BOB endeavours to keep consultations and public meetings up-to-date but is dependent on Bleadon Parish Council, North Somerset Council, residents, etc. to keep us informed in time for people to respond.










Proposed reforms to the NPPF and other changes to the planning system

30 Jul 24

24 Sep 24 at 11:45pm

"This consultation is seeking views on our proposed approach to revising the NPPF. It also seeks views on a series of wider national planning policy reforms."



Cheddar Gorge Experimental Traffic Regulation Order

31 Jan 24

12 Mar 24

"The proposal is for the Gorge to be closed to vehicles initially once a month but MHNL state, “This is only the beginning…"




North Somerset Local Plan 2039 Pre-Submission Plan (Reg 19)

27 Nov 23

22 Jan 24 at 5pm

"Representations made at this stage will be submitted to the Planning Inspector appointed to oversee the examination and will be made public"

image North Somerset Council's (NSC) Corporate Plan and budget development 22 Nov 23

10 Jan 23 at 5pm

"North Somerset Council's new leadership has mapped out its priorities for the next four years."

image Biodiveristy Supplementary Plan 16 Oct 23

27 Nov 23

"Developers are encouraged to consider the potential of their development in making a contribution to the biodiversity objectives and targets for particular types of habitat and species found in North Somerset."

image North Somerset Corporate Plan and budget development 30 Aug 23

16 Oct 23

NSC "new leadership is mapping out its priorities for the next four years. We want to hear your views about what is most important and how council tax should be spent."

Overview and Corporate Plan and Budget

image Govt Consultation on Permitted Development Rights 28 Feb 23

25 Apr 23

Permitted development rights: supporting temporary recreational campsites, renewable energy and film-making consultation (PDF)


North Somerset Electric Vehicle Strategy

14 Feb 23 at 1pm

06 Apr at noon

"Electric vehicles present an opportunity to reduce tailpipe emissions and air pollution produced by motor vehicles in our communities and along our road network..."


North Somerset Local Flood Risk Managment Strategy

09 Feb 23

09 Feb 23

"The strategy sets out our objectives and actions to make your community more resilient to surface water flooding..."

Active Travel Action Plans  10:00 09 Jan 23


20 Feb 23

"Active travel is the movement of people or goods using the physical activity of a person. The most popular forms are walking, wheeling, cycling, running and scooting" (PDF)


Draft legislation to support identity verification

04 Jan 23 01 Mar 23

Especially answer, Q11 "Question 11 Do you have further comments on this proposed objective?" (PDF)


"Respondents will also be able to submit email responses to We request that you include the following in the subject line if you choose to respond in this way: ‘Response to the consultation on the data sharing for identity verification services’"









Transitional arrangements for edible insects in Great Britain

13 Jul 22

10 Aug 22

"...a consultation on plans to bring clarity to the law on selling insects for human consumption. Our proposals will allow edible insects to remain on the market while they go through the novel foods authorisation process."




Travel Plan Supplementary Planning Document

20 Jun 22

01 Aug 22 Midday

 "A Travel Plan is a long-term management strategy put in place at the planning application stage to help facilitate travel by sustainable means and reduce car dependency"


North Somerset Local Plan 2038 Preferred Options

14 Mar 22

29 Apr 22

"The draft Local Plan sets out the councils preferred options for delivering the number of new homes and associated infrastructure such as schools, transport and other facilities that are needed in North Somerset up to 2038"











Parking Standards Consulation

17 May 21

28 Jun 21 "... update the existing Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)"


Baker St

Travel Improvements

12 May 21

03 Jun 21 "... proposed changes to Baker Street and Milton Road are intended to give more space to people using the streets"



NSC Supplementary

Planning Document (SPD)

26 Apr 21

21 July 21

"Any person with sufficient interest in the decision to adopt the SPD may apply to the High Court for permission to apply for judicial review of that decision."


Winterstoke Hundred Academy Expansion

31 Mar 21

05 May 21

"North Somerset Council would like your feedback on plans for a 900 school-place expansion of Winterstoke Hundred Academy to be located in Parklands Village."


Green Infrastructure

15 Feb 21

09 Apr 21

"The green infrastructure strategy will impact all aspects of life in North Somerset ..."









