Resubmitted Barn and Access Road Application for Purn Lane

Posted on 5th September, 2018


Today an Agricultural Barn but perhaps Tomorrow?


UPDATE 07 FEB 19: Application refused by NSC.


UPDATE Bleadon Parish Council 10 Sept 2018 Min 313.6 

"To Consider new Planning Applications 18/P/4105/FUL - South Hill Farm. Proposed storage barn - access off Purn Lane, Bleadon Hill. Councillors discussed whether it was necessary to have a site visit given that the application was the same as the withdrawn one, which had been visited. On the one hand consistency was important and the council should object again in this case without further visit or discussion; on the other hand it would be useful to hear from the landowner. PROPOSAL: Object to the application today, on environmental grounds as before, without a further site visit. Proposed: Cllr Hartree. Seconded: Cllr Selway. In favour – four. Against – three. CARRIED"


A revised planning Application for a Big Storage Barn and new access road on Bleadon Hill near Purn Hill Nature reserve off Purn Lane / Purn Road has been submitted to NSC.


Deadline for comments is Wednesday 19 Sept 2018. North Somerset Council Reference is: 18/P/4105/FUL 


BPC have raised this on their agenda for next week Monday 10th Sept 2018. If you want to speak about this at the meeting then: "In order for the Parish Council to provide a full response where appropriate a Member of the Public may only speak if prior notification has been given to the Clerk by noon on Friday, 7 September 2018"


BOB has been informed that although the original application is referenced to the new one previous comments and objections will not be considered with regards to the new application! This is because it is a new application and has to be considered on its own merits! NSC will still consult the relevant parties, as before, but letters have again only gone out to a few households affected. Therefore if you want your previous comments to be taken into consideration then you will need to resubmit your comments ASAP.


If you prefer to post your comments then the postal address is:  

North Somerset Council

Development Management

Post Point 15

Town Hall


BS23 1UJ 

If you do make comments on this BOB blog (below), please also make sure that they are made to, and appear on, the North Somerset website link as above. As otherwise they will be ignored by NSC.


Previous applications and information can be seen here.

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