Land Adj Rivermead - Erection of a Single Dwelling

Posted on 22nd October, 2017


Celtic Way Stable to Dwelling Aerial Map


UPDATE 14 Jan 19 Bleadon Parish Council Min 318.7

"18/P/5070/FUL - Land Adjacent Rivermead, Purn Way. Councillors reported that this full application is one third bigger than the outline application and the garage is not in front of the building line; it is also very large. The installation of woodburners was questioned as they are not needed in a well-designed house, contribute to air pollution, and are likely to be banned in the near future. The development of one large house was also questioned, as the village has a need for more and smaller housing. It was AGREED to object to the application, commenting that the garage behind the building is better visually, the building line should be kept, and a single large house was not beneficial to the village. (3 votes for object, 1 for neutral, 1 abstention)."


UPDATE 06 Nov 17 Bleadon Parish Council  F&P P68.9 

"To consider the following planning applications:

17/P/2278/O Land Adjacent to RIVERMEAD, Purn Way, Bleadon, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 0QF Outline application for the erection of a single dwelling house and garage, with matters of access and layout to be considered. Matters of appearance, landscaping, and scale reserved for subsequent approval.


Cllrs provided a summary of their visit and findings and highlighted the NSC Highways Consultation Reply and online comments from the NSC Planning Website.


Cllr requested that an extension be asked from NSC to allow both the council and parishioners to respond. The Clerk highlighted that an extension had been provided to Bleadon Parish Council to after the November Parish Council meeting on Monday 13th November.


It was unanimously resolved to object to this planning application for the following reasons:

  • Access - The current layout and plan would not accommodate refuse collection vehicles and fire appliances. The block plan layout does not indicate a satisfactory layout to accommodate three vehicles. 
  • High visual impact to the area - Public footpath is enjoyed by Parishioners and visitors to the village, the views from within the village will be spoiled and lose its attraction for walkers and visitors. 
  • Wildlife and ecology impact - Detrimental effect on the flora/fauna and wildlife within the area.
  • Safety - There is a single track/pathway of which there is public right of way for pedestrians via the footpath which links one end of the village to the other. This is a popular and highly used footpath. An increase in road traffic would be hazardous / dangerous for users. 
  • Settlement Boundary – this application is outside of the settlement boundary."


A new application on land adjacent to Rivermead, Purn Way, Bleadon. "Outline application for the erection of a single dwellinghouse and garage, with matters of access and layout to be considered. Matters of appearance, landscaping, and scale reserved for subsequent approval". Another application on a green field site outside the Settlement Boundary.


Comments deadline is 24 Oct 2017. Here is the link to the application 17/P/2278/O on North Somerset Council Planning website.


If you prefer to post your comments then the postal address is:  

North Somerset Council

Development Management

Post Point 15

Town Hall


BS23 1UJ 

If you do make comments on this BOB blog (below), please also make sure that they are made to, and appear on, the North Somerset website link as above. As otherwise they will be ignored by NSC.


Major Developments in and around Bleadon

Other Information

Link to Major Developments Map


Link to NSC Environmental Policies



The NSC Planning Application website states that the Consultation Expiry date for this application is 24 Oct 17 but BPC have just published their 9 Oct 17 minutes to residents on 21 Oct 27, stating: 

  • (Min 300.11) "It was agreed for the Clerk to contact North Somerset Council Planning Department, to inform them that the Parish Council has been unable to discuss the application at the meeting as relevant documentation was not placed onto the NSC Planning portal for Cllrs to review. The Clerk to request an extension to the submission dates to after the next parish council / planning committee meeting to allow Cllrs to review the application in detail"

Can the residents/public also have an extension, as they too could not access the information for the full consultation period? This shows the importance of timely public minutes as the majority of non-attending residents will only just be receiving this information and may want to comment.




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Comments (1)

From: Bleadon BOB Community Website <>
Sent: 08 December 2017 15:15
Subject: Rivermead 17/P/2278/O Application decision query

Dear NSC Planning,

I am writing with regard the decision to approve/grant outline permission on Application17/P/2278/O for a property outside of Bleadon Settlement Boundary. This appears to be against NSC Policy CS33 for Infill Villages. The delegated report says the decision was influenced by "North Somerset Council still does not have an agreed 5 Year supply for housing land" so therefore NPPF overrides the 'out of date' NSC policies ?

Firstly, we thought that the SAP had identified additional and sufficient sites for NSC and previously remitted policies like CS33 had been re-approved by the Planning Inspector, so please can you clarify?

Secondly, we are aware of the Suffolk Coastal DC 2016 Supreme Court finding that "relevant policies for the supply of housing" did not apply to Local Plan policies seeking to prevent development outside town or village boundaries, and/or protect areas of important countryside. Presumeably referring to policies such as NSC CS33 applicable for Bleadon?

Given the public objections made and the precedent this would appear to set for other potential development aspirations within Bleadon, we would welcome your further comments ASAP so that our community can be better informed?

Kind regards,