Carers Survey 15 Jan 21 22 Feb 21 "We would like to hear the views of unpaid carer so that we can shape a new Carers Strategy for North Somerset"  
Health and Wellbeing Strategy 08 Jan 21 21 Feb 21 "We are developing a Strategy for Health and Wellbeing which will outline our priorities and plans for improving health and reducing inequalities between 2021 and 2024"  
Day Care Services for Adults 08 Jan 21 08 Feb 21 "The Council currently arranges a range of day opportunities for people including those with dementia, autism, mental, physical, sensory and learning disabilities"  
Active Travel Strategy 05 Nov 20 17 Dec 20 "Our Draft Active Travel Strategy is a 10-year plan to 2030 that aims to harness the huge rise in walking and cycling seen during 2020." Blog
The Future of the Region: the Spatial Development Strategy 02 Nov 20

14 Dec 


"The plan will make sure the development of homes, spaces for employment and transport links happens in the right places giving all residents access to opportunities and a better quality of life. It will help us meet our aim to be carbon neutral by 2030 and ensure that nature and wildlife can also benefit" Blog
North Somerset Local Plan 2038 Challenges and Choices Part 2 02 Nov 20

14 Dec 


"A Local Plan sets out where developments can and cannot take place and ensures we get the right type of development in the right place with the right services and infrastructure ... This document is the second stage" Blog
Standards Matter 2: Public Consultation 22 Sep 20 29 Jan 20 “.The Committee is running a public consultation as part of this review. The consultation asks for respondents’ views on current principles, institutions, and arrangements for upholding standards." (PDF) PDF
Police Coronavirus Recovery Survey  14 Sep 20   "Help us understand what matters most in your community by completing our survey. Your feedback will help us ensure Avon and Somerset Police are focusing money and resources in the right areas of policing" Blog 
New citizens panel launched  07 Sep 20 01 Sep 22 "North Somerset Council is recruiting a group of volunteers to give regular feedback on local services and issues to help shape the future of the area." Blog 

Relevant Area for Consultation on Admission Arrangements 2022-24

07 Sep 20 19 Oct 20 "The area defining which schools we consult with about proposed school admission arrangements for academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24"  

Distributing vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and flu 

28 Aug 20 18 Sep 20 "The UK government, with the Minister of Health in Northern Ireland, is seeking views on proposed changes to the Human Medicine Regulations" Blog 

North Somerset Local Plan 2038 Challenges and Choices Part 1

22 Jul 20

02 Sep 20

"A Local Plan sets out where developments can and cannot take place and ensures we get the right type of development in the right place with the right services and infrastructure ... This document is the first stage"




Impact of COVID-19 on Voluntary Organisations Consultation

28 May 2020

11 Jun 2020

"... We would like to develop an understanding about the impact that COVID 19 has had on voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations both now and as we move forward from the current crisis to recovery.."

(NB: Consulation dates previously 04 May - 21 May 2020)


BPC Annual Parish Meeting




Bleadon Parish Council April Resident APM meeting is cancelled/postponed this year due to Coronavirus.


Local Plan -Pre-commencement

10 Mar 2020 22 Apr 2020

"...a new Local Plan for North Somerset covering strategic and non-strategic policies whilst continuing to work with neighbouring planning authorities and other bodies under the duty to cooperate."


SuperWeston 26 Feb 2020 11 Mar 2020

"North Somerset Council is working with a consortium led by Turner Works to create a new vision for Weston and set out a programme of projects and activity over the next ten years"

(NB: BOB was not made aware of this until after the counsultation had closed - Responses 31 July 20)

Changes to Financial Assessment Processes for Adult Care 20 Feb 2020 19 Mar 2020

"Changes to Financial Assessment Processes for Adult Care Users ... which will result in changes to client contributions for non-residential adult social care and support packages ..."

North Somerset Car Parking Review 14 Feb 2020 31 Mar 2020 "...looking to understand the fairest way to manage parking in our communities and help encourage lower carbon choice..." Blog
Your Neighbourhood 13 Feb 2020 07 May 2020

NSC are consulting on the following services: Garden waste, Leisure and sport, centres, Libraries, Parks and open spaces, street cleaning contract and" NSC is "particularly interested in your ideas around how (it) can work better with you"

Outcome due 31 Aug 20



DRAFT Corporate Plan


17 Dec 2019


Jan 2020

Corporate Plan



DRAFT 2020/21 Budget 17 Dec 2019


Jan 2020




Rewilding in North Somerset 11 Nov 2019


Jan 2020

Native Woodland

Tall Grass Management


Climate Emergency Strategy 13 Dec 2019




Action Plan



How Fracking Surveys and Consultations Affect Bleadon


Aug 2019

  Various updates on Fracking. Blog
Sanders Fields 200 Houses

06 June 2019

  "To Approve the Parish Council’s statement regarding the Planning Appeal (200 homes off Bleadon Road) and To Appoint a councillor to attend" Blog
NSC Statement of Community Involvement Consultation

04 June


16 July 2019 "The SCI sets out how the Council will involve people in the preparation of planning policy documents such as the local plan, supplementary planning documents like the residential design guides and planning applications. Blog

BPC Annual Parish Meeting

08 Apr 2019

  Bleadon Parish Council Resident APM meeting



Joint Local Transport Plan

06 Feb 2019 20 Mar 2020

"People are invited to give their views on the vision for the future of travel and transport across the West of England up to 2036, through a public consultation"





Joint Spatial Plan

12 Nov 2018


Jan 2019

Did a JSP consultation slip through the public net?


