UPDATE 03JAN23 - 23/P/0007/MMA "Minor material amendment to 21/P/0527/OUT (Outline application for the erection of 14no. dwellings, with access and layout for approval and appearance, scale and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval) for the variation of condition 4 (approved plans) and condition 5 (Site Access and Visibility Splay) to allow for a revised access/visibility splay" - Not on BPC 16JAN23 Agenda?
UPDATE 08JUL22 - Decision GRANTED in line with North Somerset Council's Local Plan Preferred Options
UPDATE 15MAY21 & 20DEC21: BPC submit:
"Despite having approved the previous application the Council recognised the current objections of the residents and therefore recommended refusal on the grounds that it was (a) outside the settlement boundary (b) insufficient and inadequate vehicular access thus increasing a potental risk to pedestrians (c) infringing the West Mendip Way and (d) that the area was suscepiible to flooding and abounds a SSSI" (14MAY21)
A new outline application at Land Off Purn Way Bleadon, BS24 0QF (Validated 26 March 21)
"Outline application for the erection of 14no. dwellings, with access and layout for approval and appearance, scale and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval." (See Affordable Housing Statement and Ecological Impact Assessment)
This is an application for 10 Single Storey Bungalows and 4 Two Storey Dwelling Houses - site plan.
Comments deadline is 04 May 2021. Here is the link to the application 21/P/0527/OUT on North Somerset Council Planning website. [Agreed Expiry Date 31AUG21]
If you prefer to post your comments then the postal address is:
North Somerset Council
Development Management
Post Point 15
Town Hall
BS23 1UJ
If you do make comments on this BOB blog (below), please also make sure that they are made to, and appear on, the North Somerset website link as above. As otherwise they will be ignored by NSC.
See also:
- Previous Purn Way 14 Dwellings Refused
Make A Comment
Comments (1)
Peter Sanger