Govt Devolution White Paper

Posted on 17th December, 2024



What is in store for town and parish councils during and after devolution?


Summary of some devolution concerns


One AI interpretation of the Devolution White Paper


What is happening to true devolution (expansion of comments below)?

Yesterday - Govt English Devolution Statement made at 1pm on 16 December 2024

  • UK Govt Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements
  • English Devolution White Paper - 16DEC24
    • “... we must rewire England and end the hoarding in Whitehall by devolving power and money from central government to those with skin in the game.
    • "To have "skin in the game" is to have incurred risk (monetary or otherwise) by being involved in achieving a goal." However,
    • WECA appears to be a private sector LLP of 3 bodies that take the profit but not the risks or debts that may result from any poor decisions (these financial debts would end up on local authorities)?
    • WECA is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) – where “Each member pays tax on their share of the profits, as in an ‘ordinary’ business partnership, but they are not personally liable for any debts the business cannot pay.”
    • See Companies House for West of England Combined Authority membership.
    • The LGA states, “All CAs can be funded by their constituent councils through a levy… Elected mayors can raise additional resources through a precept (or additional charge) on local council tax bills… All CAs will have the power to borrow money… Many devolution deals include the retention of local business rate growth above an agreed threshold"

North Somerset Council calls for ‘priority’ devolution deal – 7 hours later, out of hours 7:53pm - 16 December 2024 - North Somerset Council calls for ‘priority’ devolution deal (16DEC24)


No response from Bleadon's two District Cllr Porter and Cllr Solomon re: food security, Local Plan and WECA - both members of NSC Planning and Regulatory Committee

  • Email 04 December 2023 regarding food security
  • A year later 03 December 2024 regarding food security & WECA (no acknowledgement despite request)

Email to resident 26 November in response to public address questions to NSC Exec 17 Sept and chasing a response via Weston Town Council 25 November from Cllr Mike Bell:

  • Extract, “North Somerset Council agreed to submit an expression of interest in joining the existing West of England Mayoral Combined Authority. At this stage, none of the information on powers, funding or alternatives are known as the government has not set out its intentions.
  • Once this has happened and we have a clearer understanding of the landscape and Ministerial intentions, North Somerset Council will consult the community and stakeholders on any options.
  • None of the existing combined authorities have been subject to a referendum and I do not anticipate a plebiscite being undertaken in North Somerset ahead of any decision. It is within the powers of the UK government to establish the pattern and remit of local government, including combined authorities and I expect them to do that in their forthcoming White Paper.”

BBC article Angela Rayner promises mayor for every region of England - BBC News (16DEC24)

  • Rayner promises mayor for every region of England

NSC against devolution in 2016 (08JUN16)

  • NSC vote against West 'Metro Mayor' plan during government £1bn devolution plan

Dept for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities Letter (05MAR24)

  • "Ministers are concerned as to the West of England Combined Authority’s capacity to comply with its Best Value Duty" and issued a Notice "... following inconsistent action against concerns highlighted". The concerns we’ve identified include: "

Wiltshire / BANES recent concerns


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