roads = 3.593% (23) Noisy visitors / residents = 10% (64) Low-flying aircraft = 17.81% (114) Noise pollution = 8.281% (53) Light pollution = 7.656% (49)
Question: 57 - Street Lighting outside residential areas (384) - Drop Down 1 = 26.30% (101) 2 = 16.14% (62) 3 = 15.88% (61) 4 = 7.031% (27) 5 = 34.63% (133) Question: 57 - Urbanisation of rural areas (350) - Drop Down 1 = 53.14% (186) 2 = 16.57% (58) 3 = 16% (56) 4 = 4.285% (15) 5 = 10% (35) Question: 57 - Security lighting (361) - Drop Down 1 = 26.31% (95) 2 = 13.29% (48) 3 = 29.08% (105) 4 = 10.52% (38) 5 = 20.77% (75) Question: 57 - Light pollution (glare/flow) (358) - Drop Down 1 = 36.87% (132) 2 = 20.39% (73) 3 = 18.43% (66) 4 = 8.938% (32) 5 = 15.36% (55) Question: 57 - Night working under lights (328) - Drop Down 1 = 25.91% (85) 2 = 11.89% (39) 3 = 21.95% (72) 4 = 6.402% (21) 5 = 33.84% (111) Question: 57 - Illuminated signs (342) - Drop Down 1 = 24.85% (85) 2 = 16.66% (57) 3 = 28.36% (97) 4 = 7.017% (24) 5 = 23.09% (79) Question: 57 - Impacts on wildlife (365) - Drop Down 1 = 54.79% (200) 2 = 15.89% (58) 3 = 15.06% (55) 4 = 6.301% (23) 5 = 7.945% (29)
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Question: 59 - Doctor (530) - Drop Down 1 = 16.03% (85) 2 = 68.11% (361) 3 = 15.28% (81) 4 = 0.566% (3) Question: 59 - District Nurse (373) - Drop Down 1 = 0.804% (3) 2 = 7.238% (27) 3 = 78.01% (291) 4 = 13.94% (52) Question: 59 - Health Visitor (373) - Drop Down 1 = 2.144% (8) 2 = 6.702% (25) 3 = 72.11% (269) 4 = 19.03% (71) Question: 59 - Maternity Care (367) - Drop Down 1 = 1.089% (4) 2 = 2.724% (10) 3 = 55.04% (202) 4 = 41.14% (151) Question: 59 - Chiropody (377) - Drop Down 1 = 6.100% (23) 2 = 11.14% (42) 3 = 67.10% (253) 4 = 15.64% (59) Question: 59 - Loan of medical equipment (365) - Drop Down 1 = 2.465% (9) 2 = 1.369% (5) 3 = 76.71% (280) 4 = 19.45% (71) Question: 59 - Meals on wheels (363) - Drop Down 1 = 1.377% (5) 2 = 0% (0) 3 = 71.07% (258) 4 = 27.54% (100) Question: 59 - Dentist (496) - Drop Down 1 = 16.53% (82) 2 = 73.79% (366) 3 = 7.459% (37) 4 = 2.217% (11) Question: 59 - Optician (451) - Drop Down 1 = 8.869% (40) 2 = 68.07% (307) 3 = 20.39% (92) 4 = 2.660% (12)
Question: 60 (514) - Drop Down Satisfied = 57.78% (297) No opinion = 31.51% (162) Dissatisfied = 10.70% (55)
Weekly doctor's surgery = 42.34% (271) Prescription delivery = 27.81% (178) Baby clinic = 6.406% (41) Chiropody = 13.28% (85) Dentistry = 22.03% (141) Alternative therapies = 11.56% (74) Family Planning clinic = 4.531% (29)
You like to support the local shop = 60.78% (389) You like the social contact = 31.87% (204) It saves time = 30.62% (196) It saves transport costs = 24.06% (154) You don't have transport to go elsewhere = 3.125% (20) You need 'last minute' items = 38.43% (246) Use of internet access = 1.093% (7) The village shop gives good value = 28.12% (180) Other = 1.718% (11)
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Bleadon Coronation Halls = 50% (320) Church Meeting Room = 10% (64) Children's Play Area = 21.87% (140) Youth Club = 1.093% (7) Queens Arms skittles room = 7.812% (50)
Question: 74 (530) - Drop Down Yes = 77.92% (413) No = 5.283% (28) No opinion = 16.79% (89)
No transport = 0.312% (2) No one else to go with = 0.781% (5) Function times are inconvenient = 1.093% (7) Costs too great = 2.031% (13) Difficult wheelchair access = 0.625% (4) Wrong age group = 5.312% (34) Do not attend = 18.90% (121) Other = 0% (0)
Question: 76 - Cloakroom (325) - Drop Down 1 = 30.46% (99) 2 = 59.07% (192) 3 = 10.46% (34) Question: 76 - Lighting (339) - Drop Down 1 = 45.72% (155) 2 = 50.73% (172) 3 = 3.539% (12) Question: 76 - Size of rooms (334) - Drop Down 1 = 61.07% (204) 2 = 37.42% (125) 3 = 1.497% (5) Question: 76 - Toilets (338) - Drop Down 1 = 42.60% (144) 2 = 51.77% (175) 3 = 5.621% (19) Question: 76 - Kitchen (321) - Drop Down 1 = 60.43% (194) 2 = 38.31% (123) 3 = 1.246% (4) Question: 76 - Stage (300) - Drop Down 1 = 37% (111) 2 = 55.66% (167) 3 = 7.333% (22)
Question: 77 (495) - Drop Down Yes = 38.38% (190) No = 61.61% (305)
Pre-school nursery = 15.93% (102) More registered childminders = 4.843% (31) A village school = 26.25% (168) Full day care for dependants = 4.843% (31) After school clubs = 15.62% (100) Holiday activity/play scheme = 15.93% (102) Improved youth club facilities = 14.37% (92) Adult education classes = 20.46% (131) Other = 0.468% (3)
Morning = 13.28% (85) Afternoon = 12.34% (79) Evening = 23.43% (150) Saturday = 7.968% (51) Sunday = 6.562% (42)
Question: 81 - Children up to 16 (337) - Drop Down 1 = 2.670% (9) 2 = 27.89% (94) 3 = 30.86% (104) 4 = 38.57% (130) Question: 81 - Young people 17-25 (311) - Drop Down 1 = 0.964% (3) 2 = 11.57% (36) 3 = 38.26% (119) 4 = 49.19% (153) Question: 81 - People 26-40 (302) - Drop Down 1 = 5.629% (17) 2 = 32.78% (99) 3 = 16.22% (49) 4 = 45.36% (137) Question: 81 - People 41-60 (312) - Drop Down 1 = 16.02% (50) 2 = 38.78% (121) 3 = 9.615% (30) 4 = 35.57% (111) Question: 81 - People over 60 (366) - Drop Down 1 = 30.60% (112) 2 = 33.60% (123) 3 = 3.551% (13) 4 = 32.24% (118)
Youth art schemes = 1.093% (7) A summer play scheme = 0.156% (1) After-school club = 0% (0) Youth club = 1.718% (11) Community service = 2.031% (13) Scouts/Cubs/Guides/Brownies = 1.25% (8)
Question: 83 (271) - Drop Down Yes = 7.011% (19) No = 92.98% (252)
Youth football = 7.656% (49) Cricket = 11.40% (73) Boules (Petanque) = 5.312% (34) Snooker/billiards = 6.875% (44) Martial arts = 5.468% (35) Pilates = 10.31% (66) Keep Fit = 10% (64) Table Tennis = 3.593% (23) Tennis = 11.09% (71)
Question: 86 - Local Church (406) - Drop Down 1 = 9.359% (38) 2 = 5.911% (24) 3 = 32.51% (132) 4 = 2.709% (11) 5 = 49.50% (201) Question: 86 - Other Churches outside Bleadon (244) - Drop Down 1 = 6.967% (17) 2 = 8.196% (20) 3 = 18.85% (46) 4 = 7.377% (18) 5 = 58.60% (143) Question: 86 - Other religious groups (161) - Drop Down 1 = 2.484% (4) 2 = 1.863% (3) 3 = 1.863% (3) 4 = 3.726% (6) 5 = 90.06% (145)
For Sunday worship = 17.34% (111) For baptisms = 20.62% (132) Wedding and funerals = 32.96% (211) As a focal point for the community = 49.06% (314) As an historic building = 56.87% (364) Every place should have one = 26.09% (167) Other = 0.312% (2)
Question: 88 (321) - Drop Down Not relevant = 46.41% (149) I already give support in time and effort = 16.82% (54) I already give support in funding = 19.31% (62) I am prepared to give more support if I receive information = 17.44% (56)
Question: 89 - Concerts (332) - Drop Down 1 = 62.65% (208) 2 = 5.421% (18) 3 = 31.92% (106) Question: 89 - Meetings (230) - Drop Down 1 = 25.21% (58) 2 = 12.60% (29) 3 = 62.17% (143) Question: 89 - Other denominational services (233) - Drop Down 1 = 27.46% (64) 2 = 16.30% (38) 3 = 56.22% (131) Question: 89 - Other (52) - Drop Down 1 = 17.30% (9) 2 = 3.846% (2) 3 = 78.84% (41)
Question: 90 (417) - Drop Down Not relevant = 39.08% (163) I don't wish to be buried in the parish = 16.30% (68) I don't want a memorial in the parish = 0.719% (3) I would like to be buried in the parish = 20.62% (86) I would like a memorial in the parish = 23.26% (97)
Theft = 33.90% (217) Speeding = 50.93% (326) Vandalism = 32.81% (210) Drunkenness = 10.46% (67) Threatening behaviour = 8.281% (53) Noise/rowdiness = 13.12% (84) Litter = 30.46% (195) Fly-tipping = 20.62% (132) Dog fouling = 46.71% (299) Other = 0.468% (3) Not concerned = 3.75% (24)
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Bleadon Parish Plan Questionnaire Results The total number of questionnaires that were filled in were 275.
Question: 1 - Male 0-4 (6) - Text Question: 1 - Male 5-10 (15) - Text Question: 1 - Male 11-17 (13) - Text Question: 1 - Male 18-21 (10) - Text Question: 1 - Male 22-39 (33) - Text Question: 1 - Male 40-59 (76) - Text Question: 1 - Male 60-64 (35) - Text Question: 1 - Male 65-74 (55) - Text Question: 1 - Male 75+ (30) - Text Question: 1 - Female 0-4 (11) - Text Question: 1 - Female 5-10 (17) - Text Question: 1 - Female 11-17 (16) - Text Question: 1 - Female 18-21 (5) - Text Question: 1 - Female 22-39 (39) - Text Question: 1 - Female 40-59 (84) - Text Question: 1 - Female 60-64 (25) - Text Question: 1 - Female 65-74 (50) - Text Question: 1 - Female 75+ (36) - Text
Less than 1 year = 2.264% (6) 1-5 years = 22.26% (59) 6-10 years = 18.49% (49) 11-15 years = 14.33% (38) 16-25 years = 19.62% (52) 26-50 years = 18.11% (48) 50+ years = 4.905% (13)
Bungalow - Privately rented = 0.386% (1) Bungalow - Local authority rented = 1.930% (5) Bungalow - Owner occupied = 30.11% (78) Bungalow - Shared ownership = 0.386% (1) Bungalow - Tied = 0% (0) House - Privately rented = 3.088% (8) House - Local authority rented = 0.772% (2) House - Owner occupied = 58.30% (151) House - Shared ownership = 0.772% (2) House - Tied = 0.772% (2) Flat - Privately rented = 1.930% (5) Flat - Local authority rented = 0% (0) Flat - Owner occupied = 1.158% (3) Flat - Shared ownership = 0% (0) Flat - Tied = 0% (0) Other = 0.386% (1) Click here to view your text answers
Yes = 21.37% (53) No = 78.62% (195)
Lack of affordable housing = 1.090% (3) Lack of public transport = 0.363% (1) Lack of suitable housing = 0% (0) To take up employment elsewhere = 6.181% (17) To go to college or university = 5.818% (16) To live independently = 5.818% (16) To set up home as a new household with a partner = 6.181% (17) Other = 0.727% (2) Click here to view your text answers
Flat - 1 bed = 0% (0) Flat - 2 bed = 1.953% (5) Flat - 3 bed = 1.171% (3) Flat - 4 bed = 0% (0) Flat - 5 bed or more = 0% (0) Bungalow - 1 bed = 1.171% (3) Bungalow - 2 bed = 6.25% (16) Bungalow - 3 bed = 18.75% (48) Bungalow - 4 bed = 7.031% (18) Bungalow - 5 bed or more = 0.390% (1) House - 1 bed = 0% (0) House - 2 bed = 5.859% (15) House - 3 bed = 24.60% (63) House - 4 bed = 26.17% (67) House - 5 bed or more = 5.859% (15) Other = 0.781% (2) Click here to view your text answers
Flat - 1 bed = 0% (0) Flat - 2 bed = 8.510% (4) Flat - 3 bed = 2.127% (1) Flat - 4 bed = 0% (0) Flat - 5 bed or more = 0% (0) Bungalow - 1 bed = 4.255% (2) Bungalow - 2 bed = 10.63% (5) Bungalow - 3 bed = 21.27% (10) Bungalow - 4 bed = 2.127% (1) Bungalow - 5 bed or more = 2.127% (1) House - 1 bed = 0% (0) House - 2 bed = 4.255% (2) House - 3 bed = 17.02% (8) House - 4 bed = 23.40% (11) House - 5 bed or more = 4.255% (2) Other = 0% (0) Click here to view your text answers
Housing Association/Local Authority rented = 6.666% (4) Open Market Ownership = 68.33% (41) Residential Care = 0% (0) Care in own Home = 16.66% (10) Private Rented = 3.333% (2) Shared Ownership = 1.666% (1) Warden Assisted = 3.333% (2) Other = 0% (0) Click here to view your text answers
Question: 11 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 12 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 13 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 14 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 16 (261) - Drop Down Yes = 65.51% (171) No = 34.48% (90) Question: 16 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 17 - Work (118) - Drop Down Daily = 48.30% (57) Weekly = 15.25% (18) Occasionally = 16.94% (20) Never = 19.49% (23) Question: 17 - Information and news (144) - Drop Down Daily = 45.13% (65) Weekly = 22.22% (32) Occasionally = 27.77% (40) Never = 4.861% (7) Question: 17 - Shopping (122) - Drop Down Daily = 13.93% (17) Weekly = 18.03% (22) Occasionally = 56.55% (69) Never = 11.47% (14) Question: 17 - Travel & holidays (131) - Drop Down Daily = 14.50% (19) Weekly = 9.923% (13) Occasionally = 70.22% (92) Never = 5.343% (7) Question: 17 - Banking & finance (129) - Drop Down Daily = 24.80% (32) Weekly = 41.86% (54) Occasionally = 14.72% (19) Never = 18.60% (24) Question: 17 - Chatting (118) - Drop Down Daily = 31.35% (37) Weekly = 19.49% (23) Occasionally = 30.50% (36) Never = 18.64% (22) Question: 17 - Social & Leisure (109) - Drop Down Daily = 32.11% (35) Weekly = 18.34% (20) Occasionally = 34.86% (38) Never = 14.67% (16) Question: 17 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 18 (266) - Drop Down None = 7.894% (21) One = 39.47% (105) Two = 40.60% (108) Three or more = 12.03% (32) Question: 18 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 19 - Car 1 - Tickbox Transport to work/business = 50.90% (140) Leisure/shopping = 75.63% (208) Transport to school/college = 10.90% (30) Question: 19 - Car 2 - Tickbox Transport to work/business = 33.09% (91) Leisure/shopping = 41.09% (113) Transport to school/college = 10.18% (28) Question: 19 - Car 3 - Tickbox Transport to work/business = 5.090% (14) Leisure/shopping = 8.363% (23) Transport to school/college = 2.909% (8)
Question: 20 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 21 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 22 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 23 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 24 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Click here to view your text answers
Question: 27 (255) - Drop Down Yes = 86.66% (221) No = 5.882% (15) Don't know = 7.450% (19)
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Question: 29 (258) - Drop Down Yes = 74.41% (192) No = 18.99% (49) Don't know = 6.589% (17)
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Question: 31 - Lower speed restrictions - Yes / No (171) - Drop Down Yes = 66.08% (113) No = 33.91% (58) Question: 31 - Lower speed restrictions - Where / What - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 31 - Traffic calming - Yes / No (164) - Drop Down Yes = 53.65% (88) No = 46.34% (76) Question: 31 - Traffic calming - Where / What - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 31 - More car parking facilities - Yes / No (125) - Drop Down Yes = 24% (30) No = 76% (95) Question: 31 - More car parking facilities - Where / What - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 31 - Parking restrictions - Yes / No (144) - Drop Down Yes = 36.80% (53) No = 63.19% (91) Question: 31 - Parking restrictions - Where / What - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 31 - Marked pedestrian walkways - Yes / No (136) - Drop Down Yes = 50% (68) No = 50% (68) Question: 31 - Marked pedestrian walkways - Where / What - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 31 - Cycle route(s) - Yes / No (122) - Drop Down Yes = 45.08% (55) No = 54.91% (67) Question: 31 - Cycle route(s) - Where / What - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 31 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 32 (258) - Drop Down In good condition = 12.79% (33) In acceptable condition = 66.66% (172) In poor condition = 20.54% (53) Question: 32 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 33 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 1 - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Why 1? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 2 - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Why 2? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 3 - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Why 3? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 4 - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Why 4? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 5 - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Why 5? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 6 - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Why 6? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 7 - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 34 - Why 7? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
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Entry into the 'Best Kept Villages' Competition = 49.45% (136) Volunteer led Parish 'spring clean' = 44% (121) Better care of our open spaces = 33.45% (92) Employment of a parish orderly = 28% (77) Improved signage = 8% (22) Other ideas (note below) = 2.545% (7) Question: 36 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 37 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 38 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 39 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 40 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 41 (107) - Drop Down Inside the 'Settlement Boundaries' using in-fill sites = 71.96% (77) Outside the 'Settlement Boundaries' = 21.49% (23) Anywhere = 4.672% (5) Other = 1.869% (2) Question: 41 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 42 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
The parish would lose is rural character = 56% (154) Roads and infrastructure inadequate = 48.72% (134) Surface drainage and flood prevention measures inadequate = 42.54% (117) Too much pressure on schools and other facilities = 25.09% (69) Other = 0.727% (2) Question: 43 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 44 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 45 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 46 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 47 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 48 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 49 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 50 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 51 (259) - Drop Down Yes = 93.43% (242) No = 6.563% (17) Question: 51 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Glass = 82.54% (227) Cans = 66.54% (183) Clothes/shoes = 48.72% (134) Batteries = 12.36% (34) Printer cartridges = 20.36% (56) Paper = 80% (220) Green waste/Compost = 50.18% (138) Plastics = 10.18% (28) Stamps = 22.18% (61) Other = 0.363% (1)
Recycling banks = 47.63% (131) Home / allotment Composting = 35.63% (98) Green Box Scheme = 68% (187) Local Civic Amenity Site = 56% (154) Other = 0% (0) Question: 53 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Click here to view your text answers
Question: 55 (248) - Drop Down Yes = 74.19% (184) No = 25.80% (64) Question: 55 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 56 (241) - Drop Down Yes = 30.29% (73) No = 69.70% (168) Question: 56 - Where - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 57 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 59 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 60 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 61 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
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Question: 63 (243) - Drop Down Yes = 26.74% (65) No = 73.25% (178) Question: 63 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Yes = 66.66% (46) No = 33.33% (23) Question: 64 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Click here to view your text answers
Question: 66 - Bleadon village shop (247) - Drop Down Daily = 29.55% (73) Weekly = 37.65% (93) Occasionally = 29.14% (72) Never = 3.643% (9) Question: 66 - Bleadon Post Office (239) - Drop Down Daily = 10.04% (24) Weekly = 44.76% (107) Occasionally = 38.91% (93) Never = 6.276% (15) Question: 66 - Aller Parade, Oldmixon Post Office (193) - Drop Down Daily = 0.518% (1) Weekly = 4.145% (8) Occasionally = 55.95% (108) Never = 39.37% (76) Question: 66 - Local pub(s) (224) - Drop Down Daily = 5.357% (12) Weekly = 20.98% (47) Occasionally = 59.37% (133) Never = 14.28% (32) Question: 66 - Local garage(s) (221) - Drop Down Daily = 1.809% (4) Weekly = 22.62% (50) Occasionally = 56.10% (124) Never = 19.45% (43) Question: 66 - Telephone Box (199) - Drop Down Daily = 0% (0) Weekly = 1.507% (3) Occasionally = 7.537% (15) Never = 90.95% (181) Question: 66 - Milk delivery (214) - Drop Down Daily = 15.42% (33) Weekly = 6.542% (14) Occasionally = 2.803% (6) Never = 75.23% (161) Question: 66 - Monthly village market at Coronation Hall (234) - Drop Down Daily = 5.982% (14) Weekly = 5.128% (12) Occasionally = 67.09% (157) Never = 21.79% (51) Question: 66 - Supermarket delivery services (206) - Drop Down Daily = 0.485% (1) Weekly = 2.912% (6) Occasionally = 13.59% (28) Never = 83.00% (171) Question: 66 - Internet shopping (211) - Drop Down Daily = 0.947% (2) Weekly = 5.687% (12) Occasionally = 38.86% (82) Never = 54.50% (115) Question: 66 - Catalogue mail order shopping (211) - Drop Down Daily = 0.947% (2) Weekly = 0.947% (2) Occasionally = 54.50% (115) Never = 43.60% (92) Question: 66 - Newspaper delivery (214) - Drop Down Daily = 19.62% (42) Weekly = 2.803% (6) Occasionally = 1.869% (4) Never = 75.70% (162) Question: 66 - Prescription delivery services (204) - Drop Down Daily = 0.980% (2) Weekly = 1.960% (4) Occasionally = 5.882% (12) Never = 91.17% (186) Question: 66 - Mobile library (214) - Drop Down Daily = 1.869% (4) Weekly = 7.476% (16) Occasionally = 18.22% (39) Never = 72.42% (155) Question: 66 - More use of local services? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 67 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Opening hours = 38.54% (106) Price = 42.54% (117) Variety = 56% (154) Quality = 12% (33) Convenience = 34.18% (94) Other = 1.818% (5) Question: 69 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Weston-super-Mare = 82.54% (227) Burnham-on-Sea = 13.45% (37) Bristol = 26.90% (74) Taunton = 17.45% (48) Elsewhere = 15.63% (43) Question: 70 - Elsewhere - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Click here to view your text answers
Question: 72 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Click here to view your text answers
Question: 74 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 75 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 76 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 77 - Suggestions - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 78 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 79 - Additional adult education/leisure classes - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 79 - And how? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 81 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Bleadon Players = 2.909% (8) Bridge Club = 2.181% (6) Brownies = 2.909% (8) Friendship Club = 6.181% (17) Exercise Class = 5.818% (16) Skittles = 3.272% (9) Horticultural Society = 8% (22) Short mat bowls club = 5.818% (16) Watercolour painting class = 0.727% (2) Ballroom dancing = 5.454% (15) Folk Dancing group = 2.181% (6) Photographic group = 1.454% (4) Contact us welcome group = 2.909% (8) Yoga = 1.090% (3) Toddler group = 3.272% (9) Infant Welfare Clinic = 1.454% (4) Sugarcraft group = 0% (0) Ladies group = 8.727% (24) Friends of Bleadon Church = 5.818% (16) Parochial Church Council = 4% (11) Choir = 2.181% (6) Bellringers = 1.090% (3) Ladies self-defence = 0.727% (2) Youth Club = 2.181% (6) May Fair Committee = 3.272% (9) Neighbouthood Watch = 9.090% (25) Other Activities (not listed) (Please details below) = 0% (0) Question: 84 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers Question: 84 - If you don't participate in activities, why not? - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 85 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 86 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 87 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 88 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 89 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 90 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 91 (253) - Drop Down Yes = 33.59% (85) No = 66.40% (168) Question: 91 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 92 - Other - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Car crime = 11.63% (32) Burglary = 14.18% (39) Violence = 1.090% (3) Damage to property = 3.272% (9) Vandalism = 2.545% (7) Other (Please detail below) = 1.454% (4)
