Appeal Inquiry Update

Posted on 29th November, 2016


site plan

Today was the first day of the Bleadon Hill Appeal Inquiry with the Action Group and members of the public attending. The Action Group would welcome your support at this hearing, even if for an hour or so, to show the Planning Inspector evidence of strong local support. On listening to the proceedings your feedback to the group may also support their case.


There will be a site visit from 9:30am tomorrow, reconvening at The Town Hall at 1:30pm.


Application information here 


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Thank you for this.
My understanding of what the Inspector stated at the opening of the enquiry is that ANYONE present can speak - the only request being that this should not simply restate any of the Action Groups submissions in order to speed the enquiry along.
The more people who attend the better and each day the Inspector has asked if anyone wishes to speak.
Hi Jane,

I can't honestly say that you are going to get high adrenaline at the inquiry, but it is an informative insight in to the political machine laid bare by the private sector's motivation for profit that shapes our world. If you want some light reading here are all the documents being debated on NSC website;jsessionid=0D57C855B1C73B7654CED4431B641069?action=show&appType=Planning&appNumber=15/P/0167/O

Sustainability is a key planning test, and the issue regarding the bus is that the developer on Wentwood Drive has arranged a funding deal with Crosville to run the 4a earlier, later and more frequently to attract commuters away from their cars for a period of 3 years, by then it needs to fund itself, so the sceptics suggest that it will then be withdrawn. (point 26 on Inspector's report here
That should read Bleadon !
I will try and get to the next one. I heard that one of the ones last week was so yawningly boring that the person I spoke to came home to watch paint dry as a more lively thing to do. Also ap Rees was talking about the fact that the Beadin bus is not sustainable, though what that had to do with it is anyone's guess.

What did you think of the meetings?
I think I did state1.30 start after 9.30 site visit.

As you know I have tried hard to raise awareness of both Bleadon Hill developments via BOB posts, Facebook, twitter, email (several hundred) and word of mouth but it seems until the diggers arrive people will not react. 
Having said that, there were 100's of online comments to NSC that I sincerely hope the Planning Inspector has received and read because I have and they articulate very well the concerns.
The trouble is these Appeals are not very convenient for those who work or have travel issues.  I live in the village and did manage to attend for 2 hours yesterday on a long lunch break and informed members of action group, who I assume will speak with our councillors, about the inaccuracies of the developers land offer to wildlife trust. I believe that was passed to NSC barrister.
Good luck to all, please update me and I hope to 'dropin' again if possible. 

Dear Chris
In fact today’s part of the Appeal hearing won’t start in the Town Hall until 1.30pm.
The morning session is taken up by a site visit by the Inspector with representatives of the three sides tagging along.
However, It’s VITAL that local residents don’t just attend.  Although being there will show the Inspector the degree of local opposition (yesterday’s attendance was very, very  disappointing) IT IS VITAL THAT THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY.
 Even if people have never spoken in public before, it is VITAL that the Inspector is made aware of local concerns and passions. If this Appeal is successful, that’s it.  End of story. There won’t be an opportunity to have another bite of the cherry at a later date. Bleadon will be joined to Weston. End of !!