Hearing and withdrawal of JSP




North Somerset Local Plan 2036 - Issues and Options 


Settlement Boundary Review


03 Sep



10 Dec 2018 "Which settlements will have their boundaries reviewed?​ A review of the settlement boundaries will assess all settlements which have an​ existing boundary identified through the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Plan … 




A370 Consultation 13 Aug 2018   Bleadon Parish Council (BPC) has convened a resident consultation meeting discuss A370 road safety improvements. Blog
Bristol Airport Expansion - Stage 2 14 May 2018 06 July 2018 "Consultation commences today (14 May) on the latest proposals for the long-term development of Bristol Airport, including more detailed plans for continued growth over the next decade." Blog
BPC Annual Parish Meeting


Apr 2018

  Bleadon Parish Council Resident APM meeting Blog
Bristol Airport Expansion - Stage 1 16 Nov 2017 28 Jan 2018 "A ten week consultation begins today (16 November 2017) to seek views from the public on its priorities and initial concepts that will guide the airport in its development plans to respond to forecast demand of up to 20 million passengers a year by the mid-2040s." Blog
West of England Joint Spatial Plan 22 Nov 2017 10 Jan 2018 Public Consultation. Blog
Local Plan 2036 - Generating Ideas 21 Nov 2017 10 Jan 2018 "New communities in North Somerset will help deliver the housing, jobs and infrastructure we need to 2036. The Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) will set out the overall amount of new homes and business development and where it should be located across the West of England area, as well as the important schools, transport, community facilities and green spaces needed to support that growth." (PDF) Blog
BPC Annual Parish Meeting


Apr 2017

  Bleadon Parish Council Resident APM meeting Blog
Community Infrastructure Levy Charging - Stage 2 22 Aug 2016 23 Sep 2016 "The CIL is a charge that would be paid by developers towards infrastructure to support the development of the area. This consultation is the second stage consultation on the proposals." Blog
BPC Annual Parish Meeting


Apr 2016

  Bleadon Parish Council Resident APM meeting Blog
Site Allocations Plan 10 Mar 2016 28 Apr 2016 "The purpose of the Site Allocations Plan is to identify specific sites required to deliver the North Somerset Core Strategy, consistent with government guidance." Blog
Sites and Policies Plan Part 1: Development Management Policies


Jan 2016

02 Mar 2016

"Development Management policies contained within Part 1 are more generic policies used when assessing a range of planning applications and development proposals" Blog


West of England Joint Transport Study 09 Nov 2015 29 Jan 2016 "The local councils of Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are seeking people’s views on how and where new homes and transport should be provided over the next 20 years."




NSC Core Housing Policy


Nov 2015

18 Dec 2015 "Following a legal challenge Policy CS13 (scale of new housing) was found to be unlawful by reason of the Inspector’s failure to give ‘adequate or intelligible reasons for his conclusion that the figure made sufficient allowance for latent demand i.e. demand unrelated to the creation of new jobs’ "




BPC Annual Parish Meeting


Apr 2015

  Bleadon Parish Council Resident APM meeting Blog


BPC Annual Parish Meeting


Apr 2014

  Bleadon Parish Council Resident APM meeting Blog
Wind Turbines Draft Supplementary Planning Document 03 Mar 2014 14 Apr 2014 "This has been produced as part of our planning policy for renewable and low carbon forms of energy generation. We are keen to support appropriately sited and designed development." Blog


Proposed School Admission Arrangements 2015-16


Dec 2013

28 Fb 2014 "... views about the proposed new intake admission arrangements and co-ordinated admission schemes, including over-subscription criteria." Blog
Marshalls Quarry Re-Development & Consultation Meetings


Sep 2013

19 Sep 2013 Presentation meetings arranged for consultation about proposals that will lead to a future planning application for re-development of the quarry. Blog
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Array Supplementary Planning Document 01 Aug 2013 29 Aug 2013 "... part of our planning policy on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Generation in North Somerset.  

We carried out an initial consultation on the Solar PV Arrays SPD in June ...this first draft version of the document."






Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document 09 May 2013 20 Jun 2013 "... reviewing the 2008 Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (AH SPD) following the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and adoption of the North Somerset Core Strategy." Blog
Sites & Policies 18 Apr 2013   NSC are reviewing their Local Plan Sites and Policies Blog
BPC Councillor Elections  Apr 2013   Parish Council Elections called by residents.




Community Infrastructure Levy Charging - Stage 1 02 Nov 2012 04 Jan 2013 "... sets out the background to the proposed Charging Schedule, including the methodology and assumptions made, and the evidence base used to inform the proposed draft levy."  


 Link to NSC current consultations