Good = 36.76% (25) Adequate = 48.52% (33) Inadequate = 14.70% (10) Question: 93 - Details - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 96 (241) - Drop Down Yes = 52.69% (127) No = 27.38% (66) Don't know = 19.91% (48)
Question: 97 (206) - Drop Down Yes = 9.708% (20) No = 90.29% (186) Question: 97 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 98 (236) - Drop Down Yes = 50.84% (120) No = 30.50% (72) Don't know = 18.64% (44) Question: 98 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 99 (241) - Drop Down Yes = 38.58% (93) No = 32.78% (79) Don't know = 28.63% (69) Question: 99 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
BleadonVillage News = 84.72% (233) The Parish Magazine of St Peter and St Paul = 44.36% (122) Village shop = 40.72% (112) Word of mouth = 61.09% (168) Local newspapers = 54.18% (149) Bleadon website = 14.18% (39) Parish Council notice boards = 49.45% (136) Church notice board = 16% (44) Question: 100 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 102 (255) - Drop Down Yes = 79.21% (202) No = 20.78% (53) Question: 102 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Question: 103 (238) - Drop Down Effective = 43.69% (104) Ineffective = 8.823% (21) Don't know = 47.47% (113) Question: 103 - Comments - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
Click here to view your text answers
Question: 105 (221) - Drop Down Yes = 60.63% (134) No = 39.36% (87) Question: 105 - Improvements - Textbox Click here to view your text answers
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Text ResultsBleadon Parish Plan Questionnaire
Bleadon Parish Plan Questionnaire Individual - Text Responses
no need to improve emplyment around the village aera Bigger shop with longer hours Bigger shop withlonger hours establish SSI on Hellenge Hill no more shops Business development & local small workshops Small Business development Create an area (such as Purn Farm area) suitable for local small businesses Plenty ofemployment opportunites within WSM. Village not suitable to encourage employment opportunit Bleadon as a small village, should not be developed in any way to increase employment, tourism or Encourage small business developments none none tourism tourism tourism living at the extreme edge of the parish I have no idea what type of jobs are required living at the extreme edge of the parish I have no idea what type of jobs are required living at the extreme edge of the parish I have no idea what type of jobs are required Close enough to main employment areas not to need additional provision to make a good super market to save peoploe going into town to make a good super market to save peoploe going into town don't know notto be so @cliquey' employment needed in the area, notnecessary Bleadon,stop building houses! employment needed in the area, notnecessary Bleadon,stop building houses! This isa residentialarea, not an employment aera. This isa residentialarea, not an employment aera. This isa residentialarea, not an employment aera. This isa residentialarea, not an employment aera. Would prefer it to remain mainly, residential Would prefer it to remain mainly, residential Would prefer it to remain mainly, residential Would prefer it to remain mainly, residential Would prefer it to remain mainly, residential N/O N/O Keep it the way it is we do not need employment iin Bleadon it is resdential Keep it the way it is we do not need employment iin Bleadon it is resdential Keep it the way it is we do not need employment iin Bleadon it is resdential Keep it the way it is we do not need employment iin Bleadon it is resdential Keep it the way it is we do not need employment iin Bleadon it is resdential Plant more trees, free bus service to Bristol Plant more trees, free bus service to Bristol Plant more trees, free bus service to Bristol Plant more trees, free bus service to Bristol Plant more trees, free bus service to Bristol Plant more trees, free bus service to Bristol Plant more trees, free bus service to Bristol It ccould'nt it is fine the way it is! It ccould'nt it is fine the way it is! not needed not needed remove the dusty, diirty quarry works and buikd office/business accommodation within the quarry remove the dusty, diirty quarry works and buikd office/business accommodation within the quarry the community must not be suspicious or unecesserily obstructive the community must not be suspicious or unecesserily obstructive Do not wantany more employers Do not wantany more employers This purelya redsdential/farming aera This purelya redsdential/farming aera Better public transport: more shoppingfacilities Better public transport: more shoppingfacilities provision of better local facilities, school,doctor vet dentist provision of better local facilities, school,doctor vet dentist provision of better local facilities, school,doctor vet dentist provision of better local facilities, school,doctor vet dentist need sports field for children to play in need sports field for children to play in organise rivertrips organise rivertrips organise rivertrips no knowledge no knowledge Keep it as it is public transport to town (improve) don't know encorage employers to move here small scale workshops,cottage industries cottage industries this is an agriculture village no comment (village unable to sustain enployment ) as above answer as above answer This is a small village and there is plenty of employment in weston Surplus farm buildings or quarry into light industrial/business units Surplus farm buildings or quarry into light industrial/business units Surplus farm buildings or quarry into light industrial/business units small scale industrial units onthe outskirts of the village rates rise in line with turnover, starting low No A we should have small workshops units for carftsmen or small businesses We should have small workshop units for craftsmen or small businesses Better Transport Better Transport no opinion no change no change no change no change no change no change no change as above as above with difficulty as limited space - need for pragmaatism by main road not wanted look at broader employment suited to rural community look at broader employment suited to rural community look at broader employment suited to rural community why more employment!!!! why more employment!!!! retail shop mini super market mini super market mini super market have not even thought of it have not even thought of it conversion of farm buildings into small industrial/craft units small business units / craft shops WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE EMPLOYMENT BLEADON MUST REMAIN A VILLAGE if there were properties that could be rented or bought then businesses could be set up ie hairdress if there were properties that could be rented or bought then businesses could be set up ie hairdress any opportunities for small business that do not impinge visually upon the envoirement bleadon is village opportunity for emplyment is accepepted as limited in any village the nearby tow. bleadon is village opportunity for emplyment is accepepted as limited in any village the nearby tow. bleadon is village opportunity for emplyment is accepepted as limited in any village the nearby tow. bleadon is village opportunity for emplyment is accepepted as limited in any village the nearby tow. bleadon is village opportunity for emplyment is accepepted as limited in any village the nearby tow. more businesses should be encouraged to relocate to weston,clevedon and taunton and portishead have more businesses should be encouraged to relocate to weston,clevedon and taunton and portishead have more businesses should be encouraged to relocate to weston,clevedon and taunton and portishead have unnecessary unnecessary no further building cosider using quarry for small manufacturing units yes health centre,craft centre & workshop more small business premises available better public transport YES the peace and tranquillity of the village should be preserved the peace and tranquillity of the village should be preserved not required as plentiful employment in weston and bristol could have a primary school more shops hairdresser hairdresser hairdresser small business small business small business use of redundent agricultural buildings use of redundent agricultural buildings use redundant farm buildings for employment use redundant farm buildings for employment more small busisness more small busisness not necessary not necessary not necessary more farm support more farm support un - necessary un - necessary as 14 as 14 i dont see the need employment oppertunities of consiquence should be encoureged in major towns where appropreate facili being situated so close to weston there is no need to spoil bleadon village LOW LEVEL SMALL BUSINESS UNITS IN THE QUARRY IF MAROHALLS CAN BE PERSUADED TO MOVE Bleadon should be left residental Bleadon should be left residental Development organic farming Development organic farming More "Work from home" which removes travel and increases local spending To increase the number of business hence more jobs To increase the number of business hence more jobs There should be easier ways t find out who needs works done, eg. babysitting, cleaning etc. More businesses means more work. no idea no idea no idea how? its a village not an ind. est. how? its a village not an ind. est. more shops no further building encourage small business dvelopment create an area (such as purn farm area) suitable for local small business create an area (such as purn farm area) suitable for local small business create an area (such as purn farm area) suitable for local small business unnecessary unnecessary by providing small units for various crafts by providing small units for various crafts by providing small units for various crafts more small businesses more small businesses a village school would provide various types of employment a village school would provide various types of employment a village school would provide various types of employment a village school would provide various types of employment its ok as it is its ok as it is its ok as it is its ok as it is
none none arifical leg arifical leg Diffilcuty walking needs stick forsupport lighting needs to be low watage but enough to see kerbs/ none none asthmatic none none none none none none poor mobility NONE ostro arthrittis arthritis and heart problems disabled regiostered blind A very frail on feet B regiostered blind A very frail on feet B none none none none special ne3eds/walking difficulty special ne3eds/walking difficulty limited mobility (heart problems and diabetes limited mobility (heart problems and diabetes limited mobility (heart problems and diabetes walking difficulty ostro arthritis
Organic produce Organic produce pricing Lottery Electric (key) longer openinh hours As Below longer opening hoours and more range very handy very handy opening hours extended variation of products opening hours extended - variation of products it should have stayed at the heart of the villaqge - near church more affordable (shop) more affordable (shop) no changes except location delivery service better parking more items available quality & convenience of location (central) If it was open when I got home from work at ^pm Better fresh fruit and Deli items post office mne services / cash point / wide range of products post office mne services / cash point / wide range of products Open longer hours none none Open longer hours if it was a delivery, to come around the village once a week, would be greatful. It needs a cloths s if it was a delivery, to come around the village once a week, would be greatful. It needs a cloths s no changes no changes No view No view open late in the evening lottrery terminal more local produec stocked more local produec stocked lottery sales More central location More central location More central location More central location if was back where it use to be none fine more fruit & veg from village more fruit & veg from village a bit more variety more pick & mix car tax , sell organic produce and pasturised milk car tax Happy to see it develop at its own pace Anything homemade or home grown its becoming a very useful outlet more meat/veg - local produce, organic produce more meat/veg - local produce, organic produce more meat/veg - local produce, organic produce A taxing motor vehicles, banking (some banks use P.O not all) B expansion of shop in the future the owner could smile once in a while more organic veg & other food a full organic greengrocer more organic foods better parking facilities longer opening hours longer opening hours it is best as it is it is best as it is it is best as it is it is best as it is it is best as it is it is best as it is it is best as it is as it is 3/4 mile walk - weather can dicate using therefore mightas well go extra mile to supermark as it is 3/4 mile walk - weather can dicate using therefore mightas well go extra mile to supermark used daily used daily nothing - for geographical reasons nothing - for geographical reasons use of credit card use of credit card use of credit card the shop has made a good start I would willing topay more for locally sourced products CARTAX + LICENSE - REBATE FORMS ETC longer opening hours longer opening hours longer opening hours longer opening hours see above delivery/readdy prephoned order, local produce, dvd hire, new book hire delivery/readdy prephoned order, local produce, dvd hire, new book hire delivery/readdy prephoned order, local produce, dvd hire, new book hire delivery/readdy prephoned order, local produce, dvd hire, new book hire delivery/readdy prephoned order, local produce, dvd hire, new book hire more home food,pies etc. and bread not so far to walk excellent as it is - perhaps larger dinner area central situation I already use it each day SUPERMARKET PRICES more fresh veg & meat more fresh veg & meat motor tax & passports BETTER LIGHTING CLEARER PRICING larger larger the new shop is good already the new shop is good already if it provided more organic fruit |& veg if it provided more organic fruit |& veg larger range of stock larger range of stock more local produce MORE SECURITY FOR PEOPLE DRAWING PENSIONS MORE SECURITY FOR PEOPLE DRAWING PENSIONS if I retired if I retired if I retired wider range of produce wider range of produce wider range of produce wider range of produce wider range of produce already use both frequently already use both frequently a wider variety of of products particularly local products a veg box delivery service a wider variety of of products particularly local products a veg box delivery service open earlier in the morning Not gettin my head bit off! A wider selection of stock A wider selection of stock Slightly larger would mean even more choice. (Same for cafe) If the cafe was large and licensed as an "on license" If the cafe was large and licensed as an "on license" A shop to start with excellent as it is perhaps larger dining area wider selection wider selection closer closer lower prices & greater range but I know this is not practical lower prices & greater range but I know this is not practical lower prices & greater range but I know this is not practical bigger cafe - butcher bigger cafe - butcher bigger cafe - butcher bigger cafe - butcher topless female shop assisants andrew to tell better jokes we love it we love it
none none would like to be able to walk/cycle along Shiplate road past theveale safrely shiplate rd - no lights, no pavements, speeding cars large vechicles car park Purn Road at night no lighting bridge road bridge road bridge road speeding and parking in the village speeding and parking in the village no no no no no Shiplake Road during the rush hour Shiplake Road during the rush hour no no Toilets Toilets queens arms car park area at night Queen's Arms speeding cars see ques 33 see ques 33 none none walking on bleadon hill walking on bleadon hill walking on bleadon hill in the summer around catherines inn in the summer around catherines inn in the summer around catherines inn in the summer around catherines inn in the summer around catherines inn Ihave found bleadon usually very peaceful main road speed near pubs, near lay bys in roman way and by entrance into old army field opposite woodspring near pubs, near lay bys in roman way and by entrance into old army field opposite woodspring roman road at night roman road at night beridge road due to speeding cars,lorries,tractors & motor bikes beridge road due to speeding cars,lorries,tractors & motor bikes chesnut lane, corner at coronation road, by the park, turning into shiplate road chesnut lane, corner at coronation road, by the park, turning into shiplate road bleadon road / bridgewater road bleadon road / bridgewater road bleadon road / bridgewater road bleadon road / bridgewater road bleadon road / bridgewater road walking home from A 370 with no light s bleadon rod walking home from A 370 with no light s bleadon rod at hopme when wife's in a bad mood
Regular e-mails and improved website Delivery of parish magazine to extend to Shiplate FREE NEWSHEET DELIVERED TO HOME FREE NEWSHEET DELIVERED TO HOME since not everyone has a PC, a copy of the parish council minutes should be published with magazine community meetings/newspaper Quite adequate npne I am satified with the present sources available n/a n/a n/a adequate adequate bleadon Village news to be titled Bleadon Parish News bleadon Village news to be titled Bleadon Parish News Village crier Village crier Bleadon website should be improved to be more user friendly Bleadon website should be improved to be more user friendly Bleadon website should be improved to be more user friendly Bleadon website should be improved to be more user friendly Bleadon website should be improved to be more user friendly Bleadon website should be improved to be more user friendly Bleadon website should be improved to be more user friendly Information is adequat Information is adequat Our lovely Par.Coun. notice b oards have scope for more information email notices email notices email notices email notices allwebsite regularly up dated with access to reply allwebsite regularly up dated with access to reply fine as is it is fine quite happy as it is more door leafleting present arrangements are adequate well covered well covered I an happy about information disemination invites to functions invites to functions invites to functions invites to functions invites to functions have it delivered ok at present - maybe a leaflet drop giving details of local events ie those organised by bleadon ch ok at present - maybe a leaflet drop giving details of local events ie those organised by bleadon ch more details and accurate minutes of parish council more details and accurate minutes of parish council page simple newsletter, instead of masgazine with @stereotype' articles etc. page simple newsletter, instead of masgazine with @stereotype' articles etc. page simple newsletter, instead of masgazine with @stereotype' articles etc. page simple newsletter, instead of masgazine with @stereotype' articles etc. as of yet no problems The notice boards(x3) need to have a door on the left hand side to stop rain! i am satisfied with the present sources avilable quite satified quite satified regular news leeter regular news leeter
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Text ResultsBleadon Parish Plan Questionnaire Bleadon Parish Plan Questionnaire Household - Text Responses
cottage Cottage living in parents house cottage owner occ. company owned
Died N/A Took off with the milkman's wife
cottage Cottage cottage cottage 4 bed cottage 2 bed
Sheltered accomodation within village VERY SUITABLE when I can no longer be independnt lack of amentities warden controlled build suitable property would be ideal Im would prefer something superior!!! A vast new development !!!! NO larger plot 2 BED HOUSE
warden assisted private rented extend existing warden controlled in bleadon (when the time comes) warden assisted There will be to many preferences and not practicalities care in home
dont speak then
very difficult to get child care locally - especially in the evenings because taxi fares so much as out of the way & no one seems to want to come out this way - especially as village so dark a lack of access to transport - then more!
cosmetic enhancement clinic motor trade
not being funny but it is really nice not to have too many strangers in the village & the few that do come in stand out. so that you can be aware more for security reasons. depends on definition of small
but have had to take the computer to work because of the fluctuations in the electric supply here and spikes with telephone service. not used
Education Business and travel educational Keepiung in touch with family and friends by e mail weather info I edit the Berrow U3A newsletter and organise coffee rota. Also do printing and admin of Weston natural History,USA group. also use digital camara neighbourhood watch - police messages school homework for printng various projects family history Mission work overseas e - mail to frinds, businesses, organisations, (parish council, north somerset & commercial organisations)
one used only very occassionally we just have a scooter each which we can travel to Bleadon shop but with many problems, the pavements are very uneven and the traffic is very dangerous thespeed 1 motorbike motorbike traffic through the village should be kept to a miminum cars 4,5,6,7,8. used for leisure/shopping
Bus occasionally bicycle Taxi, train,bus,foot, school bus Taxi On foot bus Person 'A' Disabled work vehicle B IS A PASSENGER IN MY CAR HOSP. DRIVING
not reliable! the section of shiplate rd we live on has no footpaths and is too dangerous to walk along Walk ifd fairly near - depends on the meaning of word 'local' - and the weather In Bleadon walk otherwise car (ie Weston) car to town, taxi to train occasionall bus to town Get a Lift Village by walking town by car in bleadon, any further car depends on distance only in village my brother - in - law takes me publik transport SEE ABOVE
we only have 1 bus a week on Shiplate Rd When buses pick me up at and drop me back to my front door. I may use them. we get one bus per week on wednesday which leaves loxton around 10.00 am and returns around 1.30pm which is of no use to us 3 - 4 times aweek Difficult though as service not timed for shifts at hospital re early mornings in emergency school C&D would like to use Public transport in evenings nut there is none going to bank and paying bills to the hospital do not use bus We have not received bus passes yet but have applied for them (now received) when car not available
on the rare occasions that we have used the bus we found it to be a good service - unfair for us to comment as we use it so rarely Never used bus. Unsuitable times or with two young children nothing we have scooter Home to Bus stop inconveinant dont know never used what bus service afterr 5.30pm how can a students whos courses finish at after 7pm grt home??? don't use so unfair to comment retired staff pass NOT USED do not know as we do not use it Cannot rate bus service at present never use bus however the children now use north somerset school bus (paid annual pass) as first bus was very unreliable and left them stranded at broadoak school on many ocassions.
