Bleadon Hill Agriculture Change of Use

Posted on 22nd December, 2019

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UPDATE: 13 FEB 20 Application GRANTED. Decision NoticeDelegated Report and BPC submission (03 Feb 20).


A new full application at the "Field To The South Of The Hillcote Estate Bleadon Hill:

"Change from agricultural to mixed use and erection of a stable" - Site Plan & Planning Statement

Comments deadline is now Thursday 30 January 2020, was Christmas Eve, Tuesday 24 December 2019. Here is the link to the application 19/P/2777/FUL on North Somerset Council Planning website.


If you prefer to post your comments then the postal address is:

North Somerset Council Development Management

Post Point 15

Town Hall


BS23 1UJ

If you do make comments on this BOB blog (below), please also make sure that they are made to, and appear on, the North Somerset website link as above. As otherwise they will be ignored by NSC.




NB: Bleadon Parish Council's has not yet commented as Statutory Consultee, nor is there any reference to this application in any published agenda or minutes either. Also see BPC's previous Corporate Policy Planning Policy Statement (Para 9) not currently published on their website.

UPDATE 13 JAN 2020: (Min 330.7) "Resolved to recommend approval with Councillor Scarisbick voting against. 19/P/2777/FUL Field to the South of the Hilcote Estate Change from agricultural use to mixed use and erecion of a stable Bleadon Hill" 

This application is adjacent to the current 40 Houses outline development, see 19/P/2243/OUT


There was also a previous application related to this site in 2014 for 79 houses which was subsequently turned down on Appeal.

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Comments (2)

Any change of use away from agricultural planning status especially outside the settlement boundary should be very carefully considered by BPC/NSC as once granted and a 'brownfield' site is created, it often leads to subsequent applications (potentially in later years by different owners) for much grander development proposals, as seen elsewhere in Bleadon. e.g. Celtic Way(stable/paddock), Accommodation Road(Wake Park), Purn Way(paddock), The Veale(paddock), Amesbury Drive(paddock), etc. Some of which may now be considered by BPC/NSC as potential housing sites!
I regularly pass this field and it’s nice to see it being looked after with ponies grazing. I would have no objection to the change of use to equestrian.