Wayacre Drove 50 Caravan Pitches Proposed

Posted on 29th December, 2020




UPDATE 01FEB21 - Applcation WITHDRAWN by Applicant.



A new application has been submitted "Land At Wayacre Drove Accommodation Road Bleadon",

"Change of use from a mixed agricultural and industrial to use as a caravan park for static and touring caravans."

The submitted Planning Statement indicates:

" It is proposed to develop 18 pitches for static caravans with the remainder of the site being utilised to provide space for 32 touring pitches"

The application was validated 11 Dec 20. The comments deadline is  26 January 2021. Here is the link to the application 20/P/2811/FUL on North Somerset Council Planning website. 


If you prefer to post your comments then the postal address is:

North Somerset Council

Development Management

Post Point 15

Town Hall


BS23 1UJ

If you do make comments on this BOB blog (below), please also make sure that they are made to, and appear on, the North Somerset website link as above. As otherwise they will be ignored by NSC.


Other considerations:

Previous information 2017:

Another Caravan/Mobile Home Park planned for Bleadon? A request to NSC on 15 December 2017 for an opinion on whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is needed (this will increase application cost), can only mean that there is an intention for a future planning application on green agricultural field(s) near Summerways Bridge off Accomodation Road! The agent (Urban Design Practice) is already active in other Bleadon application areas and in comments to the planning inspector has been critical of NSC and our Infill Village status that restricts development. This proposal could bring up to another 50 spaces to our area (see letter and OS Map and NSC response)


See also:

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