Live out on Shiplate Road and bus stop too far to walk to do not use buses more than 1 bus a week would be good Quality of driving _ majority of drivers arefar to fast on the 83 route - which is full of bends The bus company should allow more time as poute is rural and not urban driving and also not use to computer times the bus can never replace the car on the Loxton edge of the Parish because it would be unviable to run a daily service never use the bus service reliability I don't know how good the facilities for those with disabilitities are. As occasinal users no. 24 is not really relavent dont know I understand the bus service is adequate never used I AM HAPPY WITH THE SERVICES AS THEY ARE Please evening buses we should have more bus's they they finish to early maybe a few direct routes I find it all satisfactory SEE ABOVE more buses We cannot comment on this at present as no service to Roaman Road at present, and it is too far to walk to bus stop not able to access reliability sometimes first bus does not turn up outside schools.
Nothing really - not viable when having to take children to school then straight to work - route/timing impossible. More reliable and more reasonably priced (i would use the train to travel to work if this was the case) if the bus stopped near our house have a car nothing timetable loss of car newer buses, more comfortable unable to use car more frequent and convenient (i.e. stop and ride) service. One which covers those villages beyond the veale. then we would use the bus much more more regular and reliable timetable if the section of road we lived on was safer we could walk to the bus stop if and when unable to use car intense raod congestion/inablity to park as detination/inablity to obtain fuel/disablity prohibiting driving If it passed my house more frequent buses into town cheaper fares and more frequent service, sundays please and evenings If I did'nt have own transport, or parking in Weston. May consider using Public Transport If it was more accesable i.e. having to climb hills to get to bus route Free transport Compatability with work Start/Finish time Cost of petrol More frequent buses that went directly to town a 10 min. journey can take 30 mins by bus If it provided access to Lympshae School at suitable times Nothing Better routes and times nothing Better timetable in evening bus to Weston Buses running more frequently Correct time and routes1 as Q24 a frequent service free buses availability and gost Nothing I live to far from Bus route More frequent buses Nothing Bus later in the evening, more frequent It is impossibleto get to work by public transport. One drives in 20 minutes a journey that is 2hours by bus. The other works in a village that has one bus weekly, and that would be followed by a physically impossible climb for anyone over 40. Cost/availability Nothing More frequent service more routes cheap comfortable efficent polite service Nothing - not possible for work; too costly and time consuming for anything else free bus pass for over 60's Direct route to bristol bus times evening service Higher taxation on private vehicle and fuel More frequent buses If it was Free inability to drive Acessability & speed Regularity Safe road crossing to bus stop A 370 (bridge road) Clean modern Buses, regular Time table, more often, free traval for OAPs Rural 'drive by@pick service to regular time table Please see Q24 plus route extended to Shiplate road23 more comfort safer slower drivers nothing the car bis much more convenient Greater frequency in bus service and more space for shopping and luggage No petrol.diesel useage Availability & Reasonable cost nothing Drivers knowing where to go ie they ask the old folks the routes greater frequency of service frequency & cost more frequent buses / route more direct into town / bus to hutton village from town for school a regular shuttle bus yes if the price was right more frequent reliable service free and regular services to town inability to use the car, for whatever reason Bus service which goes to train station and co-incides with train times no opinion satisfied as it is more frequent buses Regular timings better timings not used but would consider if more frequent nothing bus shelters nothing age !! IF I COULDN'T DRIVE MY CAR FOR SOME REASON B USES IT ABOUT 4 TIMES A WEEK a bus in the evening and for buses to run on time more routes frequency, access to main shops regular buses shoter routes frequent service to required destinastions nothing direct route to my work location nothing cost and timetable a more direct route bus every 1/2 hour substanital increase in cost of annual parking fees for OAPs which comes into effect in march 2006 punctuality if the price of petrol became impossible to afford or I could no longer drive for health reasons more evning buss more frequent public transport RETIREMENT COST frequency A more frequent service with a much later return times from town increased frequency of bleadon to wsm bus service ONTHING route change/more buses nothing little, too remote likely service very little free travel FREE TRAVEL better buses free of cost for over 65's better timetable quick cheap,time and every 20 mins nothing weekend and later service in the evenings more frequent service before 9am more frequent and flexible nothing lack of econmic parking in weston, inability to drive frequency of buses and their routes into town free service a frequent cheap service more concessions for pensioners more frequent service - evening service nothing we would to be able to have a bus service that would run during the evening so that we could usewestons facilities with out worrying about the car better time table i.e starting earlier and finishing later cleandleness of bath bus and passengers a more direct route if i was unable to drive Price Availabilility of service on Roaman Road Better bus shelters, route near to our house and more frequent and later from town at night cost and availability and times more comfortable buses, more direct routes where to ? weston? a more direct or speedier service; with better competition to various locations eg hutton, worle. noithing easy access easier access to the bus etc. better public transport frequent and good time keeping frequency of time table and cost reductiopn more frequent service and more direct to weston when are children are older and we don't have to carry so much equipment unable to use own transport cheaper fares & more comfortable price buses mnore frequent more efficient service losing ability to drive a bus later than 5:40 to come home NO CAR reliability better buses (comfort etc.) more direct route to WSM having to get rid of our cars easy timetables to under stand age 12
Junction coming out by Catherine's Inn - onto Bridgwater Rd - heading to Uphill The junction by Catherine's Inn pulling out onto the A370 coming out of Chesnut Lane you have to emerge into Bleadon Rd before you can see if any cars are coming from the right Along Shiplate Rd (Past Veale) - cars speed and road very narrow making walking and cycling very dangerous along shiplate road is narrow and cars speed. would really like a pavement to be able to walk and cycle to village. Junction of A370 and Bleadon Rd and centre of Village junction @ Catherine's Inn/Anchor on A370 - visablity getting out speeding on coming traffic walking along Shiplate rd is very bad and should have a low speed limit corner shiplate/coronation rd by queens Shiplate Rd bewtween Jillacr and juust past of shiplate manor farm at the coronation hall bend - slowdown signs coming down over hill ONE WAY Shiplate rd/ coronation Rd no visablity - Celtic way - restricted passing in parts speeding moterists - Shiplate rd Through to Loxton Fast flowing traffic:-Jnct's Purn Way and Bridge Rd with A370, Road to narrow and too much traffic:-the veale Wanderstone and Shiplate, also roead between coronation Hall and St Peters church Shiplate Rd cars speeding especially at night. often skidmarks on rd shiplate rd (outside of speed restrictions) Celtic way Shiplate Rd and Celtic Way - Bleadon Hill Wonderstone/Shiplate Farm - narrow and tight bends, where bleadon Rd joins A370 beyond catherine's inn, fast traffic from right coming from limited visablity the turning at Queens pub - little visablity from each passing, Roman Rd too much speeding from 'boy racers' round Bleadon Rd abd Purn way corner on hill of celtic way between queens arms and rocky wall, next to farm A370, speed limit should be imposed from just before Anchor Pub to bridge over River Axey Corner of shiplate Road and Celtic Way Shiplate road, Bleadon Road, Bridge Road Speeding traffic (no footpaths generally) Roman Road - Speed and dangerous Dips, Celtic Way - Bends and parked cars, A370 Junction Bridge Road by Bridge Garage - Parked cars and con gestion Loxton Road - some people think its apart the Monte Carlo Rally!! Coronation Road / Celtic Way Road over Bledon Hill - particulary where the road narrows going round the bend where the houses start om the hill JUnction of Bleadon Road & A 370 and narrow areas of road towards Shiplate Junction Shiplate, coronation Road & celtic Way. Junction of Bleadon Road and the A 370. DANGERS - must be obvious, even to our Parish Councillors. Road towards Loxton cars travelling too fast & in villageto shiplate and celtic Walking around Catherine's Bend Bridge Road - No footpath 30 mpg speed limit needs extending further out past Wonderstone. cyclists and horses face speeding cars on the steep hill coming into Bleadon from Loxton Shiplate Road - cars exceed speed limit particularly at night Corner at Shiplate Road/celtic Way first part by P.H. narrow and parked cars Junction from Bleadon Village on A370 opp, Anchor Pub Coronation Corner, Celtic Way / Shiplate Road. Bend at top of Celtic Way Junction of Bleadon Road/Bridgewater Road/Accommodation Road On the corner of by the Queens Arms The entire length of shiplate Road is hazardous due to its width sharp corners and speeding cars From coronation Road right up the Bleadon Farm Shop, also chestnut Lane its very dangerous, the pavements are uneven and the holes in the roads, to narrow. Chestnut Avenue Where hillside Roadm meets Roman Road death trap waiting to happen Junction of Accommodation Road with the A 370, due to excessive speed in this area Junction with A 370 at Catherine's/anchor very poor visibility of on coming traffic. Shiplate Road especially between village and loxton -narrow and too many large vehicles- ought to be one way. Bleadon Road/Bridgewater Road junction - Blind. Shiplate Road - now used by traffic avoiding Banwell, too fast thinks it a main road. Coronation Road/Celtic Way corner - People going straightm across (effectively turning left or right) at 40 mph plus a major accident waiting to happen. Plus non treatment of roads in winter, Major problem. Corner by the Queens Arms. Junction onto A 370 by the Catherines Pub.-- speed through Village Fast traffic on Bleadon to Loxton Plus farm vehicles take up much of the road Junction of Shiplate Road, celtic Way and Coronation Road See seperate sheet, b)foot of Celtic Way sign with Bus Stop attached is incorrect, Give Way sign is stupidly sited The bottom Hellenge Lane - blind spot Opposite Anshor unable to see to right By the Coronation Hall Juinction at Anchor PH Restricted view to WSM Shiplate Road speeding and wide loads The bend by Coronation Hall Traffic always cuts that corner T Junction Shiplate by the Queens Shiplate Road - near old school and junction at bottom of Road Blind corner by Queens Arms, Section of Shiplate Road to The Veale Road around park when cars are parked on side of road betwwen catherine's inn and A 370 corner of Celtic Way and Shiplate Road. You can't see if cars are coming Shiplate Road/Bleadon Hill Coronation Road /A370 at Anchor Junction by Shiplate Road/Celtic Way (Queens Pub) cannot see what is coming Junction of Celtic Way, shiplate Road & Coronation Road Blind corner with too few warnings Entering Shiplate Road and the Veale Nr. Bus Stop Every, drivers, especially local, drive too fast for roads within Village Speeding in Village generally, indiscriminate parking in areas (eg Bleadon Hill) which ncan be hazaerdous and restrict acess to emergency vehicles Shiplate Road towards Loxton traffic is to fast and in middle of road Junction by Anchor pub Shiplate Road to Loxton too many gareless drivers not allowing for others Road corner in Coronation Road near the Hall. Coming out of Bleadon Road onto A 370 by the Anchor, Coming out of Bleadon/Bridge Road onto A 370 Bend by the Pub Shiplate Road, at peak time morning and eve. the traffic is very fast and sometimes congested because of narrowness at the Veale Roman Road speeding especially at night Roman Road Bleadon Mill Anchor Pub Difficulty getting across or onto A 370 Bridge Road Roman Road 'hidden dip' just prior to what will be the 'so called ' golf courseentrance No pavement round Shiplate Road corner acess to main road at Catherine's inn No improvments needed roads are slef - resticting Vehicles driving to fast reduce speed limit to 20 mph through Village wit speed camaras Reine at side of brdge Road /Bleadon Road its only matter of time till a vehicle goes in Icey roads - poor lighting vehicles drive to fast 20 mph is fast enough. Turning into Shiplate Road opp Queens. Road near caterines pavement required 2 junctions with A370 Celtic Way/Shiplate Rd junction. Shiplate Road Purn Way (by shop) junction hillside and briw Rd, entry to A370 at Anchor Radius of corner Coronation Hill - oncoming traffic causes fraffic exiting village to strike kurb/pavement needs widening. Roman Rd - uncut hedges causing traffic not to keep close into verge. Shiplate Rd very dangerous onto A370 by catherines inn area between village hall and bleadon hill also shipgate road speeding - celtic way and junctions by queens pub celtic way to narrow in places in the middle of the village and going up celtic way. someone being injured or killed celtic way , corner shiplate / queens arms , speeding blind spots celtic way cars going too fast. corner off queens pub - bridge road with forty ton lorries using it celtic way traffic too fast access out to A370 sight lines are restricted road fron village to laxton is narrow with restricted vision and often cars travel too fast on the deristricted part canada coombe needs mirrors and speed ramps on blind corners (going towards hutton ) blind bend by queens arms pub , people dont treat it as a junction and drive straight up the hill often not signaling. people dont slow down and drive around the corner on the wrong side of the road. corner by childens playground junction near catherines pub and the A 370 A 370 between River Axe and Accommodation Road, Junction at A 370/Bleadon Road at catherines pub, Junction Celtic Way/ Shiplate Road at Queens from double bend on Celtis Way to totterdown Lane, road between Bleadon and cross - entire length of. see answer 31 From telephone to Bremmer Rd shiplate road celtic way & their junction hultons garage From Romans Road to the pavements by the Queens - cars not slowing down when passing walkers and not slowing down when passing eachother when there are pedestrians. Pedestrians have to try to move off the roads and into overgrown hedges. Shiplate Road towards Loxton, Access to 370 by Catherines Inn Cars come around the bend by the park far to fast and also along Bridge Road by Coronation Hall on the bend, from bleadon Road onto Bridgewater Road corner at the play area, queens arm, catherines pub and the junctions with 370 at the anchor and bridge garage. Bridge Road Shiplate Road speeding in most areas between church and bridge road also coronation road I sit in the bus shelter & see it all the time Bridge Road Celtic Way / A 370 cars drive to fast Junction Bridge Road with A 370 corner of ship[late by queens - unsighted from shiplate, sweeping curve by recreation area - wrong side of road at speed, narrowing of road from shiplate approaching queens, speed approaching downhill from shiplate towards queens starting approx from entrance of Birch ave. Turning onto A 370 both junctions, bottom of shiplate road and queens head pub the corners at celtic way and shiplate road blind corner by Celtic way/Shiplate road narrow section 1/3rd away down celtic way and 1/2 way along shiplate road pavement (lack of) outside public toilet/nr old post office, blind junction at end of chestnut lane/bleadon road, hazzardous corner celtic way/shiplate rd/coronation rd. , junction opposite anchor inn,A 370bleadon rd., drop kerbs access restricted: wheelchair/prams on road stop cars parking in front., shiplate rd from wonderstone past lake farm - blind spot/speed purn waychestnut lane/bleadon road, - bleadon road/celtic way, - bleadon road/bridgewater road, - bridge road/bridgewater road. bend on Purn way peopkle travelling to fast along this roadwhich is a worry small increase of traffic since our local shop has opened would recommend 20mph speed limits along this road corner at shiplate road near queens junction of shiplate road and queens, cars parked when there is a park handy, marked spaces also top of old school lane extremely dangerous for peddestrians A 370 Bridge road bridge road very heavy vehicles and speeding cars, shiplate road too narrow Bridge road A 370, bleadon road A 370 shiplate/ coronation rd corner near queens A370 fork garage junction BEND AT THE CORNER OF SHIPLATE ROAD - TRAFFIC IS BLINDED AND OCCASIONALLY CARS PARK BY BUS STOP JUNCTION OF SHIPLATE RD CELTIC WAY CORONATION RD ALL ALONG BLEADON RD TRAFFIC IS ALWAYS TRAVELLING TOO FAST SHIPLATE ROAD THE SPEED OF PEOPLE COMING INTO THE VILLAGE FROM THE LOXTON END black spot outside bridge garage accident every few weeks. bleadon road to shiplate road /A 370 junction with bleadon road traffic light reqd shiplate very narrow/ the bend by the queens visibility catherines inn junction & corner end of chestnut lane & bleadon road, Corner of shiplate / coronation road from the queens to the pump - parked vehicles and excessive speed all roads are narrow thats tehattraction of the village these are already far to many motor signs junction below queens blind corner shiplate road from the veale outwards narrow/bends speeding, large vehicles junction roman road and hillside road, accident, junction at queens arms, accident shiplaste road turning into coronation road coming out of shipl;ate rd to go up bleadon hill some people go too fast and there is no way of seeing what is coming also turning into coronation rd where people sometimes park both sides of the road village roads should be used carefully by everyone all of the minor roads. lack of pavements and speeding motorist bridge road no lighting or pavement heavy traffic from cement works cars turning right into celtic way from shiplate road, exit from bleadon road onto bridgewater road shiplate road on the way to loxton shiplate road jct. by queens arms. shestnut lane jct. on to bleadon road shiplate road / celtic way too narrow in places bleadon road,bridge road,shiplate road - vehicles travelling too fast, dangerous bends on shiplate road main village - roman road JUNCTION WITH BRIDGE RD - SHRUBS OBSCURE VIEW A370 JUNCTION AT CATHERINRS INN - BLIND CORNERS SHIPLATE RD - BUT ALL ONE HAS TO DO IS DRIVE CAREFULLY bleadon road - speed potholes/junction of bridge road and coronation road shiplate road dangerous corner,, coronation road / bleadon road no footpaths towards catherines inn passing coronation hall on the bend, continued parking outside the old post office and continuing on left and right of the Queens arms on the hill A370 / bleadon rd junction - speeding traffic and blindspot( cannot see traffic coming from WSM) sharp turn towards top of hill CORNER SHIPLATE RD BLIND CORNER BLEADON RD JUNCTION A370 ANCHOR INN JUNCTION WITH CORONATION RD +SHIPLATE RD shiplate roa T junc. speed and increased traffic. Shiplate road - blind corners in particulars where there is no pavements corner of shipl;ate road / celtic way junc. with celtic way by queens arms, wonderstone hill junctions with A 370, shiplate road/wonderstone/queens arms corner, shiplate, manor farm, celtic way, too narrow for modern vehicle widths/speed/visibility. junc of A 370 / bleadon road insufficient vision to the right, exit from catherine's inn into bleadon road vehicles tend to emerge quickly from car parks on bend. Corner of shiplate/coronation road trees pushing vehicles out into road and obscuring some view. Access for pedestrians from end of pavemrnt in shiplate road to celtic way. No parking indicated in accommadatio0n road opposite toilets. bleadon to loxton road bridge road with no pavements shiplate road fast traffic shiplate road corner by the queens, 370by the anchor speed limit should be reduced hillside road/ roman road - bleadon hill(width[outside parish boundary]) celtic way width celtic way,bleadon hill speed limit is totally ignored - too dangerous for pedestrians to go to the post box off A 370 near catherines inn, bend 7 junction queens pub shiplaten road leading around church and village hall celtic way - too narrow for buses corner of shiplate road and celtic way and around the queens arms (especially at delivery times on the back road to cross, on the hill leaving bleadon meet on comiing cars chesnut lane is bad, you cannot see as you pull out wonderstone cant see, catherines inn blind spots shiplate road (speed of vehicles)- corner by queens arms (for pedestrians) narrowing bend alongside play aera (speed) sharp bend bottom of celtic way, start of shiplate road at certain times parking on both sides of the road wonderstone / shiplate road area / purn lane (opposite hope cottage / catherine's inn junction with A 370 coming around the shop bend onto shiplate road at queens pub = really think because road is so narrow where the old post office used to be no one should park along here . Think you should put speed humps on shiplate road by me (14 the veale cars come so fast into the village here + also if coming from other end speed up. shiplate road bleadon to loxton drivers speed to much coronation road, shiplate road and bleadon road shiplate road speeding and narrow corners, coronationrd/shiplate rdcorner visability and too tight , bleadon road access on to A 370 A 370 catherines junc., queens arms junc./coronation/shiplate corner opposite anchor inn, corner by queens head at catherine's inn junc. with the main road traffic should not be allowed to get onto A370 at this junc. there hasbeen atleast two fatal accidents at this spot over the years all trffic should leave the village by bridge garage. bends in celtic way coronation /celtic