Bristol Airport Appeal

Posted on 14th January, 2021


UPDATE 16MAR22: North Somerset Council will not appeal Bristol Airport expansion

Council leader, Don Davies said, "The legal advice we have had is that pursuing a challenge would carry 'a high level of risk'. "Not only would it incur significant further costs but, even if successful and the inspectors' decision was quashed, it is highly likely that on redetermination planning permission would simply be granted again."

UPDATE 15MAR22: Bristol Airport expansion appeal set for High Court

"The Bristol Airport Action Network (BAAN) aims to quash plans for the airport to increase its annual passengers from 10 million to 12 million. ...The group believes a number of errors were made in the decision to grant permission, including the 'incorrect interpretation of local planning strategies and aviation policies; ignoring the importance of local carbon budgets and not adequately considering the extra non-carbon emissions that would be caused by the expansion."

UPDATE 08FEB22: Bristol Airport expansion approval 'reasoning' published

"North Somerset Council (NSC) initially refused the firm's bid to boost annual passenger numbers to 12 million following 8,900 public objections, citing the impact on the climate, green belt and residents' health. But, following a 36-day inquiry, inspectors Phillip Ware, Claire Searson and Dominic Young rejected many of the authority's arguments and found that the 'substantial' socioeconomic benefits outweighed the harm and ruled the plan could go ahead."

UPDATE: Statement of Common Ground Part 1, Statement of Cases including Appellant, NSC & PCAA, Four Rule 6 parties indicated with reference to a Compulsory Purchase Order.


North Somerset Council announce Bristol Airport Ltd Appeal:

  • An appeal to enable, amongst other things, "operating within a rolling annual cap of 4,000 night-flights between the hours of 11.30pm and 6am with no seasonal restrictions" (Notice)

How will this affect flights over Bleadon and any maintenance flights across Weston bay to Wales?




Previous BOB Blog info


NSC Reference: 18/P/5118/OUT


NSC Website:


Appeal reference: APP/D0121/W/20/3259234


Appeal start date: 11 January 2021


All representations must be received by PINs by 22 February 2021


"An appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate (PINs) against our decision to refuse to grant planning permission.


The appeal will be determined on the basis of a public inquiry. The procedure to be followed is set out in the Town and Country Planning Appeals (Determination by Inspectors) (Inquiry Procedure) (England) Rules 2000, as amended.


The public inquiry will open on 20 July 2021 and is currently scheduled for 16 sitting days. We will write to you again nearer the time with further details of the arrangements once these are known.


For any group or organisation who wish to take an active part in the Inquiry, the opportunity is available to apply for what is known as Rule 6 status. Although unusual, there is also scope for interested individuals to take part on the same basis. Rule 6 status means that you would be able to present your evidence on a formal basis and cross examine the evidence of others. Guidance is available.


Arrangements for the Inquiry are currently being finalised by the Planning Inspectorate. These will include a pre-Inquiry conference call with the lead parties to deal with procedural and administrative matters, including how the evidence will be heard. As a Rule 6 party, it is anticipated that you would also be a part of that process. If, having read the above guidance, you wish to apply for Rule 6 status and have not already done so you should contact PINs immediately. If you are interested but are unable to access the guidance electronically, again, you should contact PINs who will try and assist.


You can find out more about the appeal and how to get involved at We will forward any comments you made on the planning application and subsequent addendum directly to PINs, as well as the appellant. These will be considered by the Planning Inspector when determining the appeal.


If you wish to make further comments, or modify/withdraw your previous representation, you can do so or email If you do not have access to the internet, you can send your comments to:-


Leanne Palmer

The Planning Inspectorate

Room 3/J, Temple Quay House

2 The Square

Bristol, BS1 6PN


All representations must be received by PINs by 22 February 2021. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations. All representations must quote the appeal reference.


Please note that any representations you submit to PINs will be copied to the appellant and this local planning authority and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.


You can get a copy of one of the Planning Inspectorate’s “Guide to taking part in planning appeals” booklets free of charge from GOV.UK or from us. The appeal documents are available for viewing on our website via the planning application number 18/P/5118/OUT.


When made, the decision will be published online


Yours faithfully


Appeals Support Officer


North Somerset Council"



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