The clerk has confirmed that the current Reserves stood at £37K as of 31 Dec 22
UPDATE 16JAN23 - BPC set a budget and precept of £64K an 18.5% increase on last year (listen to the Budget discussion) Neither the Current nor Future Reserves were discussed? (See Dec Budget blog)
On Monday 16 Jan 22 at 7pm, BPC will be discussing its new version of the Budget, the Precept and associated Reserves.
The clerk has confirmed that the Reserves stood at £37K as of 31 Dec 22, down from £65K as of 01 Apr 22. The current value of the General Reserve/Current Account has not been stated (see 01APR22), nor how much has been committed to spent by 31 Mar 23. E.g. the £3K Neighbourhood Development Plan Reserve needs to be returned to the grant provider.
The clerk also confirmed that, “The proposed 2023-24 Budget V2 figures have not changed since being last circulated”. So it is assumed that the new budget still stands at £87K. This is despite the December discussion to reduce it by a least £20K, by deferring the Toilet Renovation project until the following year? NB the draft December 2022 minutes do not reflect Full Council’s discussion and agreement on this decision? (Dec 22 Min 357.7.4 - should be Min 358.7.4?)
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