way junction lack of foot path for past 20 yrs. leaving the village by catherines inn crossroads at anchor - traffic lights or noentrance to A 370 from bleadon, bruidge road to A 370 ensure cars not parked on road at bridge garage junction chetnut lane / bleadon road . you cannot see oncoming traffiic from the right when pulling out. beud shiplate road / bleadon hill as you enter the village . junchion bleadon road / a370 first part of bleadon road from catherines end most definitly bleadon road.despite the 30 mph limit many drivers ignore the signs and frequently drive at speeds of 40 - 50 mph we have had one crash outside of our bungalow which resulted in one of the cars swerving into our front hedge and into the garden also a very bad situation is the ji=unction where chestnut lane meets bleadon road, this is potentially a very dangerous spot and we have heard many near misses when cars come out of chestnut lane onto bleadon road it is almost a blind spot to the left. bridge road / celtic way bridge road bleadon - speeding . bad surface pot holes / parked cars - celtic way entries to a370 celtic way drivers driving to fast blesdon road espesially junction with chestnut lane / coronation road- at the junction with celtic way and shiplate road celtic way due to speeding drivers ACCESS ON TO A370 AT BRIDGE CARAGE AND THE OTHER DANGERS IS SPEED OF TRAFFIC ON A370 THE HILL AND HIGH BANCKS ON SHIPLATE RD CORNER CHESTNUT LANE / BLEADON ROAD DUE TO MORE TRAFFIC USING LOCAL SHOP BLIND CORNER TO RIGHT NEED A MIRROR OPPOSITE onto a370 both exits, visibilly on all village roads is poor Kathrines Shiplate Road between Wonderstone & Whitehouse Lane. Road Speed too fast! Vehicles speed along Roaman Road using it as a short cutas it is derestricted. There are many walkers/hickers/pony riders and the speed of the vehicles is often dangerous. With the proposed golf course and its additional traffic this situation will get worse. just past catherines inn and after the post office narrow roads and no pavements junction bleadon road/bridgewater road, bend passing coronation hall several bends and narrow places in shiplate road T junction of shiplate road and coronation road, sharp bend on coronation road by play aera shiplate Road - bends and narrow, Through the village blind spots, no continious pavements around the village hall requireing roads to be crossed from play aera,church and pubs one pavement to the othert side; speeding cars accomodation road, blind corners, also at the junctions with bridgewater road blind corners catherine junction by anchor pub/hutton garage crossroads blind spot, celtic way/shiplate road junction shiplate corner exit onto A 370 at catherines inn should be controlled by traffic lights.. traffic moving onto wrong side of road at wide sweeping bend below roman road ( bend at top of rise leaving village) bridge road junction with A 370 bbleadon road not observing speed limit and weight limit top celtic way traffic travelling too fast esp. at narrow points. being a danger to other cars and pedestrians celtic way / bridge road, no pavement extensions of shiplate road junction of celtic way and shiplate road cars parked on pavement junction of coronation and shiplate roads blind corner - no slow signs bleadon road junction with purn way & with chestnut ave. shiplate manor shiplate road / roman road coronation road speed of traffic on the bend to the bridge on the A 370 junction of bridgewater road, bleadon road outside coronation hall by play park all the narrow bits onbends, and the bend around the play area and village hall should be speed bumps and 20 mph by the park, blind corners and too fast 35 mph and over 40 mph, need 2 speed bumps, one by the post office and one oming into the village from catherine's inn SPEED LIMIT TOO HIGH THROUGH VILLAGE bleadon mill junction A 370, bridge road junction A 370 junction with A 370 with bleadon road(opp anchor), junction A 370 with bridge road ? bleadon mill, shiplatwe road / celtic way ( opp queens arms), narrow section of shiplate road, roads leading into village traffic speeding the bend by the park, also when you join A 370 by catherines inn this should be one way traffic cars only comintg into village
Through Shiplate RD, Bleadon Rd All over the village and the pulling out of the village on to the A370 Shiplate shiplate road out past the veale Sometimes - centre of village Definitly - Bleadon Rd, Purn Way/chesnut lane - all through the village and up and over the hill, Traffic has increased since opening shop - which is not a problem if it kept to safe speeds - Purn way - from farm shop - chesnut lane is particulary bad, blind bends and no footpaths any speeding traffic is a problem in a village or on country roads Shiplate Rd bewtween Jillacr and juust past of shiplate manor farm at the coronation hall bend - slowdown signs coming down over hill ONE WAY Bleadon Rd and Shiplate Rd speeding moterists - Shiplate rd Through to Loxton The Veale, Wanderstone and church areas. Rush hours are extreamly bad Shiplate RD between Bleadon and Loxton shiplate rd Bleadon Rd and Shiplate Rd (from queens arms to veal) through the village Bridge Road On the corner of Coronation Hall and the Old Post Office Shiplate Road Bleadon Road corner Roman Road Catherine's Inn through Coronation Road On the road coming into Bleadon from Catherine's Inn Area around Village halls and playrarea Bleadon Road, Shiplate Road, Bridge Road. Centre of Village All roads Entering village from Loxton end As Q28, also corner by playarea in coronation Road By coronation Hall Village(Village Hall Section) and the road towards Purn Farm Cporonation corner & along Bleadon Road, Celtic Way along to top of Bleadon Hill by Narrowing at Telephone Exchange and top Totterdam Lane. shiplate road especially between wonderstone and shiplate house farm In Bleadon its so narrow roads Along Bleadon Road Roman Road and Celtic Way Purn area of A 370 Shiplate Road through Winterstone. Bleadon Hill. Village Centre. In thre centre of the Village Through Village,particuarly close to village hall, adjacent to Queens Arms 7 towards Roman Road. Bridge,Bleadon Road, Celtic Way, Shiplate Road Shiplate Road. Most of the through roads especially during the rush hour in the morning particularly Shiplate Road Shiplate Road,Bridge Road , Bleadon Road Village Centre Throughout Village Shiplate Road & Village Coronation Hall to the Village, Shiplate Road Shiplate Road and through Village Shiplate Road everywhere Coronation Road from A 370 to Village Centre on narrow country lanes and within Village - due to ignorance, poor behaviour and bad manners and aggressive drivers, including women and older drivers! Shiplate Road Shiplate Road, new planned developments Shiplate Road Bridge Road in Places Bleadon Road Bleadon Road Throught out the Village especially rush hour period and commericial trfaffic Through the Village as a whole All Roads Outside the entrance to the Veale on Shiplate road lots of young children play on the grass island and it is very worrying Roman Roman Road A 370 between Uphill and Bleadon also Roman Road Roman Road inc burnt ouy cars/Bleadon Hill road narrows adj. to Bus stop down to sub power station The buses travel too fast round the sharp bend outside Coronation Hall where the road is very narrow & usally on the wrong side of the road. it's not See Q28 All areas Everywhere but particularly Bleadon Rd and Shiplate Rd Roman Rd in the 30 section/Celtic Way midway Shiplake Rd/Wonderstone bleadon hill almost everywhere between bleadon and pyrn along shiplate road and celtic way celtic way by park celtic way celtic way celtic way cars racing along shiplate road at high speeds especially at night time , becausethe road isstraight into the village they dont slow down . going to and from work A 370 River Axe to Accommodation Road, Bridge Road, Bleadon Road all off but especially outskirts ie - Celtic Way road to cross and road to catherines inn Every corner from Parish Hill to Roman Rd celtic way coronation road bleadon road shiplate road Through the village see Ques 28 Cars really boot it down bridge Road But I would not like those ghastly humps in the road. Bridge Road and Bleadron Road Bridge Road as previously mentioned ques 28 the straight road to the shop area only 1 small pavement in bridge road Celtic Way / Bleadon Way Bridge Road see ques 28 every where particularlly shiplate road - bleadon road & Bleadon hill(roman road Celtic way) Bleadon Road, Celtic Way, Shiplate Road, coronation Road Purn way, bleadonroad purn way & most definetly bleadon Road any road when one is walking A 370 bridge road bridge road bridge road & bleadon road bleadon road A370 SHIPLATE ROAD + BLEADON ROAD ON SHIPLATE ROAD AND BLEADON HILL PARTICULARLY SEE Q28 SAME APPLIES BLEADON & CORONATION ROAD A 370 between bridge garage and anchor garage along bleadon road bleadon road/through village bleadon road coronation road bleadon road/ pass the church when was there last an accident in the village? I feel strongly thart there too many road signs already and not happy at the concept of local vigilantes through the centre of the village shiplate road roman road,bleadon hill,celtic way,speed limits being ignored minor roads copronation road and bridge road A370 bleadon road general shiplate road bridge road, but especially shiplate road and bleadon road same as question 28 BLEADON/CORONATION RDS CORONATION RD/BLEADON RD bleadon road bridge road and coronation road shiplate road & bleadon rad A 370 and bleadon rd roman hill BLEADON RD CELTIC WAY bend to right just past old P.O. all roads inthe parish - where there are no footpaths loxton end of shiplate road especially early morning, late afternoon - commuter route cheedar? celtic way.shiplate road,bleadon road bridge road shiplate road west of wonderstone A 370 celtic way,roman road and bleadon hill bleadon road also shiplate road bleadon road/ bridge road along bleadon road & coronation road bleadon road from catherines inn to play park coronation road see Q 28 shiplate road from the direction of loxton( especially the narrowing above the veale & down from junction of birch ave.) purn lane, celtic way,bleadon road shiplate road bleadon road,bridge road,shiplate road, celtic way shiplate road and bleadon road bleadon road shiplate road bleadon road,coronation road shiplate road youths on shiplate road on fri/sat nights along the road from the catherines to the village hall bleadon road , bribge road all along bleadon road from A 370 through the village all over area bridge road/ bleadon road bleadon road with the drivers if you cant get through to them anything else is unfortunatly doomed to fail celtic way to bleadon road bleadon road everywhere a370 ALONG BLEADON ROAD HEAVY TRACTORS / MACHINERY BEING THE MAIN CULPRIT by the old post office/ queens Shiplate Road between Wonderstone & Whitehouse Lane. Road Speed too fast! Bleadon Hill/Roman Road shiplate road (rural parts) Bleadon road and centre of village coronation road - bleadon road Bleadon road despite 30 mile limit signs, especially the stretsh between, the coronation hall and chestnut lane through the centre and ship[late road since up grading of bridge Bleadon Hill both up and down, especially at wide sweeping bend at top of first rise from the village. Traffic travlling down into the village drive onto the side of traffic going up. bleadon road coronation road - now that more are walking and cycling that way to the shop shiplate road/celtis way/bridge road through village from coronation hall up past queens arms shiplate and bleadon roads bleadon road bleadon = loxton road every road in the village A 370 from the anchor, to 50 metres past the river Axe bridge around plat park area see ques 28 down bleadon road - 30 mph and see cars from both directions 45-50 mph snf faster late at night THROUGH ENTIRE VILLAGE A 370 vehicles obviously exced the national speed limit of 60 mph, recommend limit of 50 mph from railway bridge to parish boundery, shiplate road vehicles often exceed safe speed. right through the village through the village
Question: 31 - Lower speed restrictions - Where / What **PAGES DOWN FOR OTHER Q31 ANSWERS** shiplate road past veale All through village - 20MPH Shiplate Rd bewtween Jillacr and juust past of shiplate manor farm throughout village Shiplate Rd Shiplate rd shiplate rd A370 near Anchor throughout bleadon A 370 40MPH Roman Road Centre of Village / Loxton Road All through the Village around playarea 20mph in centre of village All non A roads Extend 30 mph to Loxton All through the village Coronation Hall Through Village Shiplate Road (all) in Bleadon In the Vil;lage generally Purn area of A 370 Bridgewater Road - either side of Anchor Inn 40mph Central Village area Speed bumps Shiplate Road, Coronation Road and Bridge Road 20 mph Coronation to Loxton Road Everywhere 20 mph through Village Bridge Road - Coronation Road On A370 50 mph if kept at 30 mph 20 mph within central Village & cul de sac Heart of village/hall marea Bleadon Road 20 mph Village to loxton 20 mph the veale and park aeras Speed restriction on Roman Road through Village whole village celtic way by park celtic way A 370 river Axe to Accommdation Road all centre of village through the village Park area Bridge Road/A 370 junction & road Bridge Road see ques 28 everywhere trough village purn way/bleadon road A 370 bleadon road through the centre of the village as above shiplate road VILLAGE SIGN NEAR ENTRANCE TO VILLAGE already 30 mph A 370 and bleadon rd 20MPH BLEADON RD all roads in bleadon village as above 20 mph why? they are ignored shiplate road they ignore the ones that are there enforce 30mph where stated 20 mph in village see Q 28 20 mph in all built up areas shiplate road also road that comes down the hill past queens onto shiplate shi9plate road 30mph bleadon road / bridge road all bleadon road bridgewater road allthrough village 20mph 30mph on above road A370 40MPH Shiplate Road Roaman Road coronation road - bleadon road at the junctions of bleadon road and bridgewater road as ques 28 A 370 (50mph) but no one takes any notice by park
Question: 31 - Traffic calming - Where / What A370 pavements, shiplate road past veale Similar to main RD Hutton, along Bleadon Rd n on the bends - downhill shiplate and bleadon Rds Shiplate Rd As traffic enters village shiplate rd, bumps shiplate rd bleadon rd Shiplate Road Bleadon Road Roman Road All non A roads Shiplate Rd Shiplate Road coronation Road In Bleadon Trough Village plus Roman Road and Celtic Way Traffic Lights The Vale to Queens Arms Through Village Doesn't work danger to vehicles As above Celtic Way Humps roads in the village Give way markers as per Hutton Village along the grass island at the Veale Main road through Village through Village middle of village celtic way shipgate road - from the veale into the villlage Bridge Road & Bleadon Road Celtic Way road to cross speed on hill Bridge Road see ques 28 see ques 30 mainly bleadon rd., coronation rd bleadon road shiplate road,celtic way ON ROADS MENTIOND ABOVE ALONG BLEADON RD bridge road hump in road, bleadon road/bridge road I don't want bleadon ending up like hutton through the centre of the village bleadon road bleadon road bleadon road BLEADON RD in aera around church bridge road bleadon road shiplate road shiplate road/ school lane area coronation road near coronation hall all bleadon road bridge road road humps in bleadon A370 JUST TO CUT SPEED ALONG BLEADON ROAD Bleadon road coronation road - bleadon road from coronation hall to queens arm - speed bumps speed bumps - 2 bleadon road / bridge road Question: 31 - More car parking facilities - Where / What possible for queens near coronation hall/pub Celtic Way extend exsisting carpark Bridge Road area Queen's Arms pub PUB CAR PARK MADE LARGER by the church it is so hard to drive down that road when an event is on in the church village centre and shop Centre of village
Question: 31 - Parking restrictions - Where / What Near church at the bottom of hill no yellow lines please Coronation Road Near Church during Weddings Outside of old Post Office Celtic Way by P.H. section at old P.O. around Queens Pub by the pub by Queens Pub Celtic Way outside Queens, Coronation at the veale around the Church and the Park Celtic Way,Shiplate Road Narrow roadways & estates between Coronation Hall and Queens Celtic Way on all roads through Village Queens Arms bottom celtic way celtic way , church road by church/old post office lower end celtic way No parking on Road by Village Hall on Bridge Road nr. queens arms, celtic wa/cornation road except for delivery + CORNER OF CORONATION RD/SHIPLATE RD through the centre of the village outside old post office celtic way main village on main road through village outside toilets and opposite bridge road through lack of pavements outside church/coronation road coronation road all along from the churchdown to where you can turn onto A 370 celtic way centre of village coronation road yellow lines vicarage to queens arms - yellow lines
Question: 31 - Marked pedestrian walkways - Where / What shiplate road past the veales Along Bridge Rd Bridge rd where there are no footpaths all along bleadon hill/celtic way Bridge Road All roads without pathways Facum Lane to Bleadon Road Where no pavements dangerous bend by the queen across A 370 bleadon road from A 370 to chestnut lane bleadon road catherine inn end along bleadon road & bleadon hill to new shop route to post office how would you do it bridge road Bridge road bridge road bridge road road without pavements bleadon road Pavement! celtic way anywhere that it is practical do so in the village bleadon road to purn way bridge road
Question: 31 - Cycle route(s) - Where / What Along Bridgwater Rd to Uphill Pavement/cyce path along Shiplate Rd (past Veale) all through the village, for out at shiplate road past the veale As above where possible around village by the roads Celtic Way Loxton Road everywhere As many as possible - Cycle route to weston entire village bleadon possibly all narrow lanes bleadon to WSM cycle route how would you do it bleadon level to brean its not that bad + residents are respectiful of pedestrians & cyclists A 370 thru village anywhere that it is practical do so in the village on main roads into town EVERY WHERE the pavement from bleadon to uphill should be a cycleway
to slow down traffic on A370 from layby through - past Anchor and before bridge over river Axe i.e similar to traffic calming measures in place around west Huntspill (A38?) and also speed camaras No more paint on roads` cameras Traffic Lights or roundabout A370 with Bridge Road Wheel Chair Routes on all Roads Perhaps resite play area Possible white lines to ensure strangers realise the lanes are not one way!!! and oncoming traffic is highly likely. this is village do not urbanise Lanes are to narrow for walkways and cycle routes Traffic lights at junctions of Accommodation Road and Bleadon Road as estimated speed of many vehcles around 80 mph in this area Use of shiplate road should be examined - one way. need to enforce current speed restrictions slow down signs triggered by fast moving vehicles such as that in lympsham by the school now. Mirrors Street lighting Shiplate Road Accessibility on pavements for disabled scooters so that the roads need not be used Speed camaras A 370 I think correect enforcement of existing limits should be strongly maintained Positive official enforcement of current speed limits Signs reminding drives speed - has a positive effect car parking in corination hall park overflows when there are events such as the market etc traffic lights at exit to bleadon at hultons garage accom rd to make safer entry to A370 and to slow speeding traffic on A370 motor bikes especialy [similar to lights at churchhill on A38] if people have off road parking why don't they use it 7 not park on the road, big lorries have to pollute while they wait for traffic coming in the opposite direction. remove parked cars from streets where houses have garages or drives parking restrictions in front of dropped kerbs, eg purn way/bleadon road. also drains regularly block when raining. lots opf signs and lines are not neded - just a speed restrictions that works (fines given) one way system traffic in at caterines only & 'out at bridge road wold calm teraffic and stop short cut routes and no need for more pavements either! but primarily much safer for cyclists and pedestrians. we simply need to enforse the exsiting speed limits enforce existing speed limits, parking on road at queens arms need restritions exsisting spped restrictions ignored, no major incidents so far speed watch scheme has little effect. mini 'givewayto right' island @ shiplate road jct. by queens arms path behind houses in bleadon road should be hard surfaceed , it gets very muddy in winter. there is not much possibility of having some of the above due to the narrowness of our roads the carpark is not used to its full advantage lots of pavement parking some action taken to enforce existing limits some places on the roads are so narrow that it might be on idea of putting priority to either one or other side of narrow bit. if people kept to the speed limiot it would be much better peop,le should be urged to use the free car park we already have and not park in coronation road especially at night. cars leaving the catherines inn car park should have to use the second exit from the main road all the above will involve even more signs of which we currently surfiet speed limits are already adequate , but are ignored by most ! speed cameras ? road widening and straightening and more hedge cutting to improve visibility speed camera/more effective community speed watch to ensure people stick to 30 thw bwnd at park, widen road through village, take out all the grass outside the park up to the fence on the whole corner this will widen enough for two cars to pass safely without jumping on the curb and pathway vehicle activated 30mph sign in bleadon road, better driver education
