North Somerset 'Call for Sites'

Posted on 14th April, 2014

Message from North Somerset Council Consultations

North Somerset call for sites 2014


As part of the plan making process the local planning authority is encouraged by government to undertake a ‘call for sites’. This is to identify potential sites and broad locations which might be suitable for a range of uses including residential and economic uses such as retail, leisure, cultural, office and warehousing. The call for sites should be aimed at as wide an audience as is practicable so that those not normally involved in property development have the opportunity to contribute.


All sites submitted will be assessed in terms of their development potential, their suitability for development and the likelihood of development coming forward. This will then provide an up-to-date evidence base to underpin local plan policies and allocations, especially the forthcoming Sites and Policies Plan.


In accordance with the government’s National Planning Practice Guidance 2014, the current call for sites has extended the scope of the 2010 exercise which was purely for residential sites. Individuals and organisations are encouraged to submit potential sites, although there is no need to resubmit sites which we are already aware of, unless details have changed.


If your organisation has any sites or broad locations you would like to submit, please go to the Council’s website at - just follow the link to the call for sites 2014. All sites should be submitted by 30 May 2014.


If you need any further information, please contact the Planning Policyand Research team on 01934 426331 or by emailing

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