UPDATE: On 14 JAN 21 The Planning Inspector DISMISSED this application.
UPDATE: NSC website 10 NOV 20: The applicant has taken this to Appeal. See the NSC website 18/P/5035/OUT and Planning Inspectorate website Application and letter to resident pg1 and pg2. Number APP/D0121/W/20/3259109 and Statement of Case. The Planning Inspectorate stated to NSC on 04 Nov 20:
"You must notify any person who was notified or consulted about the application in accordance with the Act ... If they want to make any additional comments they must submit 3 copies within 5 weeks of the starting date, by 09 December 2020. If comments are submitted after the deadline, the Inspector will not normally look at them and they will be returned" (PDF)
This Appeal was not on the BPC 16 Nov 20 Agenda? The next Full BPC meeting is currently scheduled for 14 Dec 20, i.e. after this consultation closes.
The "Outline application for the proposed erection of 14no. dwellings with matters of appearance, landscaping and scale reserved for subsequent approval" has been REFUSED - 17 July 2020 (18/P/5035/OUT )
"The proposal is not on a site allocated for development in the North Somerset Sites and Policies Plan Part 2 - Site Allocations and falls outside the settlement boundary of an infill settlement. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies CS14 and CS33 of the North Somerset Core Strategy where development is strictly controlled in order to protect the character of the rural area and prevent unsustainable development." (Decision Notice, Delegated Report)
This again shows the importance of Bleadon's Settlement Boundary and the importance of why residents should consider responding to the North Somerset Local Plan Consulation due this year.
Strangely the Delegated Report also states:
"Bleadon is an infill village and is covered by a Neighbourhood Plan which does not identify the site for development purposes"
Yet residents have only seen an initial survey?
Bleadon Parish Council seems to have placed little importance on the Settlement Boundary over the last few years (most notably unopposing the large scale caravan park development). Considerations:
May 2009 (Min 213.27.4) Bleadon's Parish Plan was adopted.
Feb 2009 - a leaflet with a "summary of [103] key points from the Bleadon Action Plan 2009" was published, which states,"Through the Planning process vigorously question all development outside the Village Settlement … Ensure that all new development remains within the Village Settlement Boundary"
Apr APM 2017 Mins (Open Forum) states that "The Clerk confirmed once more that he could not find a copy of a [adopted] Parish Plan" and that the plan as "obsolete"?
23 July 2017 Settlement Boundary Update - "A Parishioner asked about North Somerset Core Strategy / Settlement Boundary and Bleadon regarded as an Infill Village. The Chairman asked Cllr Porter to provide an update on the Core Strategy. Cllr Porter provided an update on the core strategy and highlighted that remitted policies only provide limited weight and there is currently not a settlement boundary at this present time for Bleadon." (Min 297.4i)
05 Dec 2018 Settlement Boundary Review Consultation - BOB has approached BPC expressing our concern at the lack of BPC public consultation and information on this issue over the last 3 months. The change or loss of this Settlement Boundary could potentially make Bleadon a Service Village, i.e. the same as Backwell, ... BPC has chosen not to raise and discuss this issue over the last 3 months, in its previous 4 publicly held meetings, but instead has decided to add it to their 10 Dec Agenda (Min 317.12), i.e. after the public deadline for comments.
02 Apr 20 New pre-Local Plan Consultation - This phased consultation, aiming for implementation in January 2023, will affect the future of Bleadon as a Settlement/Infill Village, any Bleadon Neighbourhood Development Plan and the level of development that is expected to be built in Bleadon ... NB: There appears to be no submission by BPC, which is surprising seeing as it has been working on a Bleadon Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for nearly three years and proposed five unidentified anecdotal sites in their 2018-19 (pg2) and 2019-20 (Q26) NDP grant applications.
See also`:
- Previous Purn Way Application
- BOB Consultations Table
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