Apart from Chesnut Lane - which is very uneven and parts of purn Way, very over grown and uneven Roads are being destroyed by sheer volume of heavy traffic and poor remedial work following service repair/installations bleadon hill is rather bumby but other roads seem fine Bridge Road due to many phonegalls to council to fill pot hples The drains are never cleaned out on Shiplate Road causing flooding from Wonderstone to Shiplate Manor Farm Very bad in bleadon, it needs to be sorted out, some one in Bleadon will have a accident before long, if nothing is done about it. From A370 up to Bleadon Hill over the railway bridge is dreaful Hillside Road Unlaid walkway from Facum Lane to Bleadon Road, Accommodation Road pavements overgrown by Foilage But no footpath from chestnut Lane to P.O. not bad compared to most roads in the aera Some roads have potholes which NS seem to be slow to repair a lot of holes in the Village very uneven surface and potholes Large potholes Bleadon Road, High Kerbs - Shiplate Road (wheelchairs have to use road) Drains blocked causing localised flooding of roads lack of good pavements in places is a problem and ramp ways for disabled scooters are not well situated Very poor condition reduce the amount of kerbside 'hardware' ie duplicate road signs & too large road signs which distract when visitors are attempting to negociate through the area. Pavements should be continuous through nVillage sunken and risen mainhole covers - poor patching repairs bleadon hill is atrocious and has been for years pot holes on bledon hill Road around shiplate could do with attention especially to avoid flooding bleadon hill is in v. poor condition poor condition by purn farm at corner of Bleadon road but some very poor aeras, eg purn way/bleadonroad also drains rwegulary block when raining. except celtic way and bleadon hill smaller lanes are potholed and have poor edges hillside road is a disgrace particuarly bad near junction of bleadon road and poern way, some bad patches on bleadon hill chestnut lane road surface is very poor especially for cycles & wheelchairs/buggies etc. deep potholes close to purn farm, trees and shrubs allowed to encroach on pavements resulting in considerrable damage to pavement surfaces along this road poor road condition neaer purn farm on bleadon road. particularly pot holes on bend in bleadon road by nursery field in the village generally so huge pot ho;es on bleadon road between entrance to purn lane and chestnut lane necessary repairs should be made more quickly bleadon road in urgent need of repair recent pavement repairs are a disgrace bleadon road pot holes pedestrians get very wet when cars rush through puddles No good now they have been paited needing repairs in our road road leading into mulberry lane is in great need of re - surfacing need reqular inspection, potholes becoming visible pavement - coronation road to celtic way corner BLEADON RD POOR in specific locations
street lights on A370 by Bridge garage and between the river Axe, also a speed cambra to slow traffic Roundabout on A370 by pertol station and bridge rd or by anchor pub pedestrain crossings near coronation hall/church No more street lighting, we don't yet suffer from light pollution Bridge Road/A 370 I do not think there is room for any of these things in Bleadon, alower speed limit would be sufficent On one of the roads to A370 Junctions of Bleadon & A 370, Bridge Road & A 370. Section crossing from village hall to pavement opposite, or extend pavement from vicarage past toilets to village hall car park In Village centre Dropped Kerbs - Shiplate Road Main Road junctions Roundabout to access main road from Catherine's inn Pavements on bridge Road & along the road by the Queens I recognise the difficulty ie the width of the roads Some dangferous areas exsist ie lack of srtreet lighting eg top of old school lane. deliveries at key aeras need more width, adjacent public toilets too narrow for pram/wheelchair, also o/s newbay cottage/queens pavement outside coronation hall roundabout or lights at fork garage junction traffic althrough too fast is not frequent enough for marked crossings and certainly not roundabouts, too much and you will make bleadon a surburb not a village. bridge road needs pavements and lighting see ques 31 behind the houses in bleadon road, by the garage at bridge road if the A 370 is going to get busier. BLEADON RD FROM CHESTNUT LANE TO AND INCLUDING PURA WAY TO POST OFFICE by catherines inn to manor cottages certainly no more street lights which are a curse in any village / roundabout traffic measures at catherine's inn / A 370 not being funny but you expect it to be the way it is also not feasible in most areas to add without further mreducing lane size on roads. by the village hall definitly more pavements from chestnut lane to A 370 this is definitly very dangerous to walk at present also more pavement from the anchor pub tp uphil ature walk (over the railway bridge and model car race track also street lights needed from chestnut lane to A370 bleadon road- catherines inn street lighting down bridge road more pavements in bridge road, exit onto A 370 at the end of bridge road widening of p-avement outside village hall along coronation road this could be done by taking land from the front of village hall more pavements from chestnut ave. to bus stop
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 1 ** NOTE** 1 OF 7, PAGES DOWN FOR OTHER Q34 ANSWERS** Church Queens Arms stone built properties Church Church and cottages close by Church Church feilds Church Church church church queens pub Church/Cross cottages church church church Church Hellenge Coombe Quarry Church Church Church Church Church church Church church CHurch Hall/playgroup Bleadon Church Church church cottage/church & old post office and village cross church Church Church church Church an dsurrounding buildings Church Church Church Church church/Queens Arms/Mendip Way Church Church Church Aera Church Church Church/Village Cross/ Pump church Hellenge Hill Church Church Church our Church Village Hall complex Church Church Church Church Church Church Play ground CHurch Hills and country side church Hillside location church corination hill church church church church church church pub Church Fields bordered by Bleadon Road & Bridge Road queens church church Church cotteges/church Church church Queens Arms Church Church private houses,gardens,stone walls Hills / green fields Church Church church church church church Church Church / parish pump church THE CHURCH THE CHURCH CHURCH church village hall church Fields adjoining bridge road/bleadon road church the green hillsides the hillside ans sheltered valley in which the village nestles fields/hills parish church church church rockville church church church church shop/hall/church church church CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH countryside Old Church church church CHURCH church church church church village cross church/pub church church church church church hellenge & south hill church church/coronation hall open countryside church church church church/pub church & war memorial old post office post office parish church church surrounding hills church church church church church/queens arms / river church coronalion hall church church church church church wetlands the church THE HILLS Church Church Old Cottages/Houses Church church/post office/ local pub church parish church church and immeadiate vicinity including pub church church/pub church/farm houses/pub church all the older buildings near the centre of the village church/queens arms/church cottages church queens arms church church church trees church the church church mendip hills church church
Question: 34 - Why 1? **NOTE** 1 OF 7, PAGES DOWN FOR OTHER Q34 ANSWERS** Traditional country pub - lots of character give character Age very picturesque and quaint historic building centre of village open - not over built- quiet country age and architecture which establishes the age of the village wouldint be a parish without it! centre of village attractive centre of village/ancient beautiful looks nice, old, historic Marks the hub of the Village, is an older buillding with chracter Open Spaces, access for walking Sets the scene for Village Entry Historical Centre of Village No modernisation Historic Mendip style building Historic & Religious centre Attraction Attractive Its the centre of the Parish meeting point Beautiful architectural and when it is lit up in the eveningit is a lovely feature attractive grouping stressing how long village has been peopled and with the village cross sressing villagers meeting for 'news of the day' in olden times its history and looks floodlight Focus of village Historic village image They help to form the characterof the Village Wonderful old building Focal landmark Historic and beautiful. Typical english Village Centre of the Village Local Landmarks Focal point of village Ancient beautiful part of Village history Focal Point wonderful to walk on Historical Value Centre of Village life Its a lovely traditional Church The heart of the Village Central,open,green, gtather point Relatively new to Village - not yet qualified to give valid opinion Age & Character Nice Feature Striking centre piece to the Villasge Village History Characteristic Somerset Church Tower excellent centre village community Peacful an pleasing on the eye River Axe age for everybody lovely building enhances comunity spirit gives it a focal point history of historical interest focal points for village centre meeting place focal point of any village Rural aspect, should be maintain kept in agricultural use to preserve charecter of village centre to the village & a heart to it because all modern properties are ugly,boring and characterless. Historical and practical dignity and calming Best Pub in the West! Authentic Village Feature majority of these are well maintained with colourful gardens both give a country village feeling Architectural centre historic landmark/community focus historic appeal centre point part of the history of the village DEFINES VILLAGE LIFE IT'S THE HEART OF THE VILLAGE & HAS A WONDERFUL HISTORY for its frequent use the heart of the village & a strong visual image centre of village 'open space' lovely entrance they help to maintain the image of a ruraol village and offset the business of the A 370 none of these have been messed about by local authoritiesand parish councils, the above are the character of the village together with narrow lanes all add to rural setting because it is a fine old building meeting place in good condition & part over 700 yrs old old building gives the village a social centre historical interest & appliance & spiritual support centre point FEELING OF STABILITY & CALM ITS LOVELY no houses its historic and characteristic features are unigue the hub of any village age/posistion CENTRE OF VILLAGE visually pleasing been there for a very long time,nice old building historic stone building historic essential to the Heart of a village both historical particularly illumination old and part of village well maintained age & history surrounding it it is lovely flora & fauna & panoramic Views centre of village life beautiful to the eye village history both community focal points & visually attractive typifies traditional centre of village added authentic charecter excellent community facility it is at the heart of the village oldest building in village undeveloped and a barrier to weston expansion focal point beautiful spiritual centre of the village visible from a distance, providinf a focus has remained mainly unmodernised hub of the village central point of village beautiful old historic church contributes to the village historical focal point lit up at night is a lovely sight heart of the village offering a sense of history ATTRACTIVE SCERERY / SPECTACULAR VIEWS History Historical, nice hearing the bell part of village life permanence, beauty and history because of its 13th century history centre of village an ancient building weel maintained centre of any village rural essentials focal point because they keep the charecter and history of the village old village focal point meeting point the epi - centre centre of village life attraction and centre of village create a beautiful setting because it is the only thing we have left in the centre of the village brings people into village for weddings, concerts, village fete and somewhere to bury are love ones close by.
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 2 Cottages around church Church farm buildings Park and trees Queens arms park The Queens Arms pub Hellenge hill South hill Queens Pub Pub feilds Village Hall and Playground South Hill Coronation Hall Queens Head Cross Queen's Pub Old Post Office Pub Bleadon Hill River Axe hellenge Lanes pub The Queens pub Bleadon Hill/Hellenge/South Hill Queens Arms Mendip Way All the Hillsides Cross Mendips Halls Hellenge Hill Cottages Pub Church Hills Purn Hill Beautiful veiws for miles from the top Queens Queens Arms Circle Trees Nr Trig point Coronation Hall post Office Church hills Parish Church queens arms public house youth club queen's arms queens arms old cottages pub village hall queens pub Coronation Hall church village hall hills silhouettes Queens Arms village hall Post Office views from surrrounding hills curve of hillside above village Playground/halls purn house farm bleadon hill cottage pub queens arms SURROUNDING PLAY GROUND pub purn hill pub Pumps well house the church and the church yard church play area post office queens arms/coronation purn house farm village hall garage purn hill,south hill,Hellenge FIELDS PLAYGROUND queens arms shop/post office hillside queens arms purn hill shiplate split south hill.hellenge hill, purn hill coronation hall church & queens pub south hill / purn hill general village atmosphere cross hills village hall & park church church mendips mendip hills church queens/halls and play arewa village shop old cottages fields between A 370 and bleadon road / local farms queens queens arms queens pub shop/ post office post office queens arms church THE LEVELS South Hill Pub View Points Roman Road Shop villageshop/coffee shop queen's arms fields beviding bleadon from main road halls and play area open spaces village halls local pub play park footpaths queens pub parish church pub
Central village community building give the country feel meeting place all ages an Historic landmark nice to catch up with friends Natural landscape mostly unspoilt country Good village life nice countryside, rural Again the village hub and used by all Keeps a villagein the country A welcome sight for Residents and visitors Historic not renovated Memorial - Historic Recreation and gathering Social But gone ??? why Focal point The view from the top of the hill is spectacular you can see many parts of WSM adds to asthetics of countryside2 nice for walkers give character to village unites it with surrounding countryside age and culture of english life Traditional old pub social focus Beautiful countryside and views traditional small Public house They are beautiful and timeless Enhances the 'Village apeel' " Central focus Walks views & Nature Village History Seems to be remnant of earlier Occupation much improved Facilities Centre piece of any Village Cross age looks as if the villageis alive solid especially with thepo not in centre now enhances comunity spirit quaint looking what a village is - focal points for village centre meeting place focal point of any village Community Centre & acility, social meeting place dittohub of village life for many South Hill Pinn Hill Hellings Hills unspoilt by buildings Historical and social social togetherness Nice shop, Nice people Obivious centre of village. provides community focus rural feel every village needs a pub HILLS + PUBLIC FOOTPATHS for the walking views every village needs one - and this one is good convinence major contributions to social life of the village old building very useful geographical interest & attractive appearence also rectiontional oppotunities LOVELY TO SEE & HEAR THE CHILDREN centeries old and providing a social meeting place for residents and visitors meeting point for all the villagers & means of obtaining essential food supplies for elderly residents views charmong local pub natural backdrop to village looks good A O N B to be kept as such old meeting places good for walking open countryside great! well attended & looked after centre of building beautiful architecture scenic quality well kept centre piece social centre always the centre of the dcommunity we should never allow the change of use of the original post office store from anything but A1 ie retail to ensure that in the future it returns to a shop enforcement action should be taken. give a rural feel a sense of community protects village from busy main road helps retain vi;llage as separate idenity village pub popular pub old historicpub alss contributes to the village exellent facility friendly- typical village shop place to meet INTERESTING SCEREY Place of meeting Community service, nicely done! significent of the general bustle and interest in the village because of its apperance a distinctive boundary an attractive approach from south well neat. walks 7 wildlife demonstrate a village which is socially minded make it a family friedly village to enjoy the beautiful countryside a focal point for the village offers great food and company, a great social meeting place
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 3 Queens Pub Stone Built Properties church Purn Farm Village hall church West Mendips farms Cottages Hellenge Hill Village pumps mendips pub Queens Arms Fields by Bridge Road Cottages Halls Coronation Hall Varioius cottages Southill Allotment field the park Queen's Village Hall Pumps Somerset Levels Old Post Office Church Hall Queens Arms Play area Cottages AWT Nature Reserve (Hellenge Hill) car park Queens pubs Mendip Hills heleage hill parish hall new post office and shop Village Shop & PO Vernacular buildings Post Office Church Toilets/phone hellenge hill cottages the queens Queens arms south hill.hellenge hill,pern hill hellenge hill/south hill village hall,car park& playground FIELDS roman road village hall village centre fields park well cottage,village pumps,church cottages,mulberry lane cottages and village cross church coronation hall / village farm shop THE FIELDS BETWEEN THE MAIN ROAD AND BRIDGE ROAD / BLEADON RD Bleadon Hill Countyside Pub -Q.A. manor cottage& purn house farm all building older than 1940 foot paths queens foot paths old cottage village hall
All old villiage buildings Give character know your in a village Country feel functions and acttivities contributes to the natural beauty of the village nice to see livestock in fields as above outstandingly beautiful old landmark A nice old english pub in the hub Stops being joined up with Weston In Shiplate Road not Boxes Recreation use Recreation and gathering Add interest nice forwalkers social/leisure activity site Vital green space for children Good local encourages visitors Social asset to Village Intregeral part of village life " Gathering point Not only a play area for the children but a green area in the centre of the Village Protects typical countryside with wonderful veiws should be used more somewhere to relax with good food centre for village now bleadais best focal points for village centre great addition to village life Useful shop and social meeting place the older 'local-material' houses + cottages provide its character meeting place Essential public amenity lovely countyside walks views not many of architectural value in the village but features need to be preserved good walking areas with marvelous views over surrounding country side must be left unspoilt and wild forms the centr4em of the village VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP THOSE INTACT for its panaramic & breattaking views creates good community with many activities for local villagers all these features give bleadon the traditional village feel that made us move to bleadon open space very village always kept so well (althrough it is abused at night time by teenagers sick on slides/bottles) very important for young person residing in village historic invalable for village life PLEASANT FIELDS WITH LIVE STOCK Community service, nicely done! because of its queens anne porch s. hill purn hilletc another social centre add charecter to the village again somewhere for people to get to grt togrther for different events esp. for people who live on their own
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 4 queens arms Purn Hill Hellenge Hall and aera The River Axe village hall old pub South hill/Hellenge hill Post Office Hills Village pumps Park/village Queens Arms (old) Post Office Fields on Bridge Road/Blradon Road pum hill playground church Church & Church yard scale of buildings Parish Hall surrounding counrtyside the park new post office village pub pump village hall village hall & Market FIELDS GERENALLY Green Field Area village cross surrounding hills and open fields the Queens childrens play area new post office
lovely traditional village pub Beautiful contryside gives settings for village Could be developed to include riverside walks, canoeing and boating. everey village should have one open space/views/tranquillity Shame it had to move away Spectacular walking and Views Part of Bleado's heritage Social focus what is a village without a Pub we let that sucker punch us didn't we open green area focal points for village centre landmark Community and religous large modern house with 'picture windows' do not add to a village character strees free walks to admire the beauty of nature a very good facility for the village youngters catering for such a wide range of daily needs, with most helpful staff with a very pleasing atmosphere. meeting point for villagers community life very important for community spirit & facilities are good althrough could be improved upon. BUFFED FROM MAIN ROAD Real asset this places bleadon in the heart of the country side away from the urban crawl again an old building of charecter future generation welcomed and considered important
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 5 Rhynes/River Axe Village Toilets Pub(Queens) Play Area Hills and Walkways south hill farmland Traditional housing trees, open spaces Queens Arms new post office hillside queens arms CHURCH two mounting stones post office shop
Question: 34 - Why 5? water features/swans/herons/moorhens Every Village should have these Facilites Recreation Historic Obivious Scenicbeauty that emphasises rural aspect semi - rural life Attractive trees provide a variety of silhouette + open spaces allow you to see it community focus and historic building, classic village pub is a good addition all hills at back of village are very pretty and should not be altered with housing corner of mulberrylane an amminity of untold importance
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 6 The Green Areas Roman Road River Queens traditional house QUEENS ARMS village pumps
Question: 34 - Why 6? Are important e.g. fields trees Breathtaking views Adds to rural beauty Local Hostilary & meeting place the old blacksmith, well hous etc.
