NSC Corporate Plan Consultation October 2023

Posted on 9th October, 2023





Consultation Deadline 16 October 2023 at 5pm.




North Somerset Council's (NSC) Corporate Plan and budget development30 Aug 23

16 Oct 23 at 5pm

NSC "new leadership is mapping out its priorities for the next four years. We want to hear your views about what is most important and how council tax should be spent."

Overview and Corporate Plan and Budget


BOB Corporate Plan Consultation Response 


New NSC Corporate Plan & Budget Consultation (NSC)


NSC Corporate Plan Action Plan Consultation


What is North Somerset Council's plan for agriculture, food production and food security?


North Somerset is already covered with 'green' agriculture land


Dudley Stamp Land Use

NSC plan to cover fields with solar panels and developments?



(image incl Green Belt)

How will neighbouring Bristol, BANES & Sth Glos plans influence NSC's plans?


WECA Joint Green Strategy

Page 49 of the consultation states, "Proposals for wind turbines and solar photovoltaic arrays will be supported in principle within the Search Areas shown … and the proposed site is not within (land) grades 1, 2 or 3a(05FEB21))


How do NSC plans relate to the ambitious C40 City targets of NO Meat and NO Dariy by 2030

(NO private vehicles, 3 new clothes items per year, 1 short-haul return flight every 3 years)


Mayoral West of WECA


C40 City Mayors





UK Government WEF Partnership



Visit a public CONSULTATION MEETING this week only

ask North Somerset leaders about farming, food production, food security and cash


How does the North Somerset Council receive and spend resident's money?

"The Council is well on the way to ‘paperless’ and ‘cashless’ operation and is

beginning to make use of robotics and Artificial Intelligence"

Where NSC money comes from


NSC Budget Plan


How NSC money is spent




Public Meetings in buildings and mobile libraries:

"The leader of the council Mike Bell, and the Deputy Leader Catherine Gibbons, will be hosting a number of public engagement sessions throughout September and October to talk about the Corporate Plan and budget. No need to book, please just drop by.

  • Wednesday 20 September, Tithe Barn, Nailsea, 6.30pm onwards
  • Monday 25 September, Weston Museum, 6.00pm onwards
  • Wednesday 27 September, Folk Hall, Portishead, 6.30pm onwards
  • Monday 2 October, Hangstones Pavilion, Yatton, 6.00pm onwards
  • Wednesday 4 October, Town Hall, Weston, 6.00pm onwards
    • p7 Corporate Plan "Weston-super-Mare – our largest town is set to become the second biggest settlement in the West of England over the next decade." At this meeting Cllr Mike Bell, Leader of North Somerset Council, confirmed that this would be second to Bristol!
  • Monday 9 October, Castlewood, Clevedon, 6.30pm onwards

Executive members will also be joining our mobile libraries in October on the following dates to meet with residents and talk through issues and ideas. They will also have paper copies of the engagement survey if you would like one. No need to book, just turn up!

  • Wednesday 11 October, Winford - Main Layby, 11:35am - 12.20pm
  • Thursday 12 October, Banwell - Car park opposite the primary school, 2.40pm – 4.30pm
  • Friday 13 October, Long Ashton – Community Centre car park, 9.30am – 11.30am"


See also:

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