Question: 34 - Feature/Buildings 7 Play area SOME OF THE HOUSES / COTTAGES
Question: 34 - Why 7? well kept and attective meeting place for children and families RIVER
Youth Club I think the youth club could be painted outside, and the front entrance to Coronation Hall Chatherine's Pub- take down signs - very tacky and ugly houses opposite veale should have been built with stone. No land directly opposite the end of chesnut lane - Youth Club - border to feild along Purn wayleading to shop, very over grown no Improvement to the entrance of Manshalls' Accommodation Rd area, A£&) left side before you get to Bleadon Rd no Quarry - eye sore Youth Club Exterior The old post office used to be a key feature of the Village but since it is no longer a shop, sad to see the sign removed and now looks shabby Youth Club No Youth Club Outside the old bungalow at the Vale would be nice to see a few more Bungalows built there, ther is alot of field spare. It would be nice to see a few more old people around like our selves do not know Grain drying towers and silos off Accommodation Road are located too close to residential Propertys, also mobile phone mast, now sitred 100/200yds from residential properties possible health hazard. no village green No leave it alone no big building near the church Youth Club youth Club Quarry - drainge althrough improved still oozes stone and cement into the rhyne in Bridge Road Old school - Eyesore Village Hall complex looks a bit tired Asd above outside of Youth club/ entrance tobleadon Mill The proposed Golf course in Roman Road should be stopped This development will bring unwanted traffic onto Village roads Youth club Village needs large fields for children to play in and run free in safety - no dogs New big yellow house on Shiplate Road knocked down & a row of houses similar to manor Villas built Shut down the quarry or limit the amount or lorries. Put overhead electrity and telephone cables underground don't know youth club, toilets youth club n/a youth club - the building is out of keeping , it looks like a prison ! youth club Willows in Bridge Road to be regulary pollared to preserve, missing willows tobe replaced - to keep charecter of road and rhyne. corination hill/scout hut/in with club Youth club building. A poor quality building in central position. Badly proptioned and poor condition. Catherines Inn is plastered with vulgar crass ugly signage, cheap and tacky. Agricultural waste etc structure in field facing Bleadon Rd need more trees in the village, Johnny Appleseed could give you a few pointers bridge road quarry youth club Quarry - Get rid of it quarry area, old house on corner of shiplate all 3 village halls rhines often hang litter/rubbish especially by catherines inn, lack of litter and /or dog bins, lane from church to south hill, A 370 from WSM , too many signs & dumping, also accomodation road. Huttons Garage, land adjacent to chestnut lane on bleadon road the fairly broken down farm building on the right hand side of bleadon road marshall's concrete works Possibly trees to hide the view of the quarry buildings from bleadon road. In general the village is well looked after. Youth club as long as it is used for the village village hall,youth club and surrounding aera, accommodation road all look scruffy. rockville paddock between amesbury d=rive and tentern close needs tidying up particulary of old rusting gatesetc. west end of farm lane. purnhouse farm units a health centre and craft workshops could be built on the fields in bleadon road. there are not enough doctors in Weston the youth club, the paddock at the jct. of bridge & bleadon road, the aera around the phone box and toilets YOUTH CLUB - SCRUFFY BUILDING farm buildings and sites in bleadon road in particular and mud on road youth centre now looks in a poor state BUILDINGS IN FIELD OPPOSET CHESTNUT LANE village hall & youth club the village hall and its surroundings yes youth hall coronation hall youth club hall/youth club - this could be demoliished and a new larger more attractive village hall complex could be constructed on the site i think the new house they have built on this road (shiplate) is a monstrosity & does not fit in with surrounding houses. car park of fiat garage esp. opposite catherines inn, verges opp. anchor inn quarry on A 370 by catherine inn, junc. bleadon road purn way (bus stop) bl;eadon road purn corner poor entrance to village (and shop) to chestnut lane, youth club is featureless in such a prominent posistion consider some feature trees between new hall and youth club Tree planting to mask visual eyesores rectoary and grounds, church hall youth club well cottage coronation hall the centre of the village should be made a conservation area ie around the church and original post office. Quiantock house lokked at to use if something can b e done to improve the sharp bend in the road defiitly not, we have to many signs already farm equipment etc opposite chestnut lane youth club (looks like a bomb shelter youth club looks in need of attention before it falls down which is also an option no THE QUARRY SHOULD BE LOOKED AT WITH A VIEW TO A MIX OF HOUSING AND SMALL BUSINESS UNITS I DON'T KNOW HOW FEASABLE THIS IS THOUGH IT'S A BIG SITE Move the rubbish Quantock House, Shiplate Road Do not know of any Youth club, park area, hall, telephone box, public toilets, community areas need floral arrangements. youth club hut flood defence on river axe, stone house in shiplatwe road close to junction with Celtic way village hall/rectory. latter should be replaced youth club coronation hall most of the roads old village hall- or replaced with a new larger hall - modern stage etc youth club improve apperance youth club its a disgrace village hall
more flowers like hutton Restrict new buildings to keeping with village character e.g. insist stone-built should restrict new building to keep charater, i.e stone It would be good to see the open spaces on the outlining parts of the village as well kept as those in the centre of the village i.e the Veale abd childrens play aera. more dog bins provided and maybe more flowers like Hutton Improved signage also trough West Mendip Way Apart from the old post office. almost every building & garden is well kept with pride! the planting scheme is great (pots - tubs) and the commercial areas are always clean & tidy All useless and expensive. The Parish Council has already made a huge increase in our precipt, to no real gain for any of us. I suggest they consider ways to decrease their expenditure rather than look to increase it. If everybody kept their own area clean that would keep the village tidy Remove tons of rock, soil and various rubbish, large decrepid trailer andindustrial size roller located on side verge in Accommodation Road. Bleadon is generally very well kept but cannot complete with Hutton. Stop dogs messing on our pavements Keep new house building to a minimum Village in bloom competition Hutton has done well with 'Britain in Bloom' and we could learn from them. As q 34 Ensure hedge/verge clipping is done regularly as it used to be Stop people disposing of garden waste opposite their property ie Roman Way & bloching superb views. Also insisting that residents remove overhanging trees and shurbs from kerbsides and large conifers should bee trimmed or removed if offensive to other residents. provision of dog mess bins throughout village Plant more trees some one orderley who would do things like hedging and verges properly Do away with sign pollution to the entrance of village on Celtic Way play park very well kept Fewer and less - obstrusive signs at Catherines Inn. Continual vigilance in planning scrutiny of applications for alterations and new building (vast, bright, yellow 'mansion' in Shiplate Rd - too big, too bright and not a 'village building' at all everyone should be responsible for picking up litter and people who don't clear up after their dogs should be named and reported to the dog warden. as young childre grow older teach them to take pride in the village and the garden areas especially Keep Bleadon as a Village point out to those residence where poor maintenance degrades general apperance of village Sponsored cleaning by local business, especially if cause of litter, eg better enforement of byelas ansdeducation of residents, - better performance by N.S. contractors, monitored by P.C., - more litter bin & dog bins in strategic aeras, regurarly emptied. the padduck needs maintenance THE FIELD AT THE BOTTOM JUST BEFORE THE BUS SHELTERS IT'S GETTING OVERTOWN & AN EYESORE ON APPROACH TO THE VILLAGE HALL OWNER SHOULD TIDY IT UP best kept village competitions are often the top dressing more importasnt in general care and cleaniness with nice touches eg our tubs which are lovely. take away 30mph signs/large signs - not in keeping with the village at all improved signage definitely no - unless improved means a lot less. spring and summer flowers & plants to be cultivate at bleadon village entry signs litter too many signs already - especially on approaches those who spoil the village should have it brought to their attention. I do not like notices all over the place. if only we could persuade more volunteers to care for for our village and join the exsisting clean up party - it is always the same loyal few. I noticed this year that the hedges & boundries were not upkept as reguler as last year - the hedge here along the veale got so overgrown that it scratched the side of my car. It would be lovely to have more flower displays around but as a whole the village is kept reasonrably well - I think the worst visable eye - sore in my garden. encourage residents not to keep their rubbish bags and bins outside their houses longer then necessary paint the youth club poop scoop bins might help encourage those that do not clear up after their dogs refuse bins at significant sites and encourage villagers to collect rubbish regularly not annually must ensure regular refuse collection to maintain pride in appearence people have to have some pride in themselves. the level of litter gives some indication of that Street Lighting, Rubbish Bins, Timber framed play apperatus Too many signs at entrance to village. there must be 100 or more signs,notices,names, advertismntsetc. for the speeding motorist to read at this blind sport. bleadon in bloom SOME HEDGES GROWING OVER PRIVATE GARDENS CURTAILING PATHWAYS improve the apperance of bridge road by professionally coppicing the trees along the rhyne. village policeman to be seen more oowners of dogs who foul public places to clean up the mess
it really depends what would be involved in mainting them Stop villagers leaving out black bags out for collection days (fequently) before actual day especially over bank holidays when dustmen don't work on the monday We are old age pensioners we cannot do anything to help, sorry for this the new gates that have replaced some styles in bleadon are great!! We would happily commit to a village clean up Just in general I like the 'village' feeling we have here. Its not too structured or neat. The least appealing part is the section of bungalows with their 'perfect' gardens along Bleadon Road, I already collect rubbish on the footpaths and have done so for years especially by the river and the gate used by the fishermen - a 'drop no litter 'sign might help - though i doubt it. Also bags of rubbish left out for collection 2 or 3 days before collection. XXXX althrough many of footpaths have stiles thatm are inacesssible for the infirm/elderly and larger/old dogs too elderly to use footpaths occasionally but only minor clipping I have a dog and use the footpaths almost daily, usually they are well kept. WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO HELP WHEN WE HAVE RETIRED IN 5YRS members of RA too old now sorry I don't have the time spare, I work full time + have a family to look after + a monster size garden of my own. We know where some paths are they seem to be well sign posted Need to employ a person to do so. Village ordery son disabledso do not go for walks. i sincerely regret that I am not able to offer my help with the maintenance at the moment
Do Not use footpaths Dog Mess!! no longer able to walk the pathways etc. Can't get a wheel chair through the gates Bleadon does'nt need new housing. Always houses for sale & plenty new devlopments in WSM. Uncontrolled dogs Have to keep to paved areas nowadays! Farmer changing path mapped in ordance survey maps i.e.alongside River Axe This is the country side ! Dog Mess Elecric fence beside path Some stiles along the path which goes past the allotments are to high for old dogs tom jump ovewr Difficult to access some with a dog do not like crossing fields with Bulls in! High stiles problem for large dogs, some have dog gates, Riverside walks unusable due to animal churned mud during winter, Dog mess on popular walks feed for animals (inc Bulls) placed at obvious unavoidable spots for walkers No litter and/or dog bins to deposit rubbish FARM ANIMALS ENCROACHING FOOTPATH FROM RECTORY TO SHOP CAUSING MUD & SMELLY WATER AFTER HEAVY RAIN ALSO OVERGROWN GREENERY ALONG HERE hellenge hill not clearly marked the suggested difficulties are apart of rural pathways the gate behind bleadon road is to difficult. the path by the gate is also very poor. electric fences, diversions for no good reason- golf course, donkey shed dog mess no opinion cant use them verbal obstruction at the foot path farm / horse stables at cow bridge area (female) Wonderstone Hill - no animal pass. High Slate. the footpath from the River Axe through south hill arm is badly signposted and often difficult to negotiate especially with animals and electric fence dog excrement the path from the hill to the river through south hill farm needs re routing to allow a round trip route that is clear and avoids the farm buildings
NO! No More Houses one of us can only agree to additional housing if the support systems neccssary to sustain the increased population is also put into place e.g. sewerage, roads, education and health facilities. It is of graet importance to Bleadon that the 'village fence' be defended at all costs. Very limited extent only This would nice for the elderly, old people like this place its peaceful and quiet. Don't know Any housing that does not put a burdon on our now very high mcouncil tax amount payable to NSC. Large housing/ elderly/disabled. Housing development controlled so as not to lose the sense of Village otherwise Bleadon will become another dormitory for Weston. Should also be done in a senistive wat only in small patches or fill ins. I would hate for any new family to have the dreadful difficulty in obtaining placements for children at local Village schools as we found. New housing would compound this problem. Bleadon must have its own Village school if any further developments are considered. If the village is occupied anymore it will become part WSM therefore there should be no developments in the Village, only for the very needy groups Surely if it is known there is a need then it will also be known what sort of need there is. This must be done under strict control and numbers be closly monitored More bungalows at market prices this is a village and 2 new building sites have been built in recent years bleadon mill and femy Lane The property developers will only build Executive houses because that is where the money is. Sewers and drainage do not cope sufficiently with the current village development localised flooding has been common over the last 25 years. note my comments on ques 43 Many elderly parisheneers would appreciate the possibility of remaining in the village with appropriate housing. A large increase nin housing is already going to turn Bleadon into another dormitory for the weston aera. i have insufficient knowledge to give an opinion. i think the facilities such as health education, shoppingetc. are not good enough for many new houses SMALL BUNGALOWS the sewerage posistion in this village already to capacity therefore, this surely would restrict the question of new housing DON'T THINK ANY MORE HOUSES SHOULD BE BUILT the ocassional infill site would be sufficient more land for development as villageis full no no estat6es needed such as bleadon mill where youths have brought trouble to the village / single properties that are new and fit into surroundings should be considered favourably i don't mthink the village is suitable for single persons there is not room for much socialising locally. I also, prior to working full time, found it very difficult to get facilities outside of the village when i was short of cash so not ideal for low income families definitly no executive homes any housing should be designed for new families mostly for people who were previous residents now wanting to set up homes of their own, any devlopment should be very small and villsage styled See Question 39 people live in Bleadon because it is as it is now, and not as in some develpers dream of profit or council aggrandisment! housing as above will destroy the charecter of Bleadon and depreciate excisting houses values. Towns like weston are better able to provide the medical, social, leisure and work requirements that above categories need. GOOD QUALITY INDIVIDUAL PROPERTIES. A SMALL BLOCK OF PRIVATE RETIREMENT FLATS - SO MANY ELDERLY PEOPLE HAVE TO LEAVE THE AERA WHEN THEY GIVE UP THEIR HOMES ANF LOOSE CONTACT WITH FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. wsm & the surrounding area is not where major employers are based, proberly 70% of the population traval elsewhere tyo work, mainly to bristol. the H A says the M5 is not a commuter route! so until the the major infrastructure is improved what is the point in attracting people to an area where there low employment opportunities we don't want any more houses we would loose are village status
in the intrests of balance, young families may not be able to afford to buy, in which case renting ofr shared ownership may be appropriate. All of the above no new housing all of the above also shared ownership rent Rent Shared ownership/Rent A mixture odf all to satisfy the majority of peoples needs NO NEW HOUSING AT ALL PLEASE NO MORE HOUSING NEEDED probily a selfish view, but rented property can become scruffy in appearance, and often short term lets do notbenefit the parish NONE No - where would you put it, to not to make the village an eye - sore - as it starts its quaint and pictureque for people who have been residents of the village only See Question 39 A good balance is also important
No more housing in Parish!!! Don't beleive there is a need for new houses i think that if new houses are build - i strongly believe that they be houses that are within keeping with the character and should be a min space between them. Field directly opposite Catherine's Inn and behiind Huttons this aear would not affect anyones property/views. We need to ear mark a site ourselves - rather then site be forced upon us - north somerset needs more housing make a contribution - on our terms The meadows between Bridge Rd and Purn Way Bleadon Level Purn Farm, Bleadon Quarry & Purn House Farm Purn Way In the Veale (as I said before) Between Coronation Road and the A 370 The village is virtually full - there should be no development beyond the settlement boundery - if this were to happen Bleadon would become a district indistinct fromm any other in the urban conurbation. There is no 'need' for more housing, only greed. Young people cannot wait to get away, (try asking them - we Have) Bleadon Road North west of Village centre To replace some of the caravan parks Please see Q 43 if building is started outside where will it finish on plan C3 on village side of A370 B4 bottom left hand corner the currently used quarry facing lane In Bleadon quarry not in bleadon village already too many NO MORE HOUSES bleadon level area is there a need for more housing in the parish? possibly a few starter homes certainly use in-fill sites the quarry site is the obvious posistion marshalls known to be keen to relocate they no longer need a quary operation on bleadon levels NONE near post office & country store present rectory and garden corner field bleadon road/purnway opposite purn house farm and post office, the quarry, rectory for elderly persons we strongly disagree only within current permitted development area See Question 39 Not necessary inside the boundaries - flood plains should be considered. Also good agricultural land should be avoided quarry aera off bridge road preferably surrounding and overlooking councillors homes, there are no infill sites in Bleadon, open spaces are essential breathing spaces to break up the monotonous frontage of urban development, surrounding fields are essential to maintain on rural charecter. in the field adjoining bridge road but as a small part of development that could include a green space it is essential that a green belt is maintained to prevent sprowl of locking castle etc. to the surrounding villages. For that reason we belive that any development must be within its settlement bounderies. the field running along bridge road and bleadon road
it maybe good to have a samll site where WE want it - this would then stop the cuncil from forcing a site on us, somewhere we may not want it- which could very liekly happen. For info it could be a samll 'family site' which would not necessarily be trouble Bleadon Lane We fought one off before - the whole village was against it . do'nt start again. I don't know any small travellers If a site has to be - put it up on Roman Road This idea was suggested by somebody who does not reside in the parish. He lives in London and spends no more than 14 days out of 365 here who ever suggested this, needs their head examined!! Disagree strongly - would have adverse effect on village life in many aspects history at other sites shows that these sites are exstended without permition - leading to conflict * STRONGLY DISAGREE * can't imaigine who would make such a suggestion in the quarry when it ceased working very strongly disagree with this suggestion totalally disagree in the strongest manner this was turned down by government a few years ago as bleadon being unsutable I HAVENT HEARD THIS ME! (I DID 14 YEARS AGO!) I strongly dissagree - would spoil village prefrably locasted next to parish councillors homes, travellers should traval on or mix with society and pay rates,taxes etc. definitly not
spoil the whole village - look at weston village - all the same UGLY lets keep Bleadon a village one of us can only agree to additional housing if the support systems neccssary to sustain the increased population is also put into place e.g. sewerage, roads, education and health facilities. the village is much sought after for its 'village life' why spoil it! What Schhols. Our children have to either go to WSM or Lympsham as it is! Limited additional would be ok but large estate housing would cause problems A village is just a village. You buy and live in the properties that are already there See Q42 plus poor drainage would be exacerbated, water pressure would made even worse, roads already overcrowed, schools etc. would be streched to accommodate, Bleadon is simply to small and to poorly resourched to accommdate a property increase. These points should all be taken intoconsideration, even if we agree to some building This parish is not large enough for larger development however small(up to 6 or 7) development units would be absorbed into the community We support further building development Select housing in keeping with village well spaced out trees green areas play area for children must be safe away from traffic Much of outlying Bleadon is on secptic tank thereare no main drains - unacceptable for new housing. I am against because it is unnecessary, if you create jobs in the area than there would be a case fo more housing. More housing means a larger village/town - for what purpose - I like it as it is we came to live here because we liked what it looks like as it is if we wanted to live in a concrete jungle we would have moved to locking castle. Answered in ques. 39 Traffic congestion Have'mnt we done enough drainage already why go from saturated to super saturated limited development as a village best left alone, too many folk come here to live and are away all day, just a stopping off place and alter everything in nights There plenty of empty land in WSM for housing without enchouching on unnessarly land in bleadon no doctors no local school, surgery for doctor or dentist no roads/nodoctors/no schools.more houses means more cars means more congestion means more danger to residents, means bleadon becomes an undersirable place to livem as afore mentioned BLEADON WOULD NO LONGER BE A VILLAGE for roman road there is no sewer or gas service, only ovehead electrics and no footpaths no school, no doctor birch ave is subject to flooding to a depth of fourteen inches over an aera of 70sq metres some twenty times during 2005, storm drains are no longer serviced in the avenue since moving to bleadon I havefound it to be a friendly community, I beleive development would lose the village its identity and we would become just anotherm housing estate it would become another worle the village would disappear we do not have a school within the village there is not the facilities within the village and it could not generate enough local support to justify morwe then the post office it would however be love4ly to have a nursery here our drainage system is already inadequate there has already been to much development the housing would not go to local people Bleadon is large enough! high density housing would depriiate existing house values, and probably increase the obscenties of noise(loud music) & pollution. the exsisting charecter and apperance should be protected. Why is weston spending £million to reinstate and preserve its victorian origins. Why do you traval to france,germany, austir,holland, italy and Switerland to see their beautiful villages,towns and countryside? Althrough I am in favour of strictly limited further building development, I am also aware of the above reasons for furthwer development being valid reasons for not opening to the project. see ques 41 see 39
it seperates the village from the town, which is the whole reason why one chooses to live and pay a premimum to live in a village location without the seperation of countryside all is lost see ques 41
no new developments Less advbertising signs - Bridgwater rd expecially Village affairs should be allowed to advantage on local roads & not not have signs removed by ? council officals or whoever Shooting is barbaric and should be banned We do want or need new developments I have heard pot shots around local fields whilst walking my dogs and i am not happy with that, the use of local matinals in buildings & boundaries where posible retention of indigeions trees& nedferrows some walls The whole planet is under threat, especially when you XXXXX building on flood plains preservation of character & relative size, - road resurfacing to reduce traffic noise, - modern down lighting to reduce light pollution of the sky, - monitor air quality. we must fight any threat to our local enviorment - just one slip and the floodgates open. Strong leadership from the parish council is essential don't want american style advertising in fields evidence of this creeping in around britain
Local planners have little or no involvement in the agricultural use of land this is lead by Brussels.
this is why we choose to live here thats why we chose to live here
like walking - but not rmblers who are or have been rude and arrogant I love taking my 2 year old out and showing him the wildlife - I have found slow worms frogs toads all sizes off grasshoppers in my garden and think this is amzing +good to be able to show him this first hand instead of a book. the views near and far from the hills surrounding a compactand contained village development
Catherine's Inn waste of space! Its an eye sore!! Coombe Quarry was a wild life sanctuary until our Parish Council decided to clear it up - at no small cost Dead elms should be removed as they are Dangerous-Dutch elm disease spreads don't forget the huge Bleadon levels area has a flood risk, - open up more woodland for walking,- trees must be native to area/UK, - look at envirenment in a broder sense eg air quality The levels as a wildlife sanctuary is important , possible leisure activities on the river is possible but not necessity. provide hand washing machine in village toilet The cutting of hedges is governed by DEFRA and BRUSSELS, not the local planners.
a bit of a 'hum' from main roads None noise between i.oopm and 4.00 Queens (training their dog) very minimal disturbance None of these Noise from Village Hall can be excessive. Bleeping nopise from Quarry traffic early mornings and late nights up to 11pm Ref Farm Animals ....... It's a farming community. for goodness sake. Coombe Quarry has never has been a place of natural beauty. Used to be a car park. Purn Hill is outstanding and already costs the Parish Money why occur further cost. Traffic noises at commuter times as village used as a throughway Dog mess everywhere no Incodsiderate visitors to the Queens Arms Shiplate Road sounds like a Motorway during the rush hour in the morning dust pollution from Marshalls Live at Bleadon Mill none Occasional bonfires can be a nuisance often before 6pm shold be only allowed after this time. will accept military low flying aircraft but civil aircraft from/to Bristol airpot have multiplied several 100's flying everyday some at 6am Sunday as we have not yet fully retired yet in bleadon we can not answer the questions truthfully Noise and nuisance from people walking up Celtic Way at night. ? walking home from pub(s) to other side of hill No to all questions Heavy lorries & dust from quarry sometimes along Bridge Road. Wheel wash not kept topped up during hot weather speeding motorcyclists on A370 for years very noisy and dangerous too. bikes also roar up celtic way from queens arms at speed from time to time mainl;y from the quarry bridge road quarry and early working hours 5.30 am onwards quarry traffic - lorries Lorries from Quarry, cockerals from neighbours Traffic noise from A 370 resurfacing with low noise tarmac needed, - night skuy suffers from light glow, lights should be replaced with down lights. - noise occasionally from aircraft esp. at night. sodium lighting should be changed living in pine lea I suffer from none of the above the cars and motor cycles which frequent the Queens arms sometimes revel in noisy exhausts. It is very disturbing, also I cannot see the stars because of an excess of street lighting only very occassionally music festival off roman road on private land (howard's cars), noise from male donkeys on fields along top of roman road adjacent to homes of residents dogs barking occasional jet low flying over south hill shot gun use fromm time to time I know it is not good lighting in the village but I like it that way. I must admit through some of the safety lights that switch on across the road from meare in excess by being overly bright. Can I also the church and the bell ringing but is it possible that the bell ringing evening please be stopped at 8pm rather than 9pm - hellish to get the toddler off to sleep at 8pm as it disturbs him everytime Sorry dust pollution from concrete works some traffic noise from the A 370 noise pollution more frequent after hours pub noise as we live on the side of the A 370 we knew the traffic noise when we bought the property, waiting for the electric car (hurry up) cars and motor bikes travelling to fast making there engines noisier
Glass, newspapers veg. matter ' compost' a very important thing in my life used to doso but my plastic bin disappeared Sorry! It is uneconomical where we live.
green box not available to us Green box scheme apparently doesnt go as far as shiplate - i asked the council take clothing and unwanted household items to Weston hospice. Unwanted items to charity shops for clothes/ household goods we would use a green box ifd provided Definitely the recycling of plastics an dmobile phones Local tip for our Garden waste charity shops 2nd hand shop no green box left - asked twice charity shops for clothes
Cardboard! Plastic Bottles!! Should offer collection scheme recycle bins plastic, cardboard - include in green box schemr local centre for garden waste/green cardboard, plastics why not have recycling banks located near car park at village hall. This would save us rom transporting stuff to town green box! Plastic, clothing and batteries old cans containng banned substances Plastics Batteries Plastic? plastics plastics, batteries and electrical components Plastics Plastic Bottles Plastics I would like to recycle plastics, but I have phoned & understand that this will be available shortly None in the Parish extension of green box scheme Would use green box if available Garden waste site Plastic and cardboard in are area Pig bins plastics Should include plastic in green box sheme Plastics Generation of too much garden waste(green) waste - perhaps a doorstep facility could be made available to remove for composting or chipping. Card boxes Plastic taken with glass & paper as part of green box scheme start getting the basicsright first - the present system is woefully inadequate gree waste Garden waste Plastics More Plastic recycling plastics more recycing collections to include cardboard, plastics, milkcontainers, paper North Somerset to provide for plastics and cardboard collection - as I travel to Highchaple with these at present wheel bins collecting all re-cycle items plastics / batteries as many as possible . we are way behind most of europe village glass & tins green waste 1 large recycling bin per household plastic and card in green box recycling banks cardboard & plastic Not aware of plastic or stamp recycling plastic and cardboard recycling bins located at Coronation Hall exspansion of green box scheme to include further recycables collection of plastics in green box scheme information on where to take if not in green box scheme(all in ques 52) CARDBOARD & PLASTICS PLASTIC local recycling banks, green box weekly, and more green box with lists of things to recycle Recycling bank Cardboard/paper at car park, elderly /young people can then use them as cannot always travel to a bank in WSM cardboard/plastic containers (doorstep) the local civic amenity site is one of the few good things instigated by woodspring as is the recent green bank scheme we are already well served in the area. better arangements to recycle all plastics pl;astic and packaging plastics local collection of plastic & grow waste cardboard / plastic bottles garden waste plastics plastics plastics provision of containers/bins at home to encourage recycling and a collection service plastic bottles cardboard plastic recycling points strtegically sited cardboard & plastic via green boxx scheme cardboard/plasticscollections nothing is available at our house plastic / garden present schemes should be further extended tese should be provided by local council centrally where they can be empitied and controlled - not in a village location green waste /plastics from home local authority collection of plastic recycling bin for cardboard garden waste could be recycled into garden compost at the comunity site and sold back at one pound a bag helping with the cast as in northhampton shire CARDBOARD AND PLASTIC BOTTLES AND CONTAINERS plastic plastics all household should be recycled if possible a collection of garden waste for plastics at kerbside recycling plastics please all recycling facilities should be available locally plastic plastics garden waste plastic plastics plastic and recycling skips
n We dont have any lighting no lighting we have'nt any none Preferred the Village before street lighting new lights installed as the result of a triple fatel accident. Shiplate Road - Black! Walking dangerous In a rural village such as bleadon , there is no need for street lighting . Those few that want lighting are both selfish and profligate - who needs lights from 2 am to 6am ? use a torch ! n/a no sgtreet lighting too much I cannot see the stars adequately more lighting along A370 - uphill should be a good idea but would like to see some lighting in bleadon road not necessaryily brighter none available in the long term consideration of energy use do not consider lighting needed in our avenue excess street lighting does not add to the character of the village, it is a 'pollution' not for a teenager riding home at 10pm but I personally like it this way even through I worry sick he will be run over due to inadequate lighting birch ave. has no lighting noer shiplate road we do like the subdued lighting in bleadon
Celtic Way & Bleadon Hill would like some lights along the part of shiplate road with hedges either side but not bright lights Shiplate rd between wonderstone and shiplate. dangerous to walk @ night, not too much though!! Along Roman Rd Hillside Rd, Celtic Way Unadobted Roads Roman Way during Evenings Mulberry Lane Along Bleadon Road, Bridge Road and Shiplete Road More but not brighter lighting shiplate Road Along main road to Bleadon from Purn Farm where there is none now Shipate Road Shiplate Road Shiplate Road Outside coronation Hall / Youth Club Shiplate Road Bridge Road & junction with A 370 between Bleadon mill & Anchor Pub on A 370 Purn Way Bridge Road Chesnut Lane Very bright /orange lights destroy the Village atmosphere Village - Celtic Way Bridge Road Bleadon Mill Esetate Purn Way all roads should be lit celtic way near top celtic way The exstent of light pollution can be witnessed by looking up at hellenge hill and seeing the orange glow Bridge Road Bridge Road village centre - traffic blackspots Celtic Way, bridge Road shiplate Road up the hill bleadon road, so people can feel safer walking to hall etc. shiplate road bridge road bridg road in village shiplate road bridge road (no lights) corner of purn way & bleadon road as above from amesbury road to village hall (lights in hillside road BLEADON RD CELTIC WAY LOXTON RD bridge road/purn way more lighting in side streets along shiplate road celtic way shiplaTE ROAD on private roads birch ave/willow dri. definately no more street lighting of any description car park area see above puru way / bleadon road along bleadon road to A 370 Near Tiggin and the shop on unlit streets eg Tenterk close bleadon road and around the old post office and the church bridge road from village both ways just in coronation hall car park not necessaryily bright, could be downward angled The veale and shiplate road by the catherines inn / post office bleadon road coming from catherines to bleadon down bridge rd bridge road / junction b;eadon mill A 370
not Worried we are not really affected We live on A370, there is no street lighting at the moment and we would'nt be in favour of any, we like to see the night sky. Lights in Bleadon Quarry not concerned Ther should be NO additional street lighting ANYWHERE in Bleadon. we don't want any artificial light at night, we like it dark to see the stars This is a pointless question when you consider we suffer light pollution from Weston and Bristol. I do think that neon/laminated signs should be kept to a minimum (out of character for a village enviorment)Artifical leg people want light for security . this is uaually unfounded and misguided Not concered light pollution from quarry lights, why don't they use movement sensors very poor lighting in Bridge Road - poor safety see ques 33 no night working in Quarry domestic security lighting affecting driving any extra lighting whereever situated will add to the surburbinisation of bleadon excessive lighting will damage village characteristics bridge road I have said elsewhere in this questionnaire I like to study the Stars village needs more lighting for cyclists this is an issue of general concern to me which is not really an issue in the village at this present time, but should be a considered factor in any future changes/development I must admit that security lighting does bug me where they have put it up so high + broadspectrum - overkill - 2 lots across the road from nme shine right into my bedroom Marshalls quarry guilty of light pollution light pollutio Lights alone do not make a village urbanised. Light Pollution could be halved with the introduction of times to turn lights off say midnight. don't have any views on any of these modern lighting systems are designed to minmise light pollution by directing any light downwards
no doctors we would use a dentist if there were any
we have transport to use services outside the parish, but for those without services are vital There is very little in the way of services where we live A local bus to Sanders Garden Centre from the Village once a month would be very much appreicated yes need to clarify services to be able to answer taxi required satisfied whilst I can continue driving can be difficult for older residents the nearest medical centre to the village (east brent) is not generally available as an option to bleadon residents I do feel the post office was better situated at its previous site but absolutely lovely & in character where it is now.
Baby clinic in Playgroup x 2 per month Your problem, would to get any G.P. to open a pragtice in the Village. Ridiculous - not financially viable even if wanted! for those who cannot drive the first two are basic needs would be good once a month for the teenagers locally
why not a medical centre in the village? Doctors Surgery no ability to obtain doctors appointments delivered locally LLOYDS PHARMACY ALREADY PROVIDE PRESCRIPTION COLLECTION & DELIVERY a health centre in the village PHARMACY doctor in bleadon definitely weekly doctors surgery no to operate
Doctor unable to locate named residence in Shiplate Road and ended up in Loxton(no house Numbers in Shiplate Road) and as yet nothing has been doneas per % in favor of numbering - re Village news No 59 Dec 2003 Was not aware of service for visitors
it was crowded & so no where to sit with some reservations I have only used it once, but then it worked absoustely fine,
Can't get appointments have to go through nhs direct and process can take an hour when before i would go straight to gp clinic and be seen asap I hadto wait hours for a phone call back, before they will let you go down to the GP clinic. (unacceptable with a sick child) Only one Dogtor who was in Portishead and then Gordano would not be available for 6 hours. Impossible to contact on one occasion slow to respond on several occassions Waited along time on the phone to be given any proper advice Extra time waiting owing to difficulty to locating named househol ( no numbers) No information of it. Not aware of it to slow NHS direct makes it difficult to get an appointment as they don't always answer the phone. there too busy to listen, and when you have a child with a temp 100+ you need good advice delays in arrival of doctor not doctors fault NO RESPONCE FROM GP CLINIC AND NO ENTERY WITHOUT APPOINTMENT lack of speed trying to get through on telephone could not get in attended weston out of hours GP service refused treatment as we are outside of that PCT treatment area and sent to taunton - 25 miles away !!! gpm very reluctant to visit , My hisband ended up in a high dependency unit in Bristol. GP's visited under persistant persvalsion from me & only when I suggested ? of illness was ther any action taken to long await usally ok, but one adult member of household received a poor service from duty doctor leading to 3 week delay in treatment for painful condition NO KNOWLEDGE OF SERVICE delay in getting an appointment because of screening by NHS direct
Question: 66 - More use of local services? Competitive pricing longer opening hours and more competitive prices would like milk delivery - poss use shop more if openm longer hours and with wider range. would also use a prescription delivery service & mobile library if better times (after school) retention of letter box outside OLD post office Knowledge how to get milk delivery etc? put on village notice boiard times of library, events etc. if i was aware of them Being able to rely on items being in stock Shop being open outside of working hours I will use services as I get older and retire from work If we ever needed too Shop and post office - a long walk if you have no transport and live at the veale Local newspaper delivery - we have to go uphill broader provision of services or changes in my current provider/ Changes in mobility I would use the village shop more if it supplied the lottery and later opening hours for the off lience if shop/PO were closer walking distance If garage pumps were self service When we are retired and have more timeCash machines/ stay open longer shop is closed when I come from work - stay open till &pm Have the post in centre of village happy for all on a personal basis farm shop with local/organic produce better knowledge of when and where available. Vilage shop & Post Office offers exceptionally good service availability out of working hours disability lack of car probably more knowledge of the services shop/po - wrong posistion, Garage - too expensive resturants occasionally being mobile local food delivery from shop ie fruit& veg box/bread, millk/butter @essentials box' also organic meat. mobile library if visited after 4.30 or weekends children could also use it at present they are at school when it visits inability to travel to weston/availability of other services eg medical services. goods delivered only if I could'nt drivwe my car motor tax - bleadon post office price and availability local garage is very expensive ! village shop closing at 5.30pm tends to be closed when I return from work if we were'nt working in weston we would shop more locally it would be used more if it was were it should be the centre of thee village if they were available and cost effective nothiong happy with what we use satisfied accessibility loss of car / ability to drive
We like the fresh produce they sell (ie fresh carrots potatoes) some of the fresh things e.g. fresh bread, meat, veg are better quality then say the supermarket its nice to buy local produce and not packaged supermarket produce where you wouldnt know where it came from. handy for mobile phone top ups too! would be better more centrally situated cafe, is a bit expensive and inflexable with meal times The shop is very useful, they sale mostly every thing and very friendly people that serve behind the counter, its very good indeed.If if it I live to far away Use of bulk postal services for bulk businee posting Village shop sells good quality productsMove it closer to Village centre, Better parking or fewer cars ConvenientPharmacy It's a very good ,necxesary service for many people and the Post Office is definitely a necessity. it adds to the sense of community You haven't mentioned the cafe the children buy their sweets there very important & a great addition to village life coffwee shop use The shop is doing very well but it possibily needs a wider range of items basic household items. because of its posistion we used used the previous Post office far more oftwen and for most of the above reasons the new Post Oficce and stores can not not help being in the wrong posistion. shop is excellent the shop hjas an increasing range of good quality goods at value for money prices and responds to customers' request to buy in items they like. the shop /post office/cafe are great assets for the village & staff are so helpful & caring sale of lottery tickets it is vital to have some form of village shop for all to benifit from at some point found my lost rabbit if we don't support it we will lose it it has developed very well thank you hopefully using the local shopm on a regular basis will help us keep the post office visitors from towns and cities enjoy the novelty of coming with us to a village shop and coffee shop no shop in village appreciate coffee shop excwllent service with tiffin coffee shop local produce
I think the shop has very good variety of everything and is priced well for a village shop i do use the shop often - cant always get larger sizes i.e suitable for family use- washing powder or family size reasonably priced chgickens and joints! i just like to do 'one big shop' per week Availability Everything available in one trip to supermarket Close to work range of goods at local supermarket which i pass on way to and from work Have to get in car anyway so go further afield sometimes Superstores all under one roof one stop shopping for everything some items are not available so one needs to visit the supermarket & one tends to buy all in one place have to be driven to shops unable to carry goods goods get very heavy as you walk home See 68 (Comment person A "Not getting my head bit off!!) main shopping at asda only use other shops if out somewhere else and bleadon would be shut by the time you returned
Cardiff or Bath Bath - easier to shop than bristol Street for choice and value for money cribbs causeway for clothes and furnitutre Out of town centres Street/Wells/Glastonbury usally with visiting friends and relations333 Near work and sreet Clarks Village Cribbs caus way Internet Bath - good choice of shops Asda its more cheaper Bath nicer enviroment Yeovil - because I work there Portishead Waitrose For large items ie Furniture/white goods & electeical items for variety/price Tesco for large weekly shop portishead and waitrose on visit made to other places Winscombe, Wedmore - Choke street Clarke's Village I like the town and have fmily near by. wells market rely occasionly (ambience) work there highbridge when visiting family tesco oldmixon/uphill PO due to opening hours/choice chelttenham/bath/cardiff - even wedmore for quality shopping. wedmore for special clothes. Hutton,cadbury etc for garden centres choice plymouth major shopping centre for a change of scenery bath - choice go where ever to item at best price bridgewater clarke village value for money 7 range of goods london bristol portishead- for specific outlets cribbs causway mainly for lewises depends on buisness commitments and convienience cribbs wedmore - interesting shops reading leisure and change
Mobile phone coverage we have everything we need No time till we retire in 5 yrs more reliable electricity & phone supply., local taxi/ early bus to WSM station and bristol airport local storage unit shop[ to rent being able to buy premises more parking around work aera HOUE earlier postal delivery none assuming that you would pay for them and not the council tax payers. workshop/lockup (for joinery business)
Were the other side the A370 its abit like being the other side of a river, we don't really get involved in the community. Were used do this & therefore quite happy with the situation. youth club would be used if aged range was sensible 11 - 19 isnt sensible fax & photocopying facility (colour) not used no
the coast of the villiage hall seems expensive compared to other halls. more variety in the market. more craft stalls, more social events - the winter disco was a great sucess! kitchen needs overhaul, extra parking More activities/ equipment in playground Queens Arms skittle renovating The skittle alley could use a revamp all fine I thought the cost of hire for a children's party was high althrough compitative with Uphill, but it does make it unlikely to be used again by this family. none more room needeed fo darts/pool in queens, skittles alley needs renvation/moderniseation coronation hall - too expensive eg milton hall which is also newly equipped/updated is 20/40 to hire the price should be approx £40 for residents for an evening to encourage more use and provide more functions available to the village. children/families are never welcome all functions are aimed at the older age group jubilee room more drapes to reduce the echoing and improve accoustics none obvious acoustics in the jubilee hall youth club is an unnecessary expense and is a carbuncle on the face of the village - its ugly !! I believe that it would be viable to rebuild the whole complex on a green field site and end up with a better complex – I suggest the middle filed of the 3 front ones between Bleadon Road and the A370. No housing would be necessary or desirable as this middle fields. not used
It could be bigger excellent althrough 20 years hence is difficult to predict, certinaly it will need modernisation to reflect needs before then. make more use of the youthclub or the adjoining hall especially to encourage wider age range to use it, If the younger ie children and the older age group got to gether more often they would benifit each other for example the elderly could teach kids about the past/practicle skillsd/gardening ect. and the younger children could teach the elderly about internet/digital photography etc. Annual harvest home celebration with other villages would be great to see in bleadon utulising the whole of the car park and 2 village halls perfectly adequate well equipped and cosy not soul less like some new large halls if the viallage grows it will not be adequate one large modern village hall more activities could be incorperated
Too many tables and chairs taking up sapce throughout coronation and jubilee room no difficulties would like to do yoga class but would like evening class as work often doesnt permit Diffcult scooter access Quite satisfacory Difficult entry for people with walking sticks Have young family & its difficult to fit things in. Childre often not welcome! yet village life was always about family involvement was'nt it?! purn house farm units disturbing to see children and babies in pushchairs so very late at night during New Year's eve clebrations to hire hall for personnal use to expensive
No Particular comments toilets can be cold stage needs updating no opinion no disabled toilet All very good stage could be bigger have experencied difficulty with the cooker. an inductive loop system would help
Don't agree with the housing development As long as there aren't too many and they are designed to compliment the countryside could poss use fields out on shiplate road out past the veale but would need better access no, but is it needed? leisure and sports yes, but not in conjunction with housing but not on Bridge Rd- feild behind queens arms pub (XXXXX) Roman Road WSM Let's get back to the Village Fence! Then let@s consider the cost of maintaining such a leisure complex. We've been down this route before. not enough people in village to support it, cost to parish Like the idea of community area but not housing Don't mind the leisure & sports facility but not in conjunction with a housing development No housing Why does this have to be in conjunction with a housing scheme. The site is on a flood plain and is likely to be flooded - salt marssh - in the not so distant future (ask Nth. Somerset) (according to Envirenment Agency) In the 1960 these three fields were termed white land not for buliding and their owners were paid compensation as advised by aera planning office then in the Boulevard. no Anywhere that XXXXX doesn't spoil our Village and take even more money from us! P{art of field opposite shop for Village pinic aera and duck Pond Our children have nowhere to kick a ball, Yes, but only with a school if more housing On th ecaravan site at trhe Anchor - it would remove an eyesore No, along Bridge Road would be fine, houses need to be in charector with Village down by the shop in the field opposite or in bridge road roman road near roman road area yes to sports facility no to housing why do we need more leisure and more sport facilities when there are plenty in weston and cheddar Possibly3 areas marked on settlement map would affect fewer people. we are against development like lympsham's - theirs causes disturbences to residents overlooking playing fields. bleadon's would attract more trouble makers from weston, if visable from A 370 Fencing would be necessary and unsightly Bridge Road unsuitable for accessand already suffers from heavy traffic. Leisure and sports facilities would be fine there but no more housing please. in the same field without housing We are opposed to housing development in field along side Bridge Road. Any leisure and sport facility would have to be looked at depending on what was suggested. ie late evening use, light pollution, noise etc. in someone else's back yard the Quarry, no depends on activites possibly accomodation road or adjacent to A 370/River Axe. this area is a high flood risk for housing. who would use these facilities??? yes to leisure centre no to housing development THERE ARE PLENTY IN WESTON you have mixed two things here, yes for leisure and sport, no for a housing development there is no need for housing as well - otherwise it defeats the object of leisure and open space. The housing would cram the area and ruin the entrance of bleadon village.. Replace village halls and youth clubs for housing as already with in housing aeras and build new halls / social aera on the fields lots of parking an dopenspaces. lympsham style cricket/tennis facility would be an excellent addition. I think there should be a health centre there to the paddock opposite the shop9between purn way & bleadon way green belt facon lane? SEWAGE & DRAINS ARE BAD ENOUGH NOW LIVING IN CORONATION RD weston NO HOUSING its not that far to lympsham near post office and shop purn farm petanque in the paddock behind the bus stop. leisure & sports favourable in bridge road field BUT it is outside the village fence so adjoining ousing would be unacceptable & leading to more. there are other fields available locally accommodation road area out of the village but with good local access. Very strongly disagree with this proposterous suggestion field at th back of southcombe & amesbury drive field behind whitegate south hill behind veale/willow drive housing development shoul be for local people until demand filled then open market, local housing should be affordable what call is there for such features ? this must not be traded off with housing development! who gains agree with leisure & sport acility but NO HOUSING DEVELOPMNT dont think bleadon would sustain one. position completely wrong who maintains any purposed sports field and what would be the cost? DEFINATELY NOT DOESNT NEED THIS FACILITY FIELD BEHIND QUEENS ARMS ROAD ACCESS FROM BLEADON RD VIA AMSBORY DRIVE No opinion as we do not know the area and unable to locate Bridge Road on map on back page As long as there aren't too many houses and they are designed to compliment the countryside we feel that the whole field beside bridge road should be kept for a new village hall and parking for the the sports facility for the future. distance from main road must be preserved at all cost, bleadon is basically for mature retired people, sports facilities here would be a failure, or an amenity for outsiders(see Hutton). There areadequate facilities in weston of superior quality. this is just a 50 p thrown to the council by the XXXXX development organisation. - if needs must try the field opposite the post office. farm land opposite bridge garage not in bleadon
On Line Distance warning the others may be relavent but not to our needs ,ore keep fit/.leisure classes With no access available to children to a local school within county - Bleadon should have access rights to Somerset Schools & Transport No opinion don't know uphill seems to provide the above why not try to aim all ages welcome as opposed to setting age groups ie a 10yr old could enjoy photography as much as a 80 yr old!! the youth club building should be destroyed and rebuilt no opinions No opinion We also need more people to warrant any of the services that we currently have. all the above suggest enlarging the village not a good idea
Question: 79 - Additional adult education/leisure classes Bleadon Youth Football Club, Mini Soccor Club (just training) younger children Aerobics, yoga exercise classes (if in evning eg. after 7pm) Educational - massage and complementary therapy IT related e.g. website design i would liek to go to aerobic classes at the night ie 7-8pm Crafts, hobbies and IT clsses Yoga in evening, or similar, craft evenings, flower arranging etc With no schools - how? Computer courses, langauge courses. French / Yoga but later classes42444 workshops Mainly creative activities Most things available at Weston Technical College more academic courses computer Coumputer use222 yoga Table tennis / bridge classes Tai Chi Salsa I T I T I T local history Gentle excercise class / dog training Tae kwan do tai ghi Languages None Computer Class Computing Languages IT Digital Photography Art I T skills IT Classes /clubs computer tuition / digital photography IT, Floristry, Art IT classes, dog walking - training, wine tasting Creative arts; computer skills including internet Acedemic classes, craft classes, Physical classes - Hiking,Canoeing etc IT Classes IT classes, evening painting classes Photography,alternative therpies, yoga(evenings) opportunities for younger people 20 - 40 age range. D.I.Y skills - computer skills computing for beginners village history group Just a good range - IT Actually it is more a case of time and money. There ia a class I'd like to attend, but cannot at the moment. computer skills various computer studies computer corses, WEA style courses subset of those offered by Weston College prospectus, - ideally a preference given to residents to encourage booking foreign languages COMPUTER INSTRUCTION FOR BEGINNERS &OAP'S INTERNET CLASSES more sport & education classes computer classes some of the more popular courses in Weston could be replicated here Any classes or leisure activities are great to bring the village community together> But encourage all do not segregate. At present families are not welcome to anything unless the hall is privtely booked! for example new Years Eve/Harvest home no provision made, example the May Day fair is organised by the church but is directed at families/childre with games/bouncy castles/fancy dress etc. How many attend? How much money do families spend What a succesful day Every year what a great day one of few when all is welcome! flower arangements it skills cmputer training computer beginners / intermediate class music apppreciation, handicraft computer classes internet and e mail classes internet classes for the elderly art IT classes with 1-2-1 facility internet/computer classes langauge / craftwork courses NVQ's flower arraging, sewing,computers, languages yoga, belly dancing, bums tums & thighs family history computer technology Any of the current cases offered by the Weston College, but run at the village level and interesting flower arranging and craft handicraft how to care for the elderly painting for beginners, computers for beginners pilates computer literate classes, group, in village hall however security would be a promblem slimming club, exercise classes art classes, cookery classes, more opportunity for young professional language
Groups in groups groups Groups.2222 groups groups groups groups Groups groups groups groups groups groups groups groups depends on subject & demand but groups would improve social aspects for community YES groups groups smallm groups one to one groups group groups as apporriate 1 2 1 and in groups in groups groups groups
dont really use any facilitieis for under 16's. i think the pubs though are great - queens for adults and catherines for kids and opeace and q do not use any No opinion the village is more geared for the older generation and there are little opportunity to meet people from the younger age group
Too many work & family commiments Have other interests nothing that we are into None of the above are on our doorstep as we live on the outskirts of Parish. if we could walk to Bleadon Village we would be more involved Village Market none I imtend to join this Autumn I'm at work when most are available - previosly when able tried 3 of the above not ticked Whist Drive church hall whist, Table tennis no W I ? aigmented church choir village corev illustration help organising anumal may day art show signs for village & farm shop garden area around hall steward at may fair league of friends of weston hospital(sweet trolley) church attendance/speedwatch help with maty day fair having worked a lifetime looked after mother for 12 years, playtime we choose what when. too old!
Question: 84 - If you don’t participate in activities, why not? i would like my daughter to attend youth club but conserned the age range is too high- 111-19 a big gap!! Time very limited at present (building a house and working very long hours) Spend most time outside village for work therefore activites eleswhere I am 93 yrs next Dec and disabled no time at present work committments and above choice! They are not past times that appeal work permmiting, long hours and often unsociable hours (night shifts etc) age limitations too busy/belong to clubs outside the village wasn't aware all these were avilable No items of interest Time working long hours No time No time Work commitments my working hours do not allow me to participate in some of the clubs I would like to join Working not many apeal other commitments prevent other participation I prefer my own activites Have only lived here since July 05 Age and increasing infirmity Very involved with Village affairs in the areas ticked No more time!!! We are very involved with fund raising activites for our childrens school' Friends of Lympsham School' an dLympsham Pantomime Society. This takes our spare time along with Hutton Moor Kinetika fitness club and occasional golf. No time shift worker will be come more active in 5 yrs time Havent felt a need to participlate too busy at the present and fairly new to bleadon as we are not fully resident yet we can not take part yet in the list above none of practical intrest a lot of activities are for the older residents at the age of 88 its a bit difficult Neighbourhood watch not very active work and family comitments we both go out to work and have two young children and simply dont have the time at the moment ! I have ownly recently retired and might consider No knowledge of them and not available at conveinent times, also most do not appeal. nothing of interest lack of spare time Time / other commitments hope to join more activities as time and health permit no time working HEALTH REASONS & AGE don't know about them nothing much suits our age range & families are not able to do anything together due to tims of activities or restriction of children nopt welcome. fully occupied with other activities but attend various functions at coronation hall too old on my own do not know many people lack of time through being self employed but hope to in the future i would volunteer for anything suitable for age and health(75) WE BOTH WORK FULL TIME & HAVE FAMILY TO HELP WITH I.E GRANDCHILDREN DISABLED SON TOO BUSY WITH OTHER CHARITABE WORK BUSINESS MYSELF busy with other pursuits partly because we had no idea all these things were available - also we live away from the centre of the village persue other activities when time permits have other interest have only just moved here and have two young children do not intgrest baby setting a problem and also work long hours too old we have over the years, but are currantly content full time job with unsocial hours and husband disabled involved in social activities outside of village work full time. would go to exercise class if in evening too old We are involved in our church in Weston and also Mission work so time is limited not well enough lack of available time time work full time a lot of the clubs run in the day time when I'm working ( I mean the clubs that I would like to belong to) involved in other activities not interrested
I think Bleadon would benefit from having its own school and sports ground. Everryone would come together and be involved. All Villages need a Church, school, sports ground and pub for more community sprit. I make good sandwinches Cricket- XXXXX none too old time - interests not covered too old martial arts
I am a Church Orgaist catholic church
Direction of wind indicated by weather cock I attend another Church I don't personally belive in god but belive faith helps a lot of people it could be more important !
When retired from work I would support but i am involved elsewhere the church should make itself more relevent to the community we normally attend St. Joseph'sRomah Catholic church n WSM
use of the building is perhaps secondary to the statement made in Q 88 It would need toilet facilities if the church room was to be closed. all of the above already happen
none of the above, but it is important that those who have lived in bleadon should be able to be buried in the parish if they so wish. have a reserved place in the church yard It matters not to me where I'm buried. A natural burial ground is the way forward, this would be part of the natural cycle - forget graveyards. I wish my ashes to be taken to Leamington Spa. we already have a plot in weston cemetery
Burglary many years ago Burgalry/petrol syphoning/ verbal abuse Motor cycle stolen from garage Car vandalism not yet Burglary and harassment from neighbours who thankfully did a moonlight flit - the church was no help theft from garagen (previous address in village) fingers crossed attempted car theft police prescence should be higher as visability is a great deterrant for crime NISSAN NAVARNA TRUCK STOLEN OFF DRIVE FEB 2005
Van stolen attempted break in All down to one person! Theft from company vehicles I had a bag of bread stolen when I wqas at the monthly Market Hold up at the Post Office twice Harreassment stolen wind chimes theft from garden Tresspass - sizing up the joint when 'engaaged' was extremly rude reported to police caravan stolen from drive during the day jet ski stolen off the lawn We have had two burglaries at our business, one involving theft of over £1500 and two other of vehicles within the last year. break in 20 years ago
Nothing was done, they said they had no hope of finding it we have been burgled twice. On both ocassions there was no follow up by the local constabulary. The first occassion resulted in three arrests the outcome of which was never made known to us. The second occassion apart from a finger print trace we heard absolutly nothing. Very poor, support needed No info followed as to outcome of crime But could have been more helpful at time quite alot stolen, reported but nothing much done. No response crime number issued only Police failed tto respond as they considered theft of £3000 worth of power tools car crime, and they did not have manpower to respond. Is this what we pay our communityu charge for. by victim supporet they dealt with it Very poorly. Your community Bobby is a sop to the community he is meant to represent. Our own neighbourhood watch is far more in touch, active and informative. A monthly drive - by by the P.C. is just not acceptable return on the Police precipt Not interested in minor car crime Difficultgy by telephone. No interest. Very little police presence at times when needed ie pub turning out time not reported too trival - no interest very badly not interested no visit from police, just a crime no given for insurance claim lack of immeadiate response goods actually stolen while police where on premises following sinning of burgler, goods not recovered nothing was retrived the person responible was not found they did not seem to intrested no contact from village policeman
when retired However as I work full time I have very little time available to help no time retired now, possibly allowing the younger element to get involed too old I regret to say that I am unable , at the moment to participate in a local action team gave my time many years in other locations
not if necessary/adequate triffic calming measures were installed should have slow down signs this fiunction should be carried out by the police Waste of time - has brought no positive result. I thought we already had one in Bleadon They are not qualified and have no legal standing an dallow the Police to abandon yet another duty prefer regular offical enforcement of current speed limits I feel the only way to slow traffic is traffic calming ie humps in road Similar to locking village, they are unobtrusive but do the job as people are concerned how they may affect their vehicles. I would have thought it part of the duty of the local policeman to do spot checks we have one but we don't have enough volunteers to run it effectively permanent camera reqd. i use to think it was a good idea until we tried it along bleadon road - but mobody took any notice let the police do the job we pay extortinate council tax for. if it followed up, not if it is just time wasted by volunteers have withdrawn my support as no evidence could be obtained as to action taken against any drivwer I don't think it works on a permement sitution we need proper poling and possibly a CCTV camera EXCELLENT as ques 97
definitly in favour as i have had many occasions in past when difficulty in finding my address (ambulance, nurses, doctor) on very long roads it would help As per report in Bleadon Village News 59 Dec2003 another possible imposition by the government how people managed so long without numbers > this would be a step down the line of ... iam not a number !! house naming adds charecter & anonyminty, besides most emergency services have access to GPS navigational systems with national address database that are regurlarly updated by local authority and royal mail very important villages are known for house names its part of the charecter /expectancy of village life. our avenue has been given in the past been given house numbers, a few still remain. The deeds to our property clearly state plot no 12 house no 10 which is currently displayed on our entrance It is more important to have six figure map reference for your house as all services have GPS equipment, and house numbering in a village area can be very deceiving. and for bleadon to be on the maps used bynthe emergency services( they were using an out of date A _ Z a couple of years ago)
local pub Posters on street do they all cover the parish or only village? I very rarely have bleadon village news delivered and I am never given the free local newspaper
attend most meetings
Particularly inaffective, led by the nose by a N. somerset employee, and his wife, who it is simply pursueing a career development. how can this be measured? Cllr@s attendance? time taken to resolve issues? but don't always agree with their decisions seem way set in their ways i am not sure but slow moderate effective variable depends upon the problem not always effective
to be able to offer comment we would require regular copies of the council meetins minutes we feel that parish council needs more power and should be listened to by the N.Som council, as they are more aware of the villages needs/concerns than others Are minutes on the web - site? Lower their precept costs - highest in the county - no viable benefits Stop wasting our money. Precipt has risen from approx. £13 per person six years ago, to £97to- day. To show for it a bauble for the chairman's ego and tubs of flowers. No real benefits to the Parish have emerged. Expensive notice boards and a waste on play - area fencing. My advice to all RESIGN. Why have Parish cost esculated in the 5 - 10 years Keep the Vilage as it is (was) spend less money Keep a tighter rein on planning protect the open spaces, and not allow building of new developments outside the Village fence Have more automony from the NSC Represent the Villagers and not just those with a financial interest Not to spend excessive amount of money of our high council tax Take action following this survey keep up the good work check all the things that this survey is asking arrange recycling in the car park for items that green bins don't take and in addition to green bins Keep down costs - Bealdon is one of the most expensive in the area effect some lighting in Bridge Road oppose the quarry - too small a village for such heavy traffic (lorries) nothing give better value for money on our local council tax Publish actions & tasks with targets & goals & dates for completion for each councillors work area especially in village news. lee dependance on N.S. and /or benchmark their performance with others eg lympsham/sedgemoor/somersetCC to give better choices for Bleadon listen to residents opinion more awareness of village community & developing a socible /safe/ well cared for enviroment employ a parish orderly to check on public aeras & keep them tidy ensure all members live in village try to find solution to traffic speeding along shiplate road which at times becomes a 'rat run' to the A 38 encourage North Sopmerset to adopt private roads so that they can be adequately maintained listen to the people in birch ave. with regard to flooding,blocked drains, over grown gutters for people who have given many years of care to the village but now too old to sweep gutters take some action to enable our avenue to be protected from flooding due to non clearence of storm drains. twenty years ago the avenue was not only swept but the storm drains cleared on a regular basis. Many varying have been given for non adoption of the avenue. to be totally up front and honest with the people think they do a good job poop scop bins concintrate on maintaining bleadon as a rural village campaign to improve public transport to make sure no more hopusing development are considered to try permenent methods of controlling speeding traffic on bleadon road & village keep within the strict perameters of resposibilities and contain costs LOBBY FOR A 40MPH SPEED LIMIT ON THE A370 Be honest, and stop with holding infromation carry on the good work keep noise and late drinking away from village via the wooden hjall spend concept money more effectively listen to residents offer advice, support, help to residents who live in private roads regarding refuse and re cycling collections, bee aware of the surfaces of main roads leading to private roads - mulbery lane in particular. more robust representation to NSC & ensure that NSC fully respect the wishes of parishioners do something about speedoing through village, some green spaces around the village could be tidied up
No Comment exellent village news mag detials in bleadon village news minutes published and issued with village magazine didnt know info was on notice boards, will look from now on!!! newsletters occassionally - especially important to housebound people Better use of Parish and Chuirch Magazine Publish minutes All interested parties, interest to be shown by written application, should receive FREE copies of BPC agendas and minutes with and opportunity to express their views early. More detailed report in the viallage news or newssheet more frequently Amore detailed report in the Parish Magazine I will find more time to open website Replies to concerned communications minutes of each meeting(summary of plans and discisions ) pasted on notice boards Council minutes published & distributed to the Village Be more open and transparent about your dealings. Try a bit harder See 101 improve website the only info I receive is through Bleadon Village News Only if in the Bleadon magazine. synopsis of council minutes more frequent communication more comprehensive minutes of meetings, - see ques 100 & 104 also - more publici9ty & marketing of role/performance/events by P.C. Insert into parish/possibly flye pre warning on cruicial decisions to be made to encourage involment, usally hear after decision is made minutes/agenda could be put up on the notice boards news letter perhaps Q 101 response the only way open to be 'informed' is to attend the next meeting !!! a monthly precis of dicisions reached, ongoing matters etc. would probbaly generate more interest in PC affairs is displayed regurly on notice boards more info in the village news for those who do not have access to the website. more information on village council meetings updates via email, shop notice board, post/ letters etc